Planet Earth

Earth’s Atmosphere and its Layers: Beginners Guide

Join us to discover the enigmatic atmosphere, learn its importance and function, its characteristics, properties, its composition and layers (structure), welcome to the world of the outer layer of the earth that allows life on our planet. What is the earth’s atmosphere? The terrestrial atmosphere is a combination or mixture of gases that are stable […]

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Alfred Wegener’s Theory of Continental Drift and its Evidence

Although the continental drift theory had not been developed until the 1960s, it was expounded in the early 20th century by a revolutionary young German scientist named Alfred Wegener. This young scientist had noticed that the “coasts of Africa and South America seemed to fit together like puzzle pieces” even though they were separated by

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Mohorovicic Discontinuity: what it is and how it was discovered

The Mohorovicic discontinuity is known at the boundary between the Earth’s crust and the Earth’s mantle, and helps define the thickness of the oceanic and continental crust. Thus, it is defined that the thickness of the oceanic crust is on average 8 km while that of the continental crust is approximately 32 km. Although it

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Exploring the Boundaries, Depth, and Thickness of the Lithosphere

In this article you will learn everything that is currently known about the lithosphere (the rigid layer that makes up the tectonic plates of the world), its characteristics, parts, function and importance. What is the lithosphere? The lithosphere or lithosphere is the outermost layer of the planet earth in the dynamic model of the layers

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Troposphere: Characteristics, importance and functions

This article explains all the characteristics, functions, composition and importance of the troposphere, one of the most important outer layers of the planet earth and the layer of the atmosphere closest to the earth’s crust. What is the troposphere? The troposphere or troposphere is the most superficial or lowest layer that belongs to the layers

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The Biosphere: Understanding and Protecting the Earth’s Living Layer

The biosphere It is a system made up of all living beings on the planet and their interrelationships. This includes organisms in the living environment, as well as the living environment in the organism. Practically, said system refers to the space where the development of life takes place. We can say with certainty that the

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