bixbite or “Red Emerald”: Meaning, Properties and Uses

Good morning collectors of minerals and precious stones, in this summarized post I will talk about a very interesting and highly coveted precious stone, the red emerald, and here you will learn what type of gem it is, its meaning, the properties it has and its applications.

What is the red emerald?

Let us bear in mind that the emerald gemstone is actually naturally green in color, and what is called a red emerald is actually a variety of beryl, therefore the red emerald stone does not exist in nature as such. It has been named that way due to confusion and because of its similarity to the natural emerald gem.

However, what is called a red emerald is actually a gem known as bixbite, being part of the beryl group. Beryl is a mineral that can appear in many colors, for example, green, blue, pink, yellow and red, red beryl is bixbite, and is misnamed red emerald.

Why is it red?

The red emerald owes its color to small traces or impurities of manganese in the chemical composition of the mineral. Let us remember that the natural emerald is green in color, however, manganese impurities cause the gem to take on an intense reddish hue. Thanks to this, this crystal is also known as scarlet emerald.

Physical properties and characteristics of bixbite

Below we show you a table with all the identifying properties of the gemstone. It is observed that its hardness on the Mohs scale is quite high, even reaching a value of 8. The red emerald or bixbite mineralogically belongs to the group of silicates, specifically to the cyclosilicates. You will find it in nature as hexagonal prismatic crystals.

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bixbite stoneProperties and characteristics
class, groupSilicates, Cyclosilicates (Beryl)
Colorintense red
luster or shineVitreous
diaphanousnesstransparent to translucent
Mohs hardness7.5 to 8
specific gravity2.7 to 2.8
Chemical compositionBe3Al2(SiO3)6
Crystalline systemHexagonal.Often as prismatic crystals.

Meaning of the red emerald or bixbite

The bisxbite is a gem or crystal related to love and the heart chakra. It is widely used as a protective stone for emotions and against negative emotions. It is believed that the crystal manages to strengthen love as a couple, friendship and boost self-esteem.

In several cultures of the American continent, bixbite was one of the most valued protective gems. Shamans and healers claimed it had soul-healing powers. In general, this stone symbolizes vitality, energy and love.

Energetic and metaphysical properties

  • This crystal is used to enhance vitality and to balance energy, also remember that it is associated with the heart chakra so it is used for emotional healing.
  • If you have lost love, you can use this gem to heal your heart or even to attract new emotions into your life.
  • In oriental culture it is known as the stone of the right moment. It is used to make appropriate decisions quickly and effectively.
  • It is believed that it helps you maintain vitality over time, to strengthen the relationship with your partner and with others.
  • It is believed to be an excellent protective stone against negativity, it is widely used to protect you from people who want to manipulate you.
  • It is also used to relieve stress, fatigue, and emotional imbalances. In many parts of the world it is a symbol of fertility.
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Uses of the red emerald

Uses in jewelry

Now you know that the bixbite or red emerald belongs to the select group of beryl. These gems are beautiful by nature, and for that reason they are widely used in the jewelry market. However, the deposits of these precious stones are quite small.

This mineral is characterized by being resistant to wear and because it has a unique color and clarity. Accessories such as rings, chains, pendants, earrings and necklaces can be created. It is more common to find it as a necklace since it is believed to have a positive influence on the heart chakra and to help emotions.

Uses as a gemstone and for collection

As the red beryl or the red emerald has already been mentioned, it is a very rare gemstone in nature, in fact it is rarer than the emerald stone itself. This quality makes it highly valued by mineral collectors who prefer to obtain it raw and not have it faceted.

It usually has sizes up to 2 centimeters long and is associated with pegmatites, because it is usually accompanied by other interesting mineral crystals such as crystalline quartz or even other varieties of beryl.

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