Pink Sapphire: Meaning, Properties and Uses

If you like precious and semi-precious stones, you will surely want to acquire the pink sapphire. For this reason, we encourage you to learn about all its uses, properties, and mineralogical characteristics. In this way, you will be familiar with one of the most beautiful and visually appealing natural products.

What is pink sapphire?

The pink sapphire gem consists of a mineral that is part of the corundum group. Obviously, the pink corundum is one of the most valuable of all, but other of its varieties, such as the blue sapphire, they are still very striking. The pink color is highly appreciated and sought after in society, both in jewelry and collectibles.

Its valuation in the market is quite high, without forgetting that it has been attributed certain properties over the years. At this time, we will describe each and every one of these details.

Mineralogical characteristics

After diamond, pink sapphire is the hardest mineral on the Mohs scale, having a level 9. The main color of this variant is rose, presenting light veins of shades white, purple, red or blue. The streak is white, with a greasy, vitreous luster.

The sapphire stone is naturally blue, however it can take on pink tones due to impurities of chromium and manganese.

On the other hand, its fracture is conchoidal, while its exfoliation is frequent.

Pink sapphireProperties and characteristics
chemical classificationOxide
StripeColorless (harder than streak plate)
luster or shineVitreous
diaphanousnessTransparent to translucent
cleavageNone. The corundum shows the separation perpendicular to the C axis.
Mohs hardness9
specific gravity3.9 to 4.1 (very high for a non-metallic mineral)
Diagnostic propertiesHardness, high specific gravity, hexagonal crystals sometimes taper to a pyramid, separation, luster, conchoidal fracture
Chemical compositionAl2O3, with traces of Fe and Ti
crystal systemHexagonal
ApplicationsHistorically used as an abrasive. Specimens with pleasing colors have a long history of gemstone use.

Important deposits

The most important deposits today are located in Australia, Myanmar, Thailand and Sri Lanka. However, throughout the world numerous deposits can be found in the extension of the continents. Sapphire is a common gemstone in Madagascar, Kenya, Brazil, Malawi, Cambodia, Nigeria, Tanzania, Pakistan, and the United States.

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Pink sapphire stone meaning

Before referring to its esoteric meaning, it is relevant to clarify that all its spiritual properties lack scientific certification. They are actually powers attributed by different cultures as time has passed. Either way, it’s a stone quite sought after in the world of meditation.

It has also become a symbol for the people of sign zodiacal Taurus, that is, born in September. Similarly, since ancient times it has been thought to be a very powerful talisman that provides protection to travelers. Currently, it is called wisdom stone.

Properties of the pink sapphire gem

Both the emotional properties and its spiritual benefits are merely empirical. Despite this, it is thought that the gem calms the emotions, focuses the human being and releases negative feelings. In theory, it eliminates unwanted thoughts and the attention in the mind.

On the other hand, there are those who affirm that it has the ability to align the planes physical, mental and spiritual, managing to restore the balance. As mentioned, it is considered a protection stone that at the same time favors intuition.

is linked with love, purity and truth in personal relationships. Those who turn to her in her meditation use her to heal the chakras, especially the throat.

Pink Sapphire Mineral Uses

Its use as an amulet, talisman and meditation object is one of the most common by those who believe in its supposed properties. However, the most important application is in the scope of jewelry. It is no secret to anyone that it is a gem with great appeal.

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It is seen in decorative pieces, rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, ornaments, among others. Without a doubt, one of the precious and semi-precious stones that cannot be missing in a collection.

So go to a jewelry store and buy your own copy. Likewise, it can serve as a nice gift, and whoever receives it will be completely delighted.

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