White Gold: Meaning, Properties and Uses

If you collect precious and semi-precious stones, metals and jewelry items, white gold is a must. Next, we are going to describe its characteristics, properties, uses and meaning so that you are more familiar with this variety of the chemical element.

What is white gold?

White gold is an alloy of various metals, where pure or yellow native gold is the main element. The composition changes depending on the materials that are going to be used, as well as the final economic cost that you want to achieve. The most used metals are nickel, palladium and silver.

The white color gold it has become popular in the market as a cheaper alternative to platinum. Despite being much cheaper than garments made of that material, it could also be quite a bit more expensive than Yellow gold, depending on metal alloy.

How many carats does white gold have?

One of the best ways to recognize the white variant of gold is through the karat markings. These are shown on the garment through the letters K and KT, which indicate the purity of the gold. The most common for the white color is 18 carats, which indicates that it has a 75% gold purity.

There are few garments that have 24 carats, which in themselves would be made of pure gold, and in this case it would not change the yellow color. The lower the carats of the garment, the lower its price.

Metal properties

First of all, its hue is silver, which is why it is often confused with silver garments. At the same time, there are those who sell silver products offering them as White gold and cheating their buyers. For this reason, it is important that you learn to identify metal.

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This element of nature is corrosion resistant and much harder than pure gold, though less so than platinum. It is also quite light in weight, it is very ductile, easy to work Y perfectly malleable. Its melting point is 1554 degrees Celsius, which would be lower than platinum.

How to recognize white gold

Recognizing if a garment is silver or gold is not easy, especially for untrained eyes. The best thing to do is go to a jewelry specialist, who would certify the garment purity. However, there are some tricks that will help you tell if a piece is legitimate.

One of the easiest of all is to use nitric acid, and there is a specific derivative for testing gold. It consists of canisters filled with this substance that are used to determine if a garment is authentic.

To begin, the gold must be scratched so that the liquid penetrates below the rhodium coating. A little bit of nitric acid is spilled on the garment and after this one of three things can happen. Firstly, for very low carats, the trace of gold is dissolved, being a false garment.

If the mark does not disappear, but changes color slightly, the carats are media. Lastly, the major carats they do not generate any change.

Meaning of the metal white gold

White is a color that transmits tranquility, purity and good taste, so it is associated with the peace. At the same time, since the garments made of this material are more expensive, it is related to the value of love.

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Many couples look for engagement rings and wedding bands made from the white variant of gold.

Uses of white gold

Obviously, its most practical and widespread use is in the jewelry world, thanks to its excellent properties. It is highly appreciated in the industry, since it allows the manufacture of numerous attractive garments for any taste. However, it is important to note that the type of jewel changes according to the alloy.

A mix of gold with nickel is the most accurate for rings and pins. Similarly, the mixture of gold with palladium It is perfect for working with gems, much more if they areemerald, ruby stoneand sapphire stone.

Apart from the field of jewelry, it also has other applications at an industrial level, unlike yellow gold. It is used for the manufacture of certain computer elements present in graphics cards, keyboards and processors. This is due to its high electrical conductivity and hardness.

How to clean white gold garments?

It is essential that you use a micro fiber cloth completely clean so as not to cause scratches on the surface. At times, the white color of the gold is lost, creating a light yellow layer. Applying a bit of rhodium is more than enough to restore the distinctive hue.

It is also possible to apply home remedies, such as soap removes fat, White vinegar Y sodium bicarbonate. Make a mixture with water of any of these products and scrub with the already indicated cloth.

What is better, white gold or yellow gold?

The answer to this question is relative, because it all depends on what you are looking for. The Yellow gold it’s purer and, for many people, somewhat more elegant. On the other hand, its white variant is much more resistant and, depending on the type of alloy material, it is even of higher quality.

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If palladium is used, the garment will be more expensive and resistant than a conventional one, since it is a very scarce metal. Be that as it may, it is time to go to a jewelry store and get your own gold copy.

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