10 Uses of biofuels: Towards a Post-Fossil Fuel Era

Organic waste of animal or vegetable origin, known as biomass, can be transformed into liquid biofuels through various chemical processes. These fuels are used to power many of our daily activities, especially within the transport sector, and are therefore considered as examples of alternative energy.

Biodiesel and bioethanol are the most common biofuels, and they have the ability to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

Bioethanol is a type of alcohol used to increase the octane number of diesel vehicles by mixing it with gasoline. The most common way to transform biomass into bioethanol is fermentation, a process that includes the intervention of bacteria and yeasts to metabolize the sugars in plant organic matter and generate fuel.

For its part, biodiesel is produced from animal fat and vegetable oils. Like bioethanol, it is also used in diesel engines and can be mixed with gasoline to increase car performance. You can also dig further on the uses of biodiesel by clicking the link.

On this occasion, we will tell you about the uses of biofuels for humanity and our planet. Also, you can learn about all the advantages and disadvantages of biofuels by following this link.

Biofuel uses

To power diesel vehicles

More than 60% of the oil extracted worldwide is used to fuel vehicles. Taking into account that this fossil fuel represents one of the main sources of pollution, the figure is worrying.

Faced with this reality, governments have begun to invest large resources in biofuel plants, because its production is much more respectful with the environment.

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Uses to generate energy

In addition to serving as fuel for cars, biofuel can be used to generate electricity. This happens especially in locations most vulnerable to carbon emissions such as schools and hospitals.

As heat source

The biofuel can also be transformed into clean natural gas, an essential energy source for give heat to stoves or houses in the winter.

The most important thing about this app is that reduces the emission of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen generated in the production of conventional natural gas.

As a power supply for electronic devices

A group of scientists from Saint Louis University developed a battery that runs on sugar and edible oil. Instead of requiring electricity, users could use these organic materials as a power source for smartphones and laptops.

This is clearly a work-in-progress project, but it offers a promising look into the future of energy.

As a material to clean up oil and petroleum spills

In addition to being environmentally friendly, this power source can help clean up oil and grease spills, especially in the waters. Also, it serves as solvent for metal cleaning at the industrial level.

In cooking food

The kitchen has always been an ideal place for biofuels. These liquids have the same effectiveness as kerosene when driving stoves and oil lamps.

Uses of biofuels as lubricants

Biofuel has shown high levels of effectiveness in reducing sulfur concentrations that affect engine lubricity. This material is attractive when it comes to improve engine functionality and avoid possible failures due to infection.

To remove adhesive and paint

Instead of using toxic substances to remove paint and adhesives, biofuels allow the process to be carried out without generating any polluting effect or that affects the health of people.

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Source of energy in a post fossil fuel era

Oil, gasoline, coal and natural gas are running out. This reality has led many governments and environmental organizations to come together to find new sources of energy that do not contribute to climate change.

Biofuel not only represents one of these energy sources, but also has the potential to promote the economic development of countries through the reduction of oil imports. Biofuel is ready for a world without oil.

To reduce dependence on foreign oil

More and more countries are migrating towards clean and renewable energy sources. The development of biofuel at an industrial level is yet to come, and this fact not only will promote an improvement from the environmental point of view, but it will also avoid the large oil import costs faced by some nations.

Geopolitical conflicts caused by crude oil they will also be reduced to levels never seen before.

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