Green Energy Revolution: 10 Uses of Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is the world’s energy future. Society, technology and scientists are looking for ways to depend less and less on fossil fuels with the aim of reducing environmental pollution and pollution to the atmosphere while trying to reduce global warming.

At present the different Types of renewable and alternative energies occupy a certain percentage in the generation of electricity that is applied in homes, in technological advances and in industry. They have different advantages and disadvantages compared to traditional fuels that you can read about in the following link.

With technological advances, renewable energies are expected to provide electricity to a large part of the population in their homes, whether in large cities or in remote areas such as deserts or rural areas.

Below we present the uses of renewable energy most important you should know.

Uses of renewable energy

To generate electric power

Undoubtedly, renewable energies are excellent producers of electrical energy, one more than others, but their benefits as a source of electricity are acceptable in all cases.

Worldwide, the main producer of energy among renewable resources is the hydroelectric energy that has a contribution over 16% of the energy produced in the world, with a tendency to settle at 20% in the coming years.

Another emerging energy that is rapidly growing is wind energy, which, like solar energy, makes a great energy contribution to the world.

To generate thermal energy

Renewable resources also make their contribution to the production of heat on the planet, this high contribution to the generation of thermal energy is very profitable for its economic and ecological viability on the use of energy based on fossil fuels.

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Biomass has the greatest contribution in this area, being simple and very effective at the time of providing heat.

The production of thermal energy through organic materials has always accompanied man throughout history and will continue to be an effective process for different purposes.

In heating, air conditioning and production of sanitary water

Similarly, biomass energy is also widely used to provide heating in homes, as well as in buildings.

For this particular purpose, geothermal energy is added, which is also capable of offering heat all year round for air conditioning of spaces.

Geothermal energy can also contribute to the production of sanitary hot water and provide energy for radiant floor systems that can be for low and high temperatures, depending on the desired objective.

Uses of renewable energy in transport

Although gasoline is the most used fuel in the world, renewable energies are looking for a space to be an emerging option.

hydrogen It is called to be the fuel of the future, this technology is just beginning to be developed with its limitations and drawbacks.

Another competition for gasoline is biofuels, but these have not been well received by consumers.

In ecological protection

The energy use of renewable resources is carried out mainly to be responsible with the environment, especially for lower air pollution rates and reduce the impact of global warming.

In this sense, the vast majority of renewable energies are clean with minimal environmental impact and their use reduces energy production through fossil fuels.

They are energies that help agriculture

Renewable energies make great contributions to agriculture and farm workers, offering advantages in terms of their use in rural areas.

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In the field, these resources are very cheap and accessible energy sources for work activities that require the supply of electricity.

Also, geothermal energy and energy through biomass offer heat for production processes, especially in the area of ​​greenhouses for food production.

Likewise, rural environments have a new additional economic activity by being able to develop energy crops, because they can sell organic and inorganic materials.

Domestic uses of renewable energy

This type of energy produced through renewable resources can be used at the domestic level, by users who want to become independent from energy networks.

The Solar panels are a good option to generate energy for the home and even for small production centers.

Likewise, pellets can be used to activate a fireplace to generate heat for the home or to use the fire for food preparation.

It is widely used in remote places.

The use of energy through renewable resources is very useful for places where electricity networks have little access.

Places far from civilization use this type of energy with great success.

An advantage to its use is that These energy resources are low and easy to maintain.

Uses in the production of natural fertilizers

Through the use of energy through renewable resources, a series of by-products and waste are generated that, despite not having energy purposes, can be very useful for man.

This is the case of biogas processing residues, which it is inorganic matter that can be used as a fertilizer for agricultural soils.

In the same way, the ashes generated in the biomass combustion process can be used, since they are considered input for fertilizer.

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Off-planet uses of renewable energy

The energies through renewable resources are used outside the planet, in space missions and in satellites that are in space.

The technology used is based on hydrogen as fuel, which is practical because it is produces electrical power and water for the use of the space crew.

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