11 Reasons that Shows the Importance of the Atmosphere

Let us remember that the atmosphere consists of a mixture of gases that surrounds the planet earth and fulfills various functions in each of its layers, for this reason its importance for life, for the proper functioning of the planet and for various activities of living beings. it is indisputable.

Although it only looks like a structure and mixture of gases that surrounds the earth, the truth is that the atmosphere meets with a very important role so that life can be generated and conserved on our blue planet.

Here are 11 reasons why the atmosphere is important.

Importance of the atmosphere in the water cycle

Thanks to the atmosphere and specifically in the troposphere, the water that exists on the planet can continuously circulate everywhere, in what is called the water cycle.

As we already know, water is the element of life, all living beings (plants, animals, microorganisms) need water to live and fulfill their functions in the cycle of life.

It is thanks to the atmosphere that clouds continually form and there is a suitable climate or environment for water to be transported from one place to another.

Protects us from ultraviolet (UV) rays

Ultraviolet rays in themselves are dangerous and that is why it is recommended to use sunscreen, because they can cause serious burns and even skin cancer.

Now, it is thanks to the atmosphere, specifically in the STRATOSPHERE where there is a large amount of ozone.

The ozone present absorbs the greatest amount of ultraviolet rays that come from the sun and from space, thus protecting the life of all living beings that inhabit the earth.

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That is why very low amounts of RAYS (UV) reach us and only with a sunscreen we can overcome this inconvenience.

thank you atmosphere

Importance of the atmosphere in agriculture and soil

Basically the soil is composed of solid material, gases and water, the atmosphere contributes with the gases and water that make it possible for the fertility of the soil to be maintained and suitable for plants, vegetables and food to grow.

Importance of the atmosphere in airplane flight

As seen in the initial image on the layers of the atmosphere, it is at the limit between the troposphere and stratosphere that planes can fly stably and transport people and many other products such as food.

Regulates the temperature of the planet

Carbon dioxide (CO2) allows the heat and temperature of the planet to remain stable, and this helps the life of plants, animals, and microorganisms to prosper.

Obviously we must take care to keep the percentage of CO2 stable over time to avoid global warming and pollution of the atmosphere.

Protect Earth from meteors and space junk

Although it seems that they are only gases and, as is known, gases are easy to pass through, in fact it is thanks to the gases in the atmosphere that meteors and space debris (fragments of space rocks) do not reach the earth’s surface.

By having to go through several layers at different temperatures, these meteors or space stones usually disintegrate with the help of friction between the rocks and gases in the atmosphere.

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Here the molecules are in constant motion and collide with the meteors that due to their speed disintegrate and do not reach the earth.

Contains oxygen for life

Oxygen (O2) is the second most abundant gas in the atmosphere and above all it is concentrated in the troposphere, taking into account that the largest number of organisms, plants and living beings are located in the troposphere, so they always take advantage of the available oxygen.

It is thanks to the atmosphere that this oxygen exists, available for all of us to survive and for the oxygen cycle to occur, similar to the water cycle.

Importance of the atmosphere in combustion

Basically the atmosphere allows combustion.

Similarly, oxygen favors the creation of combustion (Fire) on the surface of the earth and this helps us for many energy and industrial activities and to have healthy food.

Importance of the atmosphere in the planet’s climate

The planet’s climate is given by the interaction of wind, water, solar rays and gases in the atmosphere, especially in the troposphere. Therefore, it is thanks to the existence of the atmosphere that there are different types of climates on the planet.

These climates ensure that water reaches different regions and allows life, the recharge of rivers, the growth of plants.

It also maintains cold climates in the polar regions, keeping the fauna of those regions in balance.

Importance of the atmosphere for life and living beings

Living beings depend on ideal environmental conditions to survive and it is thanks to the atmosphere that these conditions can exist on our planet.

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For example, the atmosphere maintains the tropical regions, the cold regions of the poles, the desert regions where many species of animals and plants live.

The atmosphere and biogeochemical cycles

The biogeochemical cycles they are fundamental biological, geological and chemical processes that allow all chemical elements and nutrients to transit around the planet and to living things such as plants, animals and humans.

It is thanks to the atmosphere that these cycles can occur and the chemical elements and nutrients can be transported through the water, the air that is generated from the atmosphere.

Importance of the atmosphere in the rock cycle

In this case, the atmosphere is important in the rock cycle because it allows the rocks to wear away through weathering through the generation of rain and wind. This causes sediments to be generated that later form part of the soil that in turn are used for many activities of human beings, plants and animals.

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