Peridot stone: Meaning, properties and uses

The mineral peridot consists of one of the oldest precious and semi-precious stones in the world. In fact, the ancient pharaohs of Egypt used it as a gem in parts of their clothing. The stone is characterized by having green tones that are very attractive to the eye.

This is due to its inclusion of iron, the more it contains, the greater its green color and the higher its market value. The color deep olive green it is the most desirable among all the variants. Also, it is greatly appreciated if you have a slight tint with yellowish tones.

Therefore also in the world of gemology it is called olivine.

Mineralogical characteristics

Its main coloration is green, although there are shades of different shades depending on the chemical composition. Its refractive index is between 1.65 and 1.71 and it is generally transparent. It also presents a vitreous luster Y does not have stripes.

The stone has a relative hardness, with a density range on the Mohs scale of 6.5 to 7, depending on the specimen. Its fracture is conchoidal, so it does not come with a definite shape. Finally, I know crystallizes using the orthorhombic system.

Important deposits

This stone is not so common on earth, it is even considered a very rare and exotic precious gem. Normally, it is found in tiny fragments, which reduces its value in the field of decoration. However, there are some deposits with good production of the gem.

This mineral is seen in fragments inside rocks rich in iron and magnesium, as well as igneous. This stone is found in volcanic lava and is brought to the surface when eruptions occur. Likewise, it is possible to find peridot in meteorites.

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At the terrestrial level, the most important mining exploitations are carried out in the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation, Arizona, United States. However, these stones can also be mined in Hawaii, Australia, Brazil, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Mexico, Ethiopia and China.

Peridot Gemstone Meaning

This mineral is the national stone of Egypt and in the region it is known as sun gem. It is said to attract happiness, enhance good spirits, and maintain enlightenment in human life. It is considered a gem promotes friendship and free the mind thoughts negative and envious.

Obviously, this meaning does not have any scientific endorsement, but is an attribution by esoteric experts. Likewise, different cultures over the years have linked numerous properties to the gem.

Properties of the peridot stone

It is one of the precious and semi-precious stones that manage to open, clean and activate the heart. Likewise, it is affirmed that it releases burdens, eliminates obsessions, reduces guilt and generates general well-being. Other people claim that the gem helps keep evil spirits away.

It is also used for protect the aura, achieving a total purification of the soul. Apparently, it has properties that improve self-confidence and faith in oneself. Finally, in theory it increases the liability of its carriers.

Peridot Gem Uses

Usually it is carried as amulet or talisman to get your benefits esoteric and spiritual. Also, other people give this gem on the 16th wedding anniversary. However, its most practical use is as an ornamental element and jewelry material.

It is true that it is a precious gem, but not so expensive because it is not found in outstanding sizes. However, the impeccable and larger specimens do have a high valuation. Either way, the gem is used in rings, earrings, bracelets and necklaces.

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If you want a collection of precious and semi-precious stones most outstanding, do not hesitate to add this mineral.

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