How to clean, charge and energize the moonstone?

Moonstone is one of the most beautiful gemstones found in the earth’s crust because its brilliance simulates moonlight when reflected from water in the oceans or clouds in the sky. However, over time the stone needs to be cleaned so that it retains all its properties and benefits.

This article explains in a summarized and detailed way how you can clean, recharge and energize the moonstone, so that it preserves its beauty.

Advice on the care and cleaning of moonstone

  • Despite the fact that moonstone has a hardness on the Mohs scale of 6 to 6.5, it is considered a moderately wear resistant mineral, therefore, it is recommended that you clean the gem using a soft bristle brush or a not very abrasive flannel.
  • Moonstone is a feldspar mineral so strong acids and detergents can easily damage its structure, so It is recommended that you only use lukewarm water to wash it., you can too use water with a little salt and a little soap only if the stone has stains that are difficult to dissolve.
  • If you notice that the stone is quite stained on the outside, you can leave it in soak overnight in water with a little soap and the next day remove the residue with a soft bristle brush.
  • Avoid taking heavy blows to moonstone as it may break along its planes of weakness or cleavage. This mineral with strong blows can break into several pieces along its inner planes of weakness, so be careful when playing sports or in your daily activities.
  • Remember to avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and heat. Moonstone may have small impurities in its chemical composition that can change the gem’s color when exposed to prolonged heat or sunlight.
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How to energetically clean the moonstone?

Moonstone is a gem widely used as an amulet because it is believed to have various energetic, magical, and metaphysical properties that help fight stress, anxiety and negative energies. It is also said to attract good luck, prosperity, and to bring mental and emotional balance.

In addition, the moonstone is very famous since for hundreds of years shamans and healers have used it as a amulet that supposedly manages to enhance and awaken fertility in women, is also related to the mother love and self esteem.

Due to this, the stone with the passing of time accumulates all the energies, both positive and negative, and it is very necessary to clean it energetically so that it continues to provide all the benefits to its users. Next, we explain how you can clean the moonstone energetically.

  • Using a small stream, spring, or waterfall : One of the best ways to clean moonstone it is washing it with the natural water that mother earth offers us. The water will take away all the bad energies and will make the positive energies strengthen. Wash it for at least 1 minute.
  • You can bury the stone in the nearest forest floor : Another way to purge the bad energies accumulated in the moonstone is by burying it in the forest or jungle floor. Here the bad energies will be transported to the center of the planet and will be eliminated.
  • You can use incense and salt water : An excellent way to clean your moonstone is with the help of incense smoke of your choice and leaving it soaked for 12 hours with water and salt. Bad energies will accumulate in the salt that you must discard, while the gem will remain as new.
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How to recharge and energize the moonstone?

Very well, you have already physically and energetically cleansed the moonstone, so it is time to recharge it so that all its positive properties help its user, in addition, this will help you to use the stone as an amulet for fertility.

  • Use the new moon or full moon to recharge the moonstone : Take advantage of the fact that in these lunar cycles all the positive energies that come from the moonbeams will be trapped inside the moonstone. Also, the negative energies that are in the gem will be displaced towards the ground.

To recharge the moonstone you can take advantage of the aforementioned methods such as using natural water, burying the stone or even letting it rest in salt water for 12 hours taking advantage of the full moon or new moon rays.

How will you use the moonstone

Have you already cleaned, recharged and energized your moonstone? Then it is time to use it to obtain various benefits such as:

  • Amulet stone for fertility
  • Stone that helps combat stress and anxiety
  • Amulet that helps to obtain balance of the body, mind and soul

It is recommended that you look through the moonstone trying to concentrate on its bluish light, then you should hold the stone in your hands and start meditation, take advantage of bringing the gem to the position of the third eye and throat, concentrate and you will be able to obtain mental clarity, intuition, love and combat negative emotions.

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