The 10 Key Benefits of Tidal Energy You Need to Know

Tidal energy is a type of renewable and alternative energy that takes advantage of the movement of water and tides in the oceans to produce highly efficient and constant electrical energy. Despite the fact that it currently does not represent a significant percentage of electricity generation, the truth is that it has great potential to supply electricity to large cities near the coasts.

Thanks to this, renewable energy engineers have set their sights on tidal energy and enough technology is being created to take advantage of all its benefits. If you want to know all the importance of tidal energy, you can click here.

Here we show you the 10 most important benefits of tidal energy that you should know about.

Benefits of tidal energy

It is a very cheap renewable energy

Among renewable energies, this energy source is the cheapest to generate electricity.

The cost of kilowatt generated through tidal energy is cheaper than those produced through other energies renewables such as solar and wind.

On the other hand, the economic costs for the construction of a generation plant, in addition to its general maintenance, are low compared to other renewable energies.

The greatest financial expense falls on the commissioning of the utilization plant, since the raw material for the generation of energy is free and free in nature.

It is minimal maintenance

The three types of facilities for the production of tidal energy are simple technology and their maintenance is very little.

Complex tidal power generators can be tidal barrage, dynamic tidal power, and tidal stream generators.

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These infrastructures are quite durable and resistant, so they require little maintenance.

it is not dangerous

It is based on generating energy through the force of the tides of the maritime waters, therefore It is not dangerous for the nearby population to power plants.

Tidal energy is practically safe, quite the opposite, to nuclear energy that represents a great risk for those who live near it.

Virtually no impact on the environment

The impact of the installation of tidal energy generating systems is practically minimal, when compared to those generated by other renewable energies.

This system does not generate no greenhouse gas, so it is very responsible with the atmosphere.

On the other hand, these plants do not generate noise pollution either, since their facilities are totally silent.

It is inexhaustible and abundant

Tides are a great source of renewable energy whose main characteristics are abundant, continuous and practically inexhaustible, giving this type of energy enormous potential for its use.

It should be noted that the tides are practically infinite and they are generated in response to a phenomenon of nature.

In addition, the tides have always been and will continue for millions of years to be exploited, since they will not run out if they are used for energy and environmental purposes.

without seasonality

Tidal energy does not depend on changing external factors that can reduce its energy production, it only depends on the tides and their force to generate electricity.

Therefore, it is important to consider that the tides will always be constant and occur in an equitable manner, regardless of the seasons or the time of year.

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Are predictable and can be manageable

Due to its condition, this energy source is absolutely predictable and manageable to control its productive behavior.

Therefore, the movement of the tides is totally predictable. Knowing clearly the cycles, it is easy to know the power to be generated at certain moments, based on preparing production and maintenance plans.

This condition is very different from what happens with solar and wind energy, which are intermittent, so tidal energy has a more predictable behavior and allows the calculation of energy flow.

They can generate electrical energy at low speed

Tidal energy will always turn the turbines for energy production, despite the fact that the tides have little force and therefore speed.

Water is a thousand times denser than air, so it is possible to produce energy with minimal kinetic effort from the tides.

The tides carry an enormous amount of water, so their power is immense, but in a certain way all that capacity is wasted.

Has a long shelf life

Tidal generator systems are highly resistant, so they have a long useful life.

The estimated average productive use time of the tidal systems is 75 to 100 years of efficient operation, very different from a solar panel that can degrade after 30 years.

This characteristic makes these systems more profitable, when they are implemented to produce energy in a massive way.

A great example of the useful life of this energy source is the La Rance tidal power plant, located in France.

This complex has been operating continuously for more than 60 years and producing energy for more than 200,000 inhabitants.

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It is an energy that does not consume raw materials or fossil fuels

Tidal energy is an energy source that does not use fossil fuels for its production process, nor does it consume raw materials that can dry up.

Likewise, it does not consume water nor does it alter its composition for energy generation.

Everything is obtained by tidal energy through the movement of maritime waters.

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