10 Characteristics of hydroelectric power

Hydroelectric or hydraulic energy is one that stores a large amount of water in reservoirs or hydroelectric dams with the aim of later dropping that water to move large turbines, the same ones that will generate efficient electrical energy that are used even in large cities.

Hydroelectric power is considered a renewable, safe, efficient and clean source of energy, capable of supplying electricity to towns and cities near hydroelectric dams. It has great energy potential and is a widely used renewable source worldwide. Learn about how hydroelectric power works by clicking here.

Here we present the 10 most important characteristics of hydroelectric power that you should know.

Characteristics of hydropower

It is of natural origin

Hydroelectric power or also known as hydraulic power is based on the harnessing the power of river currents to be transformed into electrical energy, so it is an energy source that comes from nature.

In addition, its main input, which is the force of the water that drives the turbine system, also comes from nature through the rains.

It is the only renewable energy that can be stored

The technology applied to the generation of electricity from hydroelectric energy allows an energy charge to be stored to be used later, this being a unique characteristic among renewable energy sources.

This action is carried out through the hydroelectric pumping systems that can allow the energy storage of the production to be adjusted to the demand or real requirement.

It has a great cost-benefit ratio

It is the energy source with the best cost-benefit ratio in terms of financial profitability, since its economic cost justifies the financial investment made.

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This issue is very complex because the great economic impact that the construction of a mega structure for energy use implies can mean that it is very difficult to recover.

Notwithstanding the high efficiency in the production of electricity makes it possible to justify in a few years the great financial expense made at the beginning of the work.

Another point in its favor is that hydroelectric plants last for many years and makes the cost-benefit relationship very favorable. Learn about all the advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy by clicking here.

It is a very safe energy

This energy source is completely safe because it has few risks in terms of comprehensive safety of production operations, even in adverse situations or if an accident occurs, it is unlikely that this could be considered tragic.

This characteristic is very opposed to nuclear energy, in which there are risks of an accident with serious consequences for the workers, the surrounding areas and the environment.

It is renewable, clean and an alternative energy

Hydroelectric energy belongs to the types of renewable and alternative energies, since it will depend on a water source, which will always be available for energy generation.

Let us remember that this energy source uses the water from the reservoir but does not consume it, but uses its force to push the electricity generation system and then makes the water that was used in this process available again.

Also, the water source It is supplied with rainwater that will always be present in nature.

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Its environmental impact is low in general terms

Broadly speaking, hydroelectric power has a relative environmental impact, since it does not produce air pollution or have a high water consumption.

Its environmental impact of this energy is associated with the intervention of natural spaces that is carried out during the construction of the plant hydroelectric and the modifications of the reservoir for its energy use, however this impact is redirected and new conditions are even placed for wildlife.

Likewise, this energy source does not generate harmful emissions for the atmosphere and rather minimizes the negative impact of energies based on fossil fuels.

In its electricity generation and distribution phase, the impact is very minimal.

Can generate constant power

This energy can be produced continuously every day of the year, without any type of interruption.

Even this energy source also can raise and lower the electrical production capacity for consideration of energy requirements.

It is very profitable and has a great impact on the economy

This energy source is the most economical way to produce energy, this characteristic is due to the fact that little maintenance is applied to the hydroelectric complex in contrast to the large amount of energy produced daily.

In short, it is by far the energy source that has the best relationship between the energy produced and the economic cost of the plant.

It has good energy efficiency

Hydraulic power has a energy efficiency between 90 to 95% approximately, since it depends on the impulse of the water and the technology applied to the turbine system.

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This point has to do with the relationship between the energy invested in the energy generation process.

It can last for many years

This characteristic makes it widely recommended in the world, since after the hydroelectric plant is built, they will have a reliable and long-standing energy source.

This point also depends on the construction conditions of the hydroelectric complex, since the useful life of this energy source starts from there.

In all cases, most hydroelectric plants have a long history, only specific cases do not exceed 30 years of useful life.

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