The 12 most important uses of Petroleum You need to Know

Oil is the fossil fuel par excellence that has powered the industrial sector, transportation, and has provided energy to homes for several decades. It is a hydrocarbon that not only serves as fuel, in fact its physical-chemical qualities make it a raw material that can be transformed into almost anything.

From fuels, beauty products, personal care products, lubricants, plastics, rubbers, pharmaceuticals and more things can be manufactured using petroleum and its derivatives. You can learn more about the benefits of petroleum by following this link.

In this article we are going to explain the most important uses of oil that you should know.

Oil uses

Oil uses in transportation

The global transportation system depends almost exclusively on oil and its derivatives.

Gasoline is the main source of energy for more than 90% of the vehicles in the world This is because it offers better performance and power.

The two main drawbacks of using gasoline as an energy source is its high price and its impact on the environment.

It is important to note that attempts have been made to create fuel alternatives that are cheaper and more environmentally friendly, but their acceptance and use is just beginning and none have been able to minimize the use of gasoline worldwide.

As fuel and energy power

Oil is also used for power generation, petroleum derivatives are widely used for large-scale electricity production.

To generate electricity from oil you need the combustion of a derivative that will serve as input for steam generation at high pressure, which will move a turbine and at the same time an electricity generator.

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The petroleum derivative that is most used for energy generation is fuel oil due to its high calorific value.

Uses in heating and lighting

At the domestic level, thermal energy can also be generated to provide heat and lighting from oil for homes and even buildings.

This can be done by using heavier derivatives such as kerosene, which are very different from those used in thermoelectric plants for large-scale energy production.

For the production of energy be must use a plant electricity to generate it and achieve the distribution to shops, offices and home.

In the production of lubricants

Oil is also involved in the production of lubricants and oils that are very useful for all kinds of heavy machinery, especially those used in transportation and industry.

Among the lubricating products made from petroleum are greases, additives and oils, among many others.

Lubricants are of great importance for productive operations worldwide, since machines must work with them, since they It provides important properties for its optimal functioning.

Oil uses in the petrochemical industry

This industry goes hand in hand with the oil industry, since it is in charge of transform petroleum derivatives that arise from the refining process.

All this is due to the fact that crude oil must be processed to obtain various products for all areas, since oil is an essential part of modern life.

Uses of oil in food

Several chemically processed derivatives are obtained from petroleum, some of these derivatives, such as glycerol and propylene glycol, are very important ingredients that are part of the daily food consumption of humans and animals.

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These petroleum derivatives fulfill the function of keeping various types of food and beverages fresh and in good condition in supermarkets.

In the beauty and personal care industry

Oil is a raw material that can be transformed into almost any product related to cosmetics, beauty, skin care, and personal care. Various petroleum derivatives are used to make creams that are used for skin care.

Other petroleum derivatives are used to manufacture personal care products such as soaps, shampoos, essential oils, masks, depilatory creams, etc.

Uses of oil in agriculture

The use of oil is also extended in agricultural activities, as it is related to the large-scale production of ammonia for fertilizers.

The ammonia as a fertilizer allows raising the levels of nitrogen in the soil and its use contributes enormously to increase the production of corn and wheat, among other crops.

In the manufacture of plastic

Plastic is an element widely used worldwide and is manufactured from petroleum.

Plastics derived directly from the petrochemical industry have the characteristics that they are easy to manufacture and their financial costs are very low.

The most commonly used types of plastics are polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene and polyvinyl chloride. They have multiple functionality and can be used for constructions, transportation, agriculture, electrical devices and health care, among many other items.

In the production of rubbers and tires

Rubber is a product of butadiene, which is a polymer obtained from petroleum.

Rubber is used all over the world and most of it is made synthetically since its demand increased after World War II.

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In pharmaceuticals

The pharmaceutical industry also accommodates petroleum and its derivatives, since mineral oil and petrolatum known as Vaseline are used in the preparation of creams and topical products.

The tar produced from petroleum is used for the treatment of psoriasis and dandruff.

Likewise, the Petroleum derivatives are also present in antiseptics like petroleum ether.

Petroleum also generates contraceptive hormones and steroids as well as vitamins liposolubles such as vitamins A and E, as well as acetanilide, which is a medicine used for headaches and muscle aches.

In the production of dyes, detergents and other

Petroleum distillates like the b ignite, the toluene, the xylene and others are the raw material to obtain products such as dyes, synthetic detergents and fabrics.

Toluene and benzene are the materials used to make surfactants, oils, and wood varnish.

The same happens with sulfuric acid, since its origin is the sulfur that is removed from the oil.

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