Lazurite: Meaning, Properties and Uses

Within the world of blue gemstones, the lazurite stone is one of the most valued because it is the main component of the lapis lazuli stone, a gem that has been extracted and used for more than 7,000 years. In this article You will know all the properties, characteristics, meaning and uses that the mineral crystal has.

Lazurite is considered a mineral from the group of feldspathoids and therefore it is a mineral that belongs specifically to the group of tectosilicates, being a variety of sodalite. It is characterized because it comes in beautiful blue tones and its importance lies in the fact that it is one of the main mineralogical components of the lapis lazuli gemstone.

Properties and characteristics of the mineral lazurite

The lazurite ore it often occurs disseminated in calcareous metamorphic rocks such as marble. But well-formed crystals occur as dodecahedrons, octahedrons, and also appear as cubes.

As for his chemical composition the mineral is silicate of sodium, calcium and aluminum with sulfur, having a chemical formula of (Na, Ca) 8 [(S, Cl, SO4, OH) 2 | (Al6Si6O24)]. This combination gives you beautiful blue hues.

It generally occurs in association with pyrite, calcite, sodalite and dolomite, being the components of a metamorphic rock that is used as a precious stone called lapis lazuli.

Regarding its hardness and resistance, the mineral is intermediate on the Mohs scale, having a maximum value of 5.5, in addition, its calcium components give it a certain chemical reactivity with acids.

Chemical classificationTectosilicates, sodalite group, feldspathoid
Formula(Na, Ca) 8 [(S, Cl, SO4, OH) 2 | (Al6Si6O24)]
common impuritiesFe, Mg, K, H2O
ColorNavy blue, midnight blue, teal
StripeBright blue
cleavageImperfect / quite imperfect in {110}
Mohs hardness5 – 5.5
crystalline systemisometric
Density2.38 – 2.45 g/cm3 (measured) 2.4 (1) g/cm3 (calculated)

Meaning and metaphysical properties of the lazurite stone

Since historical times it has been believed that the lazurite stone It has many magical and protective properties, in fact, it has been used for these purposes for more than 7,000 years. In addition, the mineral crystal is directly associated with power, intuition, royalty and abundance.

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It is also a symbol of wisdom and majesty, it is such that it was used by great Egyptian emperors in their ostentatious ornaments and crowns.

What protective stone It is believed that it is capable of fighting bad energies in the environment and it is even said to be effective against the evil eye.

Finally, it is believed that it has a strong connection with the third eye chakra, and therefore it is said that it manages to promote intuitive abilities, creativity, wisdom and helps us in the problem solving approach.

Origin, formation and deposits of the crystal

The lazurite mineral crystal It is formed by contact metamorphism processes that affect calcareous rocks such as limestone, and therefore it can be found around or inside marble stones. Within this geologic setting it generally occurs with calcite, dolomite, pyrite, and sodalite.

The best lazurite crystals are extracted from Afghanistan, but there are also deposits in Lake Baikal, Siberia, and in Chile. Chili minerals are famous because they are used in ornamental objects.

Uses of lazurite stone

Like an ancient precious stone

The Lazurite is the main mineral of one of the most coveted gemstones in all of human history, that is, of the lapis lazuli stone.. Its popularity is so great that there are even records that this stone has been used for more than 7,000 years.

It is known from archaeological excavations that it was an important gem in the luxury accessories of great Egyptian emperors, both during his lifetime and in items after his death. It has also been used in sculptures and tombstones.

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In current jewelry and costume jewelery

Today the lazurite crystals well formed are used to make excellent jewelery accessories such as pendants, necklaces, rings and bracelets. It is worth mentioning that this stone is not so resistant, therefore, it is always recommended to be careful in its use.

Uses as a pigment

One of the most important applications that the lazurite ore it’s like pigment. What is done is to grind the mineral and leave it as fine particles. These particles are then mixed with water or natural oils to be used as pigments or blue dyes.

These pigments were used by great painters in various famous paintings throughout history. Currently the lazurite pigments have been superseded but are still used by leading painters trying to replicate the valuable techniques of the paso.

as ornamental stone

Actually, as an ornamental stone it is used when it is part of the lapis lazuli stone. This stone is easy to cut and polish, so it can be given a wide variety of shapes. In such a case it is used to create models of old watches, small statues or sculptures.

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