Rainbow Obsidian: Meaning, Properties and Uses

Rainbow obsidian consists of a rather beautiful and striking type of rock, thanks to the fact that, as its name indicates, its surface reflects a variety of colors like a rainbow; reason for which it is a highly demanded and precious stone.

We must say that the rainbow obsidian mineral is a rock that has been used since ancient times thanks to its different benefits and utilities, being used today in the area of jewelry for the production of amulets and tendrils thanks to its attractiveness.

It is considered to be a volcanic rock, but also because it is composed entirely of volcanic glass, it is also considered to be a mineraloid, and is part of the obsidian group..

Physical properties

TYPE OF ROCKFelsic, volcanic, igneous
MINERAL ACCESSORIESHematites, feldspar
COLOURBlack, brown, red


The rainbow obsidian ore, is a rock that forms from the cooling of volcanic magma, resulting in a stone with a crystalline surface. This particular rock, depending on how light reflects off its surface, can project a diverse number of colors.

Among the colors that can be found on its surface we highlight green, violet, red and yellow. These colors are due to the gases that have been trapped inside it during the crystallization process to which it is subjected.

Is rainbow obsidian gemstone It gets this color thanks to the amount of magnetite trapped inside. Originally it is known by the name “Huichol mantle”.

Regarding the meaning given to this stone, we can say that it is a mineral that symbolizes the truth, encouraging everyone who wears it to also be brave and face all their fears and hidden gifts.

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This is a unique rock of its kind and in addition to symbolizing the truth, it has different protective and healing benefits that can be used by anyone who uses it.


Regarding the characteristics that this handles rainbow obsidian ore, we can highlight that it has an amorphous texture to the touch and a shiny appearance. It has an approximate weight of 2.6.

Regarding the hardness of this stone, it maintains the same as the rest of the obsidians belonging to its family, this being between 5 and 6 on the Mohs scale. This is also a type of igneous volcanic rock.

Due to its conchoidal shape, it is a stone that has rough edges that in ancient times were used to cut things, making it ideal as a weapon.

Finally, we can say of this rock that it has extra minerals such as feldspar and only grows in deposits located in Mexico and the United States.


In addition to having multiple features, the rainbow obsidian gemstone It is a rock that has multiple beneficial properties in many aspects, some of which are the following:

Esoteric properties

The rainbow obsidian ore It has many properties for the physical and mental of the body. In case of its properties for the body, it is often used for the treatment of heart diseases.

It is also used to detoxify the body and help with any eating disorder. She is useful for improving the functioning of the organs and at the same time helping the blood circulation to them.

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The rainbow obsidian It is ideal for treating bones, which is why many consider it an effective option for treating muscle and bone problems, just like the rest of its obsidian sisters.

As for the spiritual part, it is ideal for treating all kinds of mental disorders, from depression to confusion of mind. It is said to be a stone with the power to heal the soul, sharpen the mind, and erase old memories.

Protective properties

Like any obsidian, the rainbow stone serves as a protection against negative energies, being one of the most powerful magnets for this. Likewise, it is extremely useful to protect our loved ones from any evil.

Uses of this stone

The rainbow obsidian gemstone, in addition to containing multiple properties, it is useful in various aspects already known by the family of this type of rock. Among these we can highlight:

Gem therapy

The rainbow obsidian, when found in its base color, is extremely useful for treating sexual disorders, especially in women, where it is usually used raw or cabochon, the latter being the most frequent of all.


Like any other gemstone, this rainbow obsidian ore It is widely used in jewelry to make earrings, necklaces and even bracelets, thus more easily carrying the protection that this stone can provide.

magical uses

This stone is also widely used by witches and by those who make inquiries, being especially effective for people with a Capricorn sign.

Rainbow Obsidian Benefits

The rainbow obsidian ore It has multiple benefits that can be used by anyone, such as providing clarity to see those truths that are difficult to face, but necessary to grow and improve.

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This stone will allow us to recognize the negative energies that we keep inside us, such as grudges and traumas, to gradually heal them and overcome them to move forward.

It allows us to provide protection not only to the physical, but also to the spiritual and our aura, so that we can always emerge victorious from any situation and allow us to see and take advantage of our strengths or virtues.

How to clean it?

As it is a stone in charge of attracting and repelling energies, it is important that it be cleaned from time to time so that this stone can continue to do its job without any difficulty.

For this, it is necessary to submerge it in a glass container with mineral water and sea salt for at least 24 hours, as well as it is important to clean the entire area since it is a stone that is nourished by what is around it..

Another option for cleaning this rainbow obsidian stone, is to leave it in the light of the full moon for at least two or three full nights, this being the most recommended option by all rock experts.

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