Mystic Topaz: Meaning, Properties and Uses

If you love precious and semi-precious stones, the mystic topaz is one of the specimens that you cannot ignore. It is one of the most beautiful productions on the planet, with different characteristics and uses. Therefore, pay attention to all the details about this mineral.

The mystic topaz stone consists of a unique, mysterious and quite fascinating gem. It begins as a totally simple and natural colorless topaz that is treated to produce the rainbow effect. Consequently, it becomes more modern and attractive.

It uses modern technology and a technique known as disposal of chemical vapors. In this way, the stone is given an impressive and totally striking aesthetic appearance. Therefore it is considered a multicolored variety of the topaz stone.

Mineralogical characteristics

This variety of topaz has a level 8 on the Mohs scale, being quite easy to break. So, it has to be handled very carefully to avoid all kinds of damage. The most outstanding characteristic of this stone is that it changes color when it is tilted and receives light from different angles.

On the other hand, it has a vitreous luster, bright and smooth which gives it a great reputation. The most popular mystical topaz gems are those that are treated with a layer of certified quality. As a consequence, it develops aurora borealis effects.

Its predominant colors are red, blue, orange and yellow.

mystic topazProperties and characteristics
chemical classification Silicate, Nesosilicate
Color red, blue, orange and yellow, multicolor.
Stripe Colorless: harder than streak plate.
Gloss Vitreous.
diaphanousness Translucent to transparent.
cleavage Perfect basal neckline.
Mohs hardness 8
specific gravity 3.4 to 3.6
diagnostic properties Hardness, prismatic crystals, sometimes striated, cleavage, specific gravity.
Chemical composition To thetwoYesO4(F,OH)two
crystal system orthorhombic
Applications Gemstone, Mohs hardness index mineral.

Important deposits

Topaz can be found in various countries around the world with ease. Remember that the mystic variety is not natural, but undergoes heat treatment. So any variety of colorless topaz it serves, and the deposits are extensive throughout the planet.

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In any case, the main production is in Mexico, Australia, Japan, China, Russia, the United States and Sri Lanka.

Mystic Topaz Stone Meaning

In ancient generations, the Romans thought that topaz was linked to the sun god Helios. Since that time, protective properties have been attributed to the stone, although this has no scientific proof. They are simply popular beliefs that have spread over the years.

In any case, legends say that topaz has the ability to promote eyesight and strength. Also, it supposedly helps to clear emotions from the mind, eliminating negative energies.


It is said that the stone manages to improve physical health, working the spine and regulating the actions of the heart. It also promotes fresh energy and is used as protection against fire.

Mystic Topaz Mineral Uses

is used as object of protection and healing, as well as in home decoration. However, its most widespread use is among precious stones and semiprecious of jewelry. In addition, it is a very nice collector’s item.

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