Black Diamond: Properties, Meaning and Uses

In the world of precious stones, black diamonds are one of the most interesting gems in nature and one of the most valued in the world due to their rarity and beauty. In this post we will cover all the properties, characteristics, meaning, formation, recognition and uses of this incredible mineral.

The black diamond is a mineral that is part of the group of native minerals made up of 100% carbon (C), in addition, it is a very rare variety of diamond stone and is considered one of the rarest precious gems in the world and in nature.

Why is the stone black?

Naturally, a diamond is colorless, although we must remember that the most common colors of diamonds are brown and yellow. The black diamond It is special because its color is due to mineralogical inclusions of graphite, pyrite and sometimes organic matter that do not allow light to pass through, giving the stone a spectacular shiny black color.

Graphite and pyrite inclusions generally occur in diamond fractures. These fractures have been formed because the precious gem during its rise has been subjected to various geological processes that have deformed and even fractured it, allowing opaque minerals to enter and generate that black color.

How and where is the mineral formed?

Let us remember that the diamonds They crystallize at a depth of 200 km in the upper mantle. Now the black diamonds They are not the exception to this geological rule, however, this mineral is formed when during its ascent to the earth’s crust it is deformed and fractured by geological faults and other geological processes that allow the inclusion of opaque minerals such as graphite and pyrite. in its structure that gives it its beautiful black color. You can learn how diamonds are formed in more detail at the following link.

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Value and price of a black diamond gem

The black diamonds are accurate gems that can be used in jewelry for engagement rings and raw as a precious stone for collection; this causes its price in the gem market to vary. In general, black diamonds are cheaper than other types of diamonds because their demand is low due to the fact that there are not many specimens available in the world. Below is a table with approximate prices.

black diamondsPrice
black diamond like jewel300 USD per carat
rough black diamond3000 USD per carat

It can generally be seen that rough black diamonds are more expensive than black diamonds used as jewelry. The black diamonds they are very elegant, beautiful and extremely rare, rarer than colorless diamonds, yet they are cheaper.

Where do you get black diamond stones?

You may have already noticed that black diamonds are very special minerals and gems, unique and rare in nature, therefore they do not appear in many places, in fact, the few specimens that exist come from diamond mines in Brazil and central Africa.

Properties of a black diamond stone

Below is a table with the physical and chemical properties of this black gemstone that will serve for its correct identification and distinguish a fake black diamond from a real one.

black diamondProperties and characteristics
ChemistryCarbon (C) 100%
Mineralogynative mineral
Mohs hardness10 (it is a very resistant mineral)
Density3.4 to 3.6 g/cm3
Impuritiesgraphite, pyrite and organic matter
crystalline systemisometric

How to know if it is a real black diamond gem?

The black diamonds They have the same physical and chemical properties as all types of diamonds that exist in nature and on the gem market, with a few small differences that make them unique. For example, a black diamond is naturally opaque, that is, it does not allow the natural passage of light due to its mineralogical impurities, mainly graphite and pyrite.

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However, it retains the properties and characteristics of a real natural diamond such as its hardness on the Mohs scale of 10, its adamantine brilliance and its isometric shape. To recognize a real black diamond from a fake you just have to try to scratch it, if it scratches easily it is not a diamond; remember that the diamond cannot be scratched by other minerals or materials since it is the hardest mineral.

Meaning, properties and benefits of black diamond

The black diamonds are very rare minerals and therefore when they have been found in nature they have symbolized power, prestige and even several western cultures have associated them with energetic, esoteric and metaphysical powers that are able to protect their user from bad vibes and bad energy in general.

Black diamond stones are quite popular in jewelry and are especially used in engagement rings as they signify purity, fidelity and eternal love. Furthermore, they are associated with the charisma, vitality, passion and creativity.

What is a black diamond stone used for?

Uses in luxury jewelry

The black diamond crystals are very elegant, these minerals have unique characteristics and properties that make them different from other types of diamonds. For people who love dark colors, they will love to have luxury jewelry where black diamond is the main stone. For example, in jewelry, rings, earrings, earrings, necklaces made with this gem and in general are usually quite accessible.

In engagement rings

The Black diamonds are especially popular in engagement rings. As explained in its meaning, these gems are a symbol of eternal love for some people and therefore they are excellent gemstones used in engagement rings. In addition, they are unique gems that will last a lifetime.

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As collectible stones

The rough black diamonds they are very rare to find and are therefore highly coveted crystals and gems by mineral collectors who are able to pay very high prices to have these stones in their collections. We have already seen that a rough black diamond is more valued than when it becomes a jewel.

Famous black diamonds

Now you will ask yourself, are there examples of famous black diamonds? Well the answer is yes. It is likely that the most famous black diamond is the call The Black Orlov ; this black colored diamond weighed 67.5 carats and its popularity was based on the fact that it was believed to be a cursed stone. According to legend, The Black Orlov diamond (nicknamed the Eye of Brahma) was cursed because a monk stole the gem of a statue of the Hindu god Brahma in Pondicherry in the early 19th century.

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