Sun Stone, Meaning, Properties and What is it for?

Within the vast world of different types of precious stones, the one known as the sun stone is one of the most fascinating specimens that exists on our planet. This precious gem manages to dazzlingly reflect sunlight almost as if you were holding a small sun in your hands and some people refer to it as “heliolite”.

No other mineral in nature has the beauty, properties, meaning and characteristics that the solar stone has; In this article we briefly explain all these details.

What is its color and beauty due to?

The bright colors and flashes that occur in the sun stone they are due to inclusions of hematite, ilmenite, goethite and copper; This optical property is called aventurescence and that is why it is also known as feldspar aventurine either golden rain stone.

These inclusions make the Sun stone be a beautiful gem that reflects the sun’s rays in a very special way and gives the mineral a brilliant frost-like appearance unique in nature, very similar to the varieties of aventurine stone.

Types of sun stone

It has already been mentioned that the Sun stone It is a mineral from the feldspar group, however, it must be understood that not all feldspars can form a sunstone that meets the characteristics to be considered as a precious stone.

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The Sun stone it can only form in microclines, oligoclases and sometimes in labradorites and orthoclases. Those minerals are part of the feldspar and plagioclase group and must have golden or orange inclusions within a translucent crystalline mass.

Properties and characteristics of solar stone

The Sun stone It presents a very complex chemical formula enriched in sodium, aluminum, calcium and sometimes potassium. It is characterized by having impurities or inclusions of hematite, ilmenite, goethite and copper that give it golden, pink, orange, brown and reddish colors; Furthermore, these inclusions reflect sunlight as bright sparkles.

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The sun stone It is characterized for being a precious stone that is moderately resistant to wear and tear, since it has a hardness on the Mohs scale of 6 to 6.5; however, the mineral is cleavage and could not withstand heavy blows.

For people who believe in the energetic and spiritual properties of precious stones, it is said that the solar stone manages to unblock the solar plexus and sacral chakras, in addition, it is recommended for people with the zodiac sign Aries and Leo.

Sun stoneProperties, Characteristics and Meaning
Ore typeSilicate, Feldspar (Microcline, Oligoclase, Labradorite, Orthoclase)
Chemical formulaNa(AlSi3O8)Ca(Al2Si2O8)
ColorGold, Pink, Orange, Brown, Reddish
InclusionsHematite, ilmenite, copper
Optical propertyadventurescence, sparkles
Lustre/ClearnessVitreous, Translucent
Mohs hardness6 to 6.5
Meaning, benefitsVitality, leadership, wealth, creativity, strength, commitment, optimism, happiness, confidence, determination.
Zodiac signAries and Leo
chakrasSolar plexus and sacral chakra
Price3cm stone is over USD25

Spiritual meaning of the sun stone

This precious gem has been historically linked to the energy of the sun that by nature sustains life on our planet, basically it is the spiritual representation of energy, heat, light and source of life. The stone of the sun is also considered a symbol of leadership, joy, vitality, optimism, determination and is believed to inspire its wearer to make the most of every stage of their life.

In Egyptian mythology, the Sun stone played an interesting role, it was believed that the gem fell to the planet from the sun when solar eclipses occurred and that it was a gift from the God Ra. On the other hand, in the culture of the Vikings, the sun stone was known as a tool to find the correct way in the hills, mountains and the vast jungles as a compass. Finally, in American cultures they believed that the gem had great healing properties and that it brought happiness to the wearer throughout their lives.

The sun stone is considered as one of the most important gems and lucky charms, because it is related to the majesty of the sun. Currently, it is a symbol of success and wealth. In addition, it is widely used as amulet to attract good luck, abundance and provide positive energy.

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Energetic properties and benefits of solar stone

The sun stone has a direct influence on empowerment, independence and freedom. It is said that it will work as an amulet to make good decisions at work, in business and in love, that is to say that it is a stone that attracts success.

It is believed that it promotes leadership, thanks to the gem you will be able to bring out your abilities, strength and you will be able to successfully face the difficulties of daily living. In addition, you will be a warm, assertive and kind person, with a desire to live and who awakens happiness wherever you go.

It is also said that the sun stone awakens creativity and inspiration, thanks to this you will be a more productive person and with many good ideas. It is believed that the stone will awaken hidden talents.

The stone of the sun will be an energetic source that will attract happiness, prosperity, optimism, good luck and vitality.

Sun stone and the chakras

The Sun stone is directly linked to the solar plexus and sacral chakras. Thanks to this, it is believed that the person who owns this gem will be able to enhance your creativity, to better express your emotions, to enjoy every moment of your life. In addition, you will feel empowered and will have the decision to meet your goals as your self-confidence will grow.

Healing and emotional properties

For hundreds of years, cultures worldwide have affirmed that the solar stone achieves the balance of all the organs of the body for their proper functioning. Additionally, the gem is believed to enhance rapid self-healing.

In European cultures the stone of the sun is used to treat some throat ailments, tension and stomach problems. It is worth mentioning that the stone only works as a source that transmits positive energy.

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In American cultures the gem is used to combat sleeping problems, nightmares, stress and nocturnal phobias. Also, keep in mind that the stone is believed to increase self-confidence, wisdom and it is believed that it helps us to give love and receive affection from other people, so it is also used to enhance loving and family relationships.

Where to find sun stone? deposits and geology

The most amount of sun stone minerals they have been found associated with basalt lava flows. Sunstones are found as phenocrysts, forming the mineral texture of basalt rocks.

It is uncommon for sun stone crystals They form in large quantities within the basalts, however, in the deposits found they have been found in pegmatite-like structures at the edges of lava flows.

The most important Deposits are found in: Australia, Canada, China, SRI Lanka, Congo, India, Mexico, Norway, Russia, Tanzania, United States (Oregon, New York, Virginia, Pennsylvania).

What is the stone of the sun for?

Jewelry made with sun stone

The Sun stone is a unique precious gem and that it has different optical properties than other types of gemstones. Its brilliant sun-like sparkle and adventurousness make this stone coveted by fashion designers who try to wow their clients with unique and special jewelry.

The sun stone has a hardness of 6 on the Mohs scale, therefore, it is a gem that is moderately resistant to wear, in addition, it has cleavage in two directions, making it an interesting mineral to manufacture. earrings, brooches and pendants, that is to say jewels that are not exposed to blows. if it is manufactured rings these must be protected.

As a collectible gemstone

You will have noticed that the stone of the sun is a quite interesting mineral, striking and that it has unique properties and characteristics in nature, this makes it a highly coveted mineral by collectors of precious stones They can pay good amounts of money for unique copies.

The stone of the sun attracts success, wealth and prosperity

Now you know that the sun stone has in its history many legends that affirm that it is a stone capable of attracting success, wealth and prosperity. Today this stone is used as amulet for good luck in business, at work, in study and even in love. In addition, the supposed magical properties of him are enhanced in people of Aries and Leo signs.

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