Dioptase: Meaning, Properties and Uses

Dioptase is a mineral belonging to the group of silicates, specifically to the subgroup of cyclosilicates. It was named in the year 1797, and its name comes from the Greek dia, which means “through”, and optasia, which means “to see”, alluding to the visibility of the internal division planes within the transparent to translucent crystals of the stone.

It is one of the crystals best appreciated by collectors due to its green coloration and its brilliance. On this occasion, we will show you all the physicochemical properties of this mineral, its formation, the most important deposits and its uses.

Properties and characteristics of the mineral dioptase

Dioptase stone is a hydrated copper silicate whose chemical formula is Cu6Si6O18 6H2O. Its main color is deep emerald green, with variations between dark green and bluish green.

The hardness of this mineral is 5 on the Mohs scale. while its crystalline system is hexagonal. In multiple crystals, rhombohedral and pointed ends can be found. The luster of this gem is vitreous to adamantine, and is usually transparent to almost opaque.

DioptasePhysical and chemical properties
class, groupSilicate, Cyclosilicate
Chemical formulaCu6Si6O18 6H2O
Compositionhydrated copper silicate
ColorDeep emerald green, dark green, teal
Mohs hardness5
crystalline systemHexagonal
TransparencyTransparent to nearly opaque
specific gravity3.3 – 3.4
GlossVitreous Adamantine
Most striking featuresDistinctive Color and Crystal Habits
EnvironmentAs a secondary mineral in hydrothermal replacement copper deposits.

Most of the occurrences include doubly terminated crystals, short and stocky, but can also present as prismatic and elongated pieces.

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Usually, the crystals form in dense and interconnected groups, although they can also be individual and isolated. The glass can be botryoidal, drusy, radiant, grainy, encrusting, and massive.

Meaning and spiritual properties of the dioptase stone

Esoteric belief holds that the mineral dioptase represents an amulet of protection on an emotional level, since it can help to renounce negative situations driven by fear, pain, depression, anxiety, hatred and, in general, any feelings stemming from trauma.

It is believed that the dioptase gem can generate “calming” waves of vital energy to strengthen the emotional “I”. Consequently, the person will have greater self-confidence and will be able to face any situation with courage.

Anyone struggling with emotional pain you can use this gem. It is claimed that the stone will teach the wearer a lesson in patience and inner peace like no other gem can.

It is important to clarify that none of these claims is based on scientific studies. They simply respond to beliefs founded by different cultures.

Origin, formation and deposits of the mineral dioptase

The mineral dioptase is an unusual stone that found mainly in desert regions, in which it forms as a secondary mineral in oxidation zones of copper sulfide mineral deposits.

Its formation process is complex, but the oxidation of copper sulfides should suffice for the material to crystallize. Oxidation of sulfides will create fluids rich in sulfuric acid.

In dry climates and prolonged exposure, smaller amounts of silica can react with copper, creating dioptase and chrysocolla.

The most important locality, for its large crystals, is Altyn-Tyube, in Kazakhstan. However, exceptional crystals can also be found at Tsumeb, a town in Namibia. Kaokoveld copper mines, Namibia, have also produced outstanding crystals of this mineral. Other important towns are Republic of the Congo, Argentina and the United States.

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Dioptase Gem Uses

Dioptase stone is popular with collectors, and can occasionally be cut into gems that look similar to gems. emeralds. Dioptase stones should never be exposed to ultrasonic cleaning as they can break due to their brittleness.

At the industrial level, can be used as ground pigment in paint preparation. However, this application is not usual.

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