Euclase: Meaning, Properties and Uses

Euclase is an unusual mineral belonging to the group of silicates (nesosilicates). It was discovered in 1792 in the Orenburg Oblast, south of the Ural Mountains, in Russia.

The name comes from the Greek “eu”, which means well, and “clase”, which means to break, to describe the ease with which this mineral is cut. Although not a well-known gem, euclase is coveted by mineral collectors for its well-formed crystals and colors.

If you want to know much more about this gem, including its physical and chemical properties, its significance for popular cultures and its most important sites, this article is for you.

Properties and characteristics of the mineral euclase

Euclase stone is a hydroxylated aluminum beryllium silicate whose chemical formula is BeAlSiO4(oh). Its main colors are white, light to dark blue, teal, and yellow.

In some stones, the coloring is divided into light and deep blue, or simply blue and colorless. The hardness of this mineral is 7.5 on the Mohs scale, while the crystal system is monocyclic.

euclasePhysical and chemical properties
chemical classificationberyllium silicate
ColorMost euclase is colorless or white. However, its color ranges from blue to green to yellowish-green. Blue euclase is a favorite with gem and mineral collectors.
StreakWhite or colorless (when harder than stripe plate)
diaphanousnesstransparent to translucent
NecklinePerfect cleavage in one direction. Faces with cleavage sometimes have a pearly sheen. Conchoidal fracture.
Mohs hardness7.5
specific gravity3.0 to 3.1
diagnostic propertiesPrismatic crystals with obvious striations, perfect cleavage, color.Colored crystals are usually light in color and may be pleochroic.
Chemical compositionBeAlSiO4(OH)
crystal systemHexagonal
ApplicationsNo major industrial uses. High quality crystals are prized by mineral collectors. Specimens with good color and great clarity are faceted as gemstones for collectors.

Crystals are usually prismatic, often flattened and with drooping ends. In addition, they can appear doubly terminated and striated throughout.

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Crystals form individually, which means that crystal clusters are rare. The fracture of the mineral is conchoidal, its luster is vitreous and it can be from transparent to translucent.

Euclase stone meaning

In various cultures, euclase is a prized stone due to its power to transform negative thoughts into positive actions, as well as cleanse any malicious energy field around people.

It is believed that this gem may align emotional energy fields with soul energy. In this sense, the euclase is connected with the chakras of the heart, the third eye and the throat chakra, to facilitate the visualization of all situations, through act in a focused manner and communicate anything with complete honesty and clarity.

It is a stone that promotes inner wisdom, and allows you to understand when the right time is. to be guided by intuition.

It is important to note that these claims pertain to popular belief, not science. There is no scientific study that corroborates all the properties described above.

Origin, formation and deposits of the euclase gem

The occurrence of the euclase stone usually occurs in granitic pegmatites and metamorphosed mica schist along with other gems such as the beryl stone and the topaz stone.

It can be easily identified by the shape of its crystals, which can be confused only with celestite or barite, with the difference that the environment is unsuitable for these sulfates.

The euclase that erodes from bedrock and is sent downstream, can be found with gold in placer deposits.

The main deposits of euclase are located in Brazil, Australia, China, Austria, Colombia, Germany, Russia, Zimbabwe and the United States. Currently, the most important source of excellent quality euclase comes from Minas Gerais, Brazil.

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Uses of euclase stone

Despite being durable enough to be widely used in the jewelry industry, euclase with striking colors is unusual in low carats. Likewise, it is a complicated jewel to facet.

It is easy to cut, so it represents a problem for specialists in cutting gems. This characteristic reduces the stone’s durability and limits its adoption as a precious gem.

For these reasons, the euclase found in well-formed crystals with a variety of precious colors It is a true treasure for collectors. Pieces with these characteristics are among the most valued gems in the world at an economic level.

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