10 Benefits of Natural Gas: Efficient and Clean Fuel Choice

Natural gas is a hydrocarbon that was formed millions of years ago by the transformation of planktonic organisms in marine environments in lithification processes related to fine sedimentary rocks in anoxic environments.

Natural gas, despite being a type of hydrocarbon, is considered a very efficient energy source and much cleaner than oil, for this reason it is widely used in developed countries such as the United States and Russia.

Contains mainly methane (CH4), water, carbon dioxide, and minor amounts of other hydrocarbons. Its importance lies in the fact that it has many benefits and applications, you can learn about the advantages and disadvantages of natural gas by clicking here.

Here we show you the 10 more benefits of natural gas most important to know.

Natural Gas Benefits

It is a very versatile hydrocarbon

The main application of natural gas is domestic use as a fuel for tasks related to activating kitchens, heating sanitary water and heating homes.

However, natural gas also has other important uses as an input in the chemical, petrochemical, and electrical industries.

It is a very economical fuel

Natural gas allows the end user to have considerable economic savings due to being cheaper than its main competitors in the field of fuels for domestic use.

In this sense, natural gas has various characteristics that make it a very economical hydrocarbon, such as its ease of extraction and its minimal treatment for its commercialization.

It is a very safe fuel

Natural gas, despite being highly flammable, is of a safe nature, so there are fewer risks associated with its use and handling.

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An odorant substance is applied to natural gas that serves to be perceived when there is a fuel leak or leak.

Also, natural gas is very light, even lighter than air, so if there were a gas leak, it would rise and disperse quickly in the environment avoiding accidents.

Despite the aforementioned conditions, this fuel must always be handled with great caution and prudence, as there are risks that must be respected as it is flammable.

It is a very clean energy source

Natural gas is the cleanest fuel in the extraction, treatment and distribution phases, as well as when it is used.

The use of natural gas has less impact on the environment than other fuels, which is why it is more friendly to the ecosystem.

In Compared to coal, it generates a third less carbon dioxide and half that is released when processing oil.

It does not release lead or sulfur into the environment, in addition to not generating soot or solid particles during its combustion.

Natural gas is very efficient

When natural gas is used, it directly provides a greater volume of energy than propane or butane, being the most efficient option for use in homes.

It is full combustion

Natural gas when burned presents a complete combustion, so It does not generate any type of solid or liquid waste.

This singular characteristic allows the fuel to be widely used due to the low impact on the useful life of the equipment and artifacts, since it does not leave any element that could deteriorate it.

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Natural gas has a high calorific value.

Natural gas has a high calorific value, making it a highly efficient fuel for rapid heat production.

This quality makes its resistance greater at high temperatures, which is why it is widely used for heating homes.

A very important point about natural gas is that its calorific value and its chemical composition depends on the deposit where it was extracted.

It can be used as fuel for vehicles

Natural gas is an effective and efficient alternative to the use of gasoline as a fuel for vehicle transport, having a good acceptance in the public for being ecological and at the same time being very economical.

This fuel minimizes polluting emissions of nitrogen oxide by 85% and carbon monoxide by 25%, in addition to having total control of sulfur emissions.

In this sense, natural gas for vehicles makes a significant contribution to the fight to avoid the negative effects of climate change.

Natural gas for cars is a fuel that evolves day by day, but with moderate use and growth, compared to gasoline, which remains the leader in vehicle fuels worldwide.

It’s lighter than air

Natural gas, depending on the deposit where it is extracted, is between 35% and 40% lighter than air.

This relative density is beneficial in cases where there is a leak or gas leak, since these emissions would disperse quickly in the atmosphere, making it difficult for an explosive mixture to be generated.

No transformation processes are applied

This fuel has the quality of not applying any transformation process for its consumption, since it can be used as extracted.

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The processes applied to natural gas for its commercialization are only extraction or separation of certain chemical components for its distribution. They are very simple.

Additionally, a substance is added so that when there is an escape or leak, it gives off the smell of rotten eggs.

These qualities are reflected considerably in its commercial value, making the costs associated with production cheaper than other fuels.

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