Serpentine: Meaning, Properties and Uses

Serpentine is a stone of balance and vitality. Fight emotional exhaustion, recharge our energies, align the Chakras and purify the physical body and the Aura.

Its vibration favors the rise of Kundalini energy and helps to regain control of our lives. It activates healing energies, helps resolve past life issues, and is believed to increase our longevity.

What is the serpentine?

Serpentine is called a group of minerals of similar origin and physical properties, complying with the following generalized formula (X)2-3(Y)2O5(OH)4, it is made up of more than 20 minerals, among them we have the lizardite, antigorite, chrysotile, among others.

They come in shades ranging from green to black and even white with a white stripe.

The hardness on the Mosh scale goes from 3 to 6, it is generally 4, with a specific gravity of 2.5 to 2.6, it is brittle, splintery and conchoidal, it has a greasy, waxy and silky shine. It shows fluorescence. It is opaque, rarely translucent.

The serpentine It is the result of hydrothermal metamorphism suffered by ultramafic rocks such as peridotite, which is composed of olivine.

The minerals that are part of the group of serpentine They generally present a monoclinic crystallization system, but it can also be seen that they crystallize in a triclinic system.

Serpentine Stone Meaning

It is thought that the serpentine stone helps a person get rid of negative feelings that occurred in the past.

The serpentine stone is an earthly stone, which favors meditation and spiritual exploration, because it purifies the Chakras and stimulates the Crown Chakra, activates psychic abilities and helps us understand the spiritual basis of life.

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Since ancient times, it is believed to be a stimulant for good lactation, and in Assyria, lactating women wore a rope with a streamer around their necks.

Physical properties and characteristics of the mineral

  1. Class: SILICATE
  2. Subclass: Phyllosilicate
  3. Group: Serpentine
  4. Geological setting: Hydrothermal metamorphism of ultramafic rocks.
  5. Associated rocks: Peridotites, dunite, pyroxenites
  6. Mineral ensemble: Serpentine, talc, calcite, magnetite, dolomite, olivine.
  7. Chemical formula: (Mg,Fe,Ni,Mn,Zn)2-3(Si,Al,Fe)2O5(OH)4
  8. Color: Green in various shades. It can also be presented in black, yellow and white.
  9. Lustre: Waxy, oily and silky.
  10. Stripe: White
  11. Cleavage: Imperfect
  12. Fracture: conchoidal, chipped.
  13. Tenacity: Brittle
  14. Hardness: 3 to 6
  15. Refractive index: nα: 1,529 – 1,595, nβ: 1,530 – 1,603, nγ: 1,537 – 1,604
  16. Fluorescence: Green – yellow
  17. Specific weight: 2.5 in fibrous variety to 2.6 in massive habit
  18. Crystal system: Monoclinic, triclinic
  19. Uses: Asbestos, precious stones, sculptures

Geological environment of the mineral

These minerals were formed when ultramafic or ultrabasic rocks characterized by their low silica content and composition of mafic minerals (amphiboles, pyroxenes and olivines) were in contact with hot fluids rich in HtwoOr, these rocks lie between the boundary of the base of the oceanic crust and the upper mantle.

Metamorphism occurs at convergent plate boundaries. The source of water comes from the sea, the same one that replaces the mafic minerals with serpentine minerals.

In carbonate rocks associated with calcite, olivine, dolomite and calcosilicate minerals by contact metamorphism, this occurs when the heat flow from a magmatic body comes into contact with carbonate rocks, resulting in the replacement of minerals.

These minerals are found in both metamorphic and igneous rocks.

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How to identify the serpentine

It can be identified by the greasy sensation that occurs when touching the mineral. For its green tones and conchoidal fracture. In addition, it presents green or yellow fluorescence.

Serpentine uses and applications

  • It has been used in the asbestos industry as a heat insulator due to its fibrous habit.
  • It is also in demand as a gemstone instead of jade because of its similar appearance. It is used in the field of jewelry.
  • You can carve sculptures and give ornamental uses to this mineral. Also, it can be replacement for green marble.
  • It is used as fertilizer.

Exploration and exploitation

The serpentine is found throughout the world in abundant form. For exploration it can be done with geophysics, with this method aeromagnetic and terrestrial magnetic surveys are carried out, the objective is to find and define the deposits that are associated with the secondary magnetite formed during serpentinization in ultra basic rocks.

Once the deposit is found, diamond drilling is carried out to define its limits, these deposits are characteristically large. Depending on the characteristics of the deposit, the exploitation method is selected.

The exploitation of this mineral has been carried out by underground and open-pit methods, with the open-pit being the best option, due to its advantages such as: greater safety of mining works, use of equipment and machinery of greater capacity, optimization of mining operations.

In Africa you can find mines that are exploited underground, as a consequence of the layout and shape of the deposit, the applied systems are sublevel stoping and caving.

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