10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Natural Gas

Natural gas is a source of fossil fuel that formed in marine geological environments millions of years ago from plant debris, microscopic animals such as diatoms, and plankton that accumulated in thick layers. Natural gas is a type of non-renewable energy, that is, it can run out, and it is not a very clean energy, so its use contributes to global warming.

It is made up of various organic compounds, however the one that dominates is methane (CH4), plus smaller amounts of carbon dioxide and water. This fossil fuel has many uses, applications and also several advantages that you will learn about below.

Advantages of natural gas

It is easily accessible to households

Natural gas is easily accessible to the end user, as this fuel is available in homes just by opening a tap or a valve.

This is due to the fact that natural gas is widely used at the domestic level, which is why most homes and buildings are connected to a distribution network.

It is an economical fuel

Natural gas as a product is very cheap to sell to the end user, who are mostly homes connected to a distribution network.

Its lower cost is due to the fact that the extraction processes are less complex, compared to liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) such as propane and butane, its main competitors in the supply of fuel for domestic use.

Likewise, another element that directly influences its final value is that the infrastructure for its distribution to homes is built, saving the costs associated with transportation and storage.

It has a high calorific value

One of the advantages of natural gas is its high calorific value, which translates into greater efficiency when it is required to generate heat quickly.

Likewise, another point in its favor is that it has greater thermal resistance in the face of low temperatures, which leads to providing more heat in areas with extreme cold conditions.

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Little processing for marketing

Natural gas is practically used as it is extracted in the deposits, since there are few associated processes for its optimization.

The processes applied more than everything are for separate some elements present in very minimal quantities within its composition chemistry and that can reduce the efficiency of the product.

It is valid to remember that natural gas is a very light hydrocarbon and also its composition is dominated by methane, which makes the refining process very simple.

It is a very versatile fuel

Natural gas has multiple uses, it is not only limited to domestic use.

In the home it is usually used to activate kitchens and heat homes and buildings.

While in the industrial area is used as raw material for the production of methanol, ammonia and propylene.

In addition, it is also often used as fuel for power plants in energy generation.

It is a low polluting fuel

It is the hydrocarbon that generates the least environmental impact, since it produces low carbon dioxide emissions.

In addition to natural gas does not release solid particles into the environment, smoke and bad smells.

It is used as fuel for vehicles

Another use of this hydrocarbon is as fuel in means of transportation and little by little it gains more popularity in vehicles and boats.

This is used in the form of liquefied natural gas (LNG), reducing the environmental impact, as well as being cheaper than petroleum derivatives.

It is widely used in new constructions.

Due to its multiple characteristics, most of the new buildings are built with the infrastructure for the supply of natural gas.

This is because natural gas heating systems are cheaper and more efficient, especially in winter.

Naturally it is abundant

One of the advantages of natural gas is that it is very abundant on the planet, even its reserves exceed those of oil.

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Compared to black gold, natural gas is easier to locate and its extraction is also done more easily.

Its transport is safe and easy

Natural gas, once liquefied or converted to a liquid state, is easier to transport by land or sea.

Regarding its handling and handling to be transported, certain protocols and measures must be applied to reduce the risks of accidents.

Disadvantages of Natural Gas

Has an impact on global warming

Despite being the least polluting fossil fuel, natural gas contributes to global warming and the greenhouse effect.

Your contribution is due to releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere during combustion, one of the harmful gases that causes climate change.

Cause geological impact

The exploitation of this fuel has a high ecological impact, since its extraction requires multiple deep excavations and earth removal.

These actions generate a considerable geological impact, in addition to eroding the soil where the excavations are carried out.

It is not a renewable resource

Being a fossil fuel of geological origin, natural gas is finite, despite the fact that there are large reserves worldwide.

Excessive and excessive use can mean that this resource cannot be used by future generations.

It is flammable, so it can cause explosions

Natural gas is flammable, so improper handling can cause an explosion or a large fire.

Despite the fact that there are many security actions that minimize the possibility of an event of this type, the risk will always exist, therefore its handling must be done with great care and in a safe manner.

Likewise, this fuel is not toxic, but during the combustion process low amounts of carbon dioxide are released, which is considered harmful.

High exposure to this gas can generate nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, choking It can even cause death.

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Generates dependence on international markets

Like all fossil fuels, its exploitation is concentrated in a few countries and they have control over its commercialization.

An example of this is that Russia, Iran and Qatar have 55% of the natural gas reserves under their control.

This particularity has negative implications for the final consumer, since they must adapt their family finances to be able to enjoy this fuel at home.

It is odorless

This hydrocarbon does not have a particular odor, so when there is a leak, it cannot be easily detected.

It is important to remember that due to this characteristic, distribution companies usually add an odorant so that the user can easily detect a natural gas leak or leak, minimizing the risks of an explosion.

It is not an alternative to replace oil

Despite having many similarities with oil, natural gas does not meet the requirements to be considered its substitute.

The differences between oil and natural gas are obvious, of which a few stand out. lower energy efficiency and caloric from natural gas, in addition to not being an efficient energy source, because it is a very light hydrocarbon.

Very expensive infrastructure

The infrastructure required for the use of natural gas is highly expensive, due to the use of pipes, special tanks, among other elements that increase the initial investment.

Its storage is complex

Natural gas is difficult to store because it takes up more physical space. By this situation it is necessary to carry out certain procedures that involve higher energy costs and economic.

It is difficult to access in rural areas

For his particular method of distribution and that it requires a more complex infrastructure, this fuel is used very little in rural areas and remote places, where its access is limited.

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