Gray Jasper: Meaning, Properties and Uses

Gray jasper is one of the most outstanding mineral specimens on the entire planet. In fact, it occupies the first positions among the precious and semi-precious stones with the most outstanding properties. Therefore, be very careful with this information, because you will know everything about said specimen.

The gray jasper is a variety of quartz, which has been used for many years to create handmade products such as bracelets, pendants or rings. It has a color with grayish and bluish characteristics, from which it derives its name.

Over time, this mineral has been used to treat various physical ailments and as protection and is famous for its healing powers.

It has a smooth surface and is used to make decorative items, jewelry, and accessories. Obviously, there are those they buy jasper as an amulet depending on your beliefs.

Characteristics of the gray jasper stone

gray jasperProperties and characteristics
CLUSTERSilicates – tectosilicates
CRYSTALLINE SYSTEMhexagonal / trigonal
CRYSTAL HABITcryptocrystalline
EXFOLIATIONNull, does not present

This stone consists of a variety of quartz, specifically chalcedony microcrystalline. As a result, its surface is denser than that of other members of the family. It belongs to the group of oxides, with volcanic origin and a structure that varies with the inclusion of other chemical elements.

Its hardness level on the Mohs scale is 7, with a vitreous luster Y no exfoliation.


The gray jasper It can be found throughout the planet, as it is a common mineral. However, the most important deposits are located in Brazil, Africa, Madagascar Y Argentina.

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The name of this stone comes from Latin and Greek, a word known as ” iaspis ”. Literally, its meaning is stained stone, and it is what is seen in its colorful structure.

It is associated with healing, which is why it has been used to obtain effects tranquilizers Y calm the tension. Likewise, it is thought that it manages to calm the body and mind.

Properties and uses of the gray jasper gem

It is thought that the main benefits of this mineral are emotional level. However, they are also related to treatments for different diseases physical.

It all has to do with each user and the type of beliefs they have. In any case, among the main investigations carried out on the stone are the following.

Protection properties

The gray jasper stone has been used to create connection to the spirit world. In this way, it is about establishing a balance between the energy of yin and yang. It affects the throat chakra, which includes ears, mouth, neck and shoulders.

The rock has a sedative effect that in the long run favors internal balance and relaxation. As a result, it is associated with the overcoming fear, without forgetting the mood recovery.

On the other hand, if you think stimulates inspiration, true joys and excellent communication between people.

Healing properties

It is a stone widely used for reduce cervical pain, as well as ear and respiratory infections. Supposed benefits are also obtained in the neck, throat, ear, larynx, shoulders and trachea. It has been mentioned that these curative effects are achieved when the individual achieves channel energy using the structure of the stone.

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Methods of use

There is no concrete and specific way to use the gray jasper. For this reason, each user will decide how they are going to use the stone. Depending on your beliefs or the use that you plan to give it, the position or place where it will be placed may vary.

However, it is believed that the closer the jasper is to the affected area, the greater its effects will be. Similarly, many decide to wear it as an amulet, either in bracelets, rings either necklaces. Finally, it is also appropriate, more on a decorative level, to place jasper ornaments in the home or office.

Cleaning and activation of the gray jasper mineral

As with other minerals, jasper is thought to retain negative energies. Therefore, it is essential for its users clean them regularly. The same happens when the rock is touched by third parties.

Fortunately, the cleaning is very simple and does not require very complicated treatments. You only need a container with water, where the stone must be left to soak overnight. Of course, it is preferable that it be done under the Moonlight and at least every three months.

Shop now gray jasper

Ultimately, the gray jasper stone It is one of the most outstanding specimens among the precious and semi-precious stones. It doesn’t matter if you want to get its healing benefits or have a nice decoration for the house. This stone is sensational.

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