The importance of hydropower: Understanding its nature

Hydroelectric energy is the one that comes from the use of the force of water to convert it into potential and kinetic energy, which in turn is transformed into electricity.

This energy source is based on the construction of hydraulic infrastructure that uses the forces of the dammed waters to drive the movement of turbines and power generators.

Below we describe why hydroelectric power is important for life, for industry, for agriculture, for the planet and more.

Importance of hydroelectric power for living beings

This type of energy is renewable. free of harmful gas emissions for the environment and totally safe, so it does not have a negative impact on living beings.

Its progressive advance as an alternative energy source worldwide has contributed to the fact that there is no high increase in energy consumption that affects the environment.

Importance of hydropower for humans

Hydropower is a great source of employment for human beings worldwide.

The construction of hydroelectric plants generates massive job opportunities, while already built they also require a large number of skilled workers for productive activities.

In addition, the reservoirs of the hydroelectric plants are used to supply water to the surrounding populations and also serve as protection against flooding. They are safe places for humans.

Importance of hydroelectric power for the planet and ecosystem

The main characteristic of this energy is that it is completely clean, since it does not need fuel for its operation and they are responsible with the planet and the ecosystem.

An important fact that reflects the positive impact of the use of hydroelectric energy is that each kWh produced prevents approximately 220 grams of oil from being used for the same purpose, which means less carbon dioxide emissions into the environment.

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Importance as renewable energy and electricity generation

Hydroelectric power is the most important and fastest growing renewable and ecologically responsible energy source worldwide, all this is due to the benefits it offers to countries that choose to use it.

Its main advantage over other energies is that its use is practically inexhaustible because it comes from the water sources of reservoirs and rivers They are fed by the rains that fall from the sky.

This characteristic allows its storage, that is, the water from the reservoirs, to always be available and with great force to move the turbines that drive electricity generation.

Similarly, hydroelectric plants have a very long useful life and their energy yield is always constant.

Importance of hydropower in agriculture

The water reservoirs in which the hydroelectric plants are located serve as water sources to irrigate trees and crops in nearby areas, being important for the development of agriculture and livestock.

Likewise, because it is a controlled water reservoir, livestock projects can be developed, making fishing a productive economic activity.

Importance of hydropower construction

Hydroelectric plants are mega civil structures that must be perfectly built, so this sector will always be active with the aforementioned projects for the construction or general maintenance of these works.

In addition, in the future hydroelectric power is expected to become the largest industrial sector that generates electricity for cities and here the construction industry will benefit.

Importance of hydroelectric energy for the economy of countries

Hydroelectric power is very important in the world because it provides more than 16% of the total energy produced, it will even continue to grow over 3% for each year in the next 25 years.

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In this sense, more than 150 countries use this type of energy.

One of the advantages of energy production through the hydroelectric process is its low cost.

Although the construction and development of a hydroelectric plant suppose a great financial investment, since ready all the infrastructure your operating expenses drop completely. At the same time, its energy production is low cost, generating a quick recovery of the initial investment and making it very economical.

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