The 10 most important uses of lithium and its benefits

Welcome to this post where we are going to explain the uses of lithium that you probably did not know. Lithium one of the most important elements of nature for humanity. For this reason, we invite you to pay the utmost attention to all the details that we will be developing in this informative article.

What is lithium used for?

Lithium is a univalent and highly reactive alkali metal, used mainly in heat-conducting alloys and electric batteries. It has also been given medical uses to treat disorders of the mind. But before analyzing all its applications, it is appropriate that you know a little about this metal.

In lithium consists a chemical element of the periodic table which is symbolized by the initials Li. It belongs to atomic number 3 and is part of the alkaline elements. It is a soft metal in its pure form, slightly silvery white in color and oxidizes rapidly in water or air.

Over the years, advances in technology have made it possible to use this element in different fields. For this reason, we describe below the 10 most prominent uses of lithium.

In electric batteries of cell phones and electric cars

The lithium electric batteries They are well known in society for being long lasting. This is achieved thanks to its high electrochemical potential, which makes lithium an ideal anode for electrical energy.

Due to these characteristics and properties, lithium extraction worldwide is increasing to form part of the growing demand for lithium batteries for cell phones and batteries for electric cars.

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Uses for its specific thermal capacity

The lithium it’s a alkali metal which has a really high specific heat, compared to other metals. Therefore, it is used in the application of heat transfer.

Uses of lithium in the metallurgical industry

Lithium is seen in the metallurgical industry as an active element and remover of impurities. This metal is used to refine nickel, copper, zinc, iron and their corresponding alloys. It manages to eliminate non-metallic elements, such as nitrogen, carbon, suffers, oxygen, hydrogen and halogens.

Uses as lithium salts

The lithium salts, specifically citrate and carbonate, are used to treat mania, bipolar, depression, and various other and psychopathologies. Actually, lithium is an excellent mood stabilizer. It has several mechanisms of action that allow patients to be treated effectively.

First, block the dopamine release and hypersensitivity of dopamine receptors. It also blocks results from the neuron postsynaptic, avoiding the reuse of phosphates that activate the release of calcium.

Finally, it replaces sodium in the synaptic channel, making the action potential smaller. As a result, the patient manages to get calm.

Uses of lithium as stearate

The lithium stearate It is one of the most used derivatives in the industry, since it is an excellent lubricating substance. Its general purpose is in high temperature applications.

Uses of lithium in the chemical field

Lithium is one of the most effective agents used in the chemical industry for synthesize organic compounds. Scientists use this element for ligand coordination through the lithiated intermediate.

As lithium hydroxide

Lithium hydroxide is one of the fundamental compounds for maritime and space industries. It is a product that manages to purify the air, eliminating the carbon dioxide present in the environment.

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Uses of lithium in aeronautics

As already mentioned, lithium can be used as an alloying and purifying metal. However, it is also intended for alloying with aluminum, copper, manganese and cadmium for the aeronautical construction, which is characterized by its high resistance.

Other uses of lithium

In recent years it has been used successfully for the manufacture of lenses and ceramics. Likewise, it has been used for the construction of telescope crystals, nuclear applications, laboratory reactions and the production of synthetic rubber.

Finally, in the pharmaceutical industry many specialists use their compounds to offer effective treatments to their patients.

Precautions when using lithium

As with any alkali metal, lithium in its pure state is flammable and explosive. In the same way, it is corrosive, so the means of handling must be the correct ones. It is not advisable to use this product at home, unless you have scientific and chemical knowledge appropriate.

The great uses of lithium

Without a doubt, lithium is one of the most important elements of the periodic table for the planet. This alkaline metal is used for the manufacture and construction of numerous essential objects and surfaces in society. Of course, it requires a cautious driving and with the precise amounts so as not to generate catastrophic side effects.

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