A complete Glossary about Geology

Geological phenomena, energy, rocks and precious stones explained with pears and apples


  • Malachite: Meaning, Properties and Uses

    Malachite is a mineral from the group of carbonates, with the chemical formula Cu2(CO3) (OH)2, it is the most common secondary mineral found in the oxidized zones of copper deposits, associated with azurite, cuprite, copper native, bornite, calcite, chalcopyrite and a variety of iron oxides, its use is widespread as a minor copper ore, precious…

  • Cyanite or Kyanite Stone: Meaning, Properties and Uses

    Kyanite is one of the rarest minerals and gemstones in nature, all due to its origin and formation related to very extreme high-pressure geological environments only found at convergent plate boundaries and collisions between continents. These conditions have endowed it with unique properties and characteristics, and even people who believe in the metaphysical and energetic…

  • Pyrolusite: Properties, characteristics and uses

    Pyrolusite owes its name to a combination of words from the Greek “Pyr” fire “Louein” to wash, because this mineral was once used as the main chemical agent in the removal of green and brown tints in the manufacture of glass. What is pyrolusite? Pyrolusite is a mineral that belongs to the group of oxides…

  • Yellow diamonds: Properties, characteristics and meaning

    Among the precious gems provided by planet Earth, yellow diamonds stand out for their brilliance and incomparable beauty. Plus, it’s one of the most common diamonds, popular for its sublime brilliance and unprepossessing prices. The yellow diamond crystal discovered in Yakutia (Siberia), by the Anabara Company, a subsidiary of ALROSA. In the image you can…

  • How are Diamonds Formed? Beginners Guide

    Did you know that diamond is the hardest mineral in the world?. This mineral is so enigmatic and valuable that stories have been created around it, many of them affirm that the diamond originates or comes from the natural metamorphism of coal or by increasing the natural pressure of the graphite geological environment, but is…

  • Spinel Stone: Meaning, Properties and Uses

    The Spinel gem is one of nature’s most outstanding precious and semi-precious stone variants. It is important that you know all its properties, characteristics and uses, especially if you are a collector. For this reason, pay the utmost attention to the information we have for you. What is the mineral Spinel? Spinel mineral consists of…

Chemical Elements

  • Nitrogen: Understanding its Properties, characteristics and Uses

    Nitrogen is a chemical element of the periodic table that belongs to the group of nonmetals and group 15 (Va). It is considered as a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas and its importance lies in the fact that it is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere, since it makes up at least 78% of…

  • The 10 most important uses of antimony

    If we wanted to talk about a semimetal that has been present on earth since the beginning of humanity, antimony would undoubtedly top the list. In fact, although it is hardly found naturally on earth, it is estimated that man has used this semi-metal for more than 8 centuries. Learn more about the uses of…

  • Top 10 Cadmium Uses, Benefits and Safety

    Welcome to this informative article where we are going to describe the uses of cadmium. In this way, you will be able to know all the benefits that this chemical offers to the industry and to humanity. For this reason, pay great attention to the practical applications of one of the most relevant elements. What…

  • The 10 most important uses of lithium and its benefits

    Welcome to this post where we are going to explain the uses of lithium that you probably did not know. Lithium one of the most important elements of nature for humanity. For this reason, we invite you to pay the utmost attention to all the details that we will be developing in this informative article.…

  • Top 10 Bismuth Uses: From Alloys to Radiation Protection

    Despite the fact that it is a little-known metal, its surprising characteristics make it an element widely used by man. Bismuth is one of the first chemical elements to be discovered, and in the past it used to be confused with others such as lead or tin, since they have several characteristics in common. Bismuth…

  • The 10 Most Important Uses of Germanium and its Benefits

    If you are not yet aware of the uses of germanium in society, this is the article for you. At this time, we will be describing the applications of one of the most important chemical components. For this reason, we invite you to pay great attention to how the germanium industry is used. What is…

Natural Resources