Padparadscha Sapphire: Meaning, Properties and Uses

Padparadscha sapphire is a rare mineral belonging to the corundum family, which in turn belongs to the group of oxide minerals. It is a highly coveted precious gem in jewelry due to the fusion between its orange and pink colors.

Its condition of exotic stone, expensive, elusive and highly durable, has led to a market for countless imitation pieces. Also, keep in mind that its closest counterpart is the sapphire stone and the ruby ​​stone, since they have the same chemical composition.

It was first discovered in Sri Lanka and its name comes from the Sinhalese Padma (lotus) raga (color), which means “lotus color”, alluding to its similarity to the lotus flower at sunset.

Because finding this mineral naturally is extremely rare, Padparadscha sapphire can be produced synthetically.

If you want to know much more about this gemstone, including its physical characteristics, its chemistry, and its most important locations, then this article is for you.

Properties and characteristics of the mineral padparadscha sapphire

Being a variety of corundum, padparadscha sapphire crystal is a naturally occurring aluminum oxide mineral whose chemical formula is Al2O3. After diamond, corundum is the hardest natural material known, with a hardness of 9 on the Mohs scale.

In its purest state, corundum is colorless, but the presence of small amounts of impurity often imparts The characteristic colors of this gem are (red and orange), with the red tones as a direct consequence of the chrome.

padparadscha sapphirePhysical, chemical and characteristic properties
chemical classificationOxide, corundum group, sapphire group
Colorred and orange
StripeColorless (harder than streak plate)
luster or shineAdamantine to the vitreous
diaphanousnesstransparent to translucent
Mohs hardness9
specific gravity3.9 to 4.1 (very high for a non-metallic mineral)
Diagnostic propertiesHardness, high specific gravity, hexagonal crystals sometimes taper to a pyramid, separation, luster, conchoidal fracture
Chemical compositionAl2O3, with traces of Fe and Ti
crystal systemHexagonal
ApplicationsHistorically used as an abrasive. Specimens with pleasing colors have a long history of gemstone use.

The system crystal clear ore is hexagonal, with prismatic and tabular crystals with the shape of dipyramidal hexagons, wider in the center than at the ends. Also, allied hexes can be found.

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Mostly, the crystals are elongated and crosswise striated and sometimes they can present with thin plaques. Hexagonal crystals can be barrel-shaped or as modified octahedrons. Sometimes they can be recorded.

Padparadscha Sapphire Stone Meaning

According to popular beliefs, padparadscha sapphire gemstone is a stone associated with change. Regardless of the clarity level of the gemstone, all specimens of this mineral are believed to drive a kind of clarity internally that can break down any barriers the person tries to resist change.

This translates into higher levels of acceptance of new situations, as well as greater self-confidence. Metaphysical believers consider the padparadscha sapphire stone as a mineral that facilitates expressiveness in its wearer.

In this sense, it is affirmed that expressiveness can be manifested through the renewal of passions and creative endeavors. Whether its wearer is a sculptor or a singer, the padparadscha sapphire gemstone can offer greater control over your work. Also, it is believed that this gem can balance the mind.

It is important to take into consideration that none of these claims have been supported by scientific study. Instead, they respond to beliefs and cultural patterns in many countries around the world.

Origin, formation and deposits of the padparadscha sapphire

The mineral padparadscha sapphire forms in metamorphic rocks that have been altered to horny and marble, as well as placer deposits and nepheline syenite pegmatites.

Padparadscha sapphire mineral comes mainly from Sri Lanka. However, significant occurrences have been found in countries such as Madagascar, Tanzania, and Vietnam.

Uses of Padparadscha Sapphire Stone

The collectors and jewelry lovers are the main users of the precious gemstone padparadscha sapphire. Sometimes, it is usually used for the ornamentation of sculptural and decorative objects, but the most appreciated jewels made with this stone are rings, pendants, pendants, necklaces.

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In the case of non-gem materials, it is possible to use them as abrasives due to their hardness.

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