Lepidolite: Meaning, Properties and Uses

Lepidolite enters the range of the most outstanding precious and semiprecious stones on the planet. Now, it is possible that you do not know its characteristics, properties and uses. For this reason, we are going to talk about everything that has to do with this mineral and how you can take advantage of it.

The Lepidolite gem consists of a mineral stone belonging to the micas group. Its chemical formula is complex and it is classified as silicates, phyllosilicate, as well as being associated with granite pegmatites. In different parts of the world it is used as an industrial source of cesium, rubidium and lithium.

On the other hand, it is also linked to different spiritual properties and esoteric, based on popular beliefs. It is a quite beautiful stone and with different deposits throughout the world.

Mineralogical characteristics

This production of nature has a monoclinical crystallization system and is in different shades. Some common colors are pink, red, purple and lilac, with a white stripe and vitreous or pearl luster, as the case may be.

Its exfoliation is perfect, with a micaceous fracture and a hardness level of 2.5 on the Mohs scale.

Important deposits

As we have mentioned, it is a gem that can be seen practically anywhere on the planet. However, its most important deposits and with the greatest number of specimens are in Canada Y USA.

Likewise, this mineral is found in Sweden, Germany, Madagascar, Australia, Japan Y Czech Republic.

Lepidolite Gemstone Meaning

This mineral is associated with the heart and mind, where it is thought to be capable of eliminating emotional pain. This is due to his layering iridescent, that different cultures mention that they have taken advantage of its benefits.

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It is also believed that it helps to reflect everything that does not leave vibrate the heart the correct way. Reduces situations that hinder emotional functioning and empowers the mind. Actually, it is linked to feelings and visions, eliminating the limits when it comes to growing.

All this has led to turning this mineral into the acceptance symbol, calm and confidence. It is frequently used to reduce stress, combat anxiety, and promote feelings of calm.

Lepidolite Gem Properties

It is very important to highlight that the properties and meaning of this stone have no scientific verification. As already highlighted, these are beliefs that have spread across cultures over the years. In any case, it is still used with different curing and healing purposes.

It is also common to see the use of this gem as an element of transformation to favor life changes. It is said to induce calm, achieve sleep and reduce obsessive thoughts. In summary, it is a stone that apparently transmits temperance and calm.

Healing properties

It is common to see the stone as a tool for locating different diseases. It is believed to help combat mood swings, bipolar disorders, and boost the immune system. Relax after a day of a lot of activity and reduce problematic digestions.

It is also a recommended copy at the time of menopause.

Uses and applications

Due to its properties and meaning, it is a stone that is constantly seen as amulet. On the other hand, its use decorative and ornamental which is quite attractive thanks to its great beauty, many compare it even with purple quartz and purple agate.

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Despite this, the most widespread use is as jewelry stone, where it is used for the manufacture of rings, bracelets, bracelets and earrings. If you want a copy for yourself, do not hesitate to visit a jewelry store soon.

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