10 Uses of Nuclear energy: Improving Agriculture, Medicine, and More

Nuclear energy is one that takes advantage of the nuclear fission process to generate large volume steam that will move large turbines and thus efficient, safe and reliable electrical energy can be generated that has several advantages over other types of energy.

The nuclear energy It is considered as a type of alternative energy to fossil fuels, many may think that using nuclear processes carries a great risk, however, on the contrary, nuclear energy is one of the safest and most efficient that can exist, check “Unleashing the Potential: 10 Benefits of Nuclear Power You Need to Know“.

Below we present the uses of nuclear energy most important to consider.

Main uses of nuclear or atomic energy

Uses in the generation of electricity and energy

Without a doubt, the most important use of nuclear energy is the generation of electricity.

Nuclear power plants are the complexes in charge of applying fission in uranium atoms for the production of electricity under a thermodynamic and mechanical process.

It all comes down to the fact that uranium emits a large amount of thermal energy, generating high-pressure steam that drives turbines of the plant, producing kinetic energy that will be transformed into enormous amounts of electricity.

Supports efficiency in agricultural processes

Nuclear energy has a positive impact on processes as diverse as agriculture, optimizing activities that result in the feeding of beings on the planet.

A very notable example is the use of radioactive tracers, to determine the least amount of fertilizer to use, for the benefit of the food production, cost reduction and less ecological impact.

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It is applied to food preservation

The controlled application of gamma ray radiation helps to better preserve food products.

With this action you prevents microorganisms from damaging food more quickly, increasing their storage times.

The applied effects are similar to when food is chemically and thermally intervened, but without changing the temperature of the food.

It is important to know that 30% of the food produced worldwide is lost before being consumed because methods for its conservation are not applied.

It is used in space exploration

Nuclear energy is widely used in small but very important devices, such as long-lasting, high-efficiency batteries.

To do the exploration of the planets and in space, these types of devices are required.

This technology for storing electricity is very similar to that used in pacemakers for people with heart complications that are powered by these batteries.

Uses in medicine

In the medical field, there are multiple techniques that are based on the application of nuclear technology and radioactivity.

The best known is radiotherapy, in which radioactive substances for the destruction of malignant tissues.

The possible benefits of radiotherapy are due to the high amount of gamma rays applied and that can also be counterproductive, since they can cause injuries.

On the other hand, nuclear energy is also used in diagnosis and therapy such as MRIs, the use of radioactive sludge to treat thyroid problems and the sterilization of surgical materials, among others.

It is worth noting that there is a specialty known as nuclear medicine that is in charge of procedures and investigations of this type.

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Helps improve plant conditions

Through atomic physics a greater variety of plants can be obtained.

Everything starts from the fact that radioactivity greatly affects alterations in the DNA of organisms, which are manifested with mutations in the species.

Based on this principle, with controlled application, plants can be genetically optimized to provide them with greater resistance to pests and more easily adapt to climatic conditions.

In this way, more than 3,200 new varieties have been developed in the last decades.

Military uses of nuclear power

This use is well known, since nuclear energy is used in the military field.

The atomic bomb is the most famous and dangerous military device generated through this technology, based on generating a high impact explosion.

Other applications in the military field are propulsion systems, which include modifications made to cruisers, submarines and aircraft carriers.

Green applications

Atomic energy through the application of isotopes can determine the polluting substances and the exact amount Of the same.

In the same way, the application of electron beams allows minimizing the consequences from the ecological and health point of view of the use of fossil fuels.

Additionally, nuclear power contributes to solving problems of collective interest such as “the greenhouse effect” and acid rain.

In water desalination

In this particular case, a distillation process is used under the residual heat that nuclear reactors have.

The salt water involved in this process is sucked into a series of tubes to be evaporated, while the salt remains at the bottom. The salt-free water vapor is condensed in the refrigerant tubes.

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Uses in archeology

Nuclear energy is also used for archaeological purposes through the famous procedure known as the Carbon 14 test, which is used to determine the dates of archaeological remains.

In short, it is used to deduce more accurately to which period of history the findings belong archaeological.

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