Purple Quartz: Meaning, Properties and Uses

Purple quartz is the most popular gemstone and variety of quartz in the world and in fact it has been used to create accessories and ornaments for more than 2000 years, in addition, it is originally known as amethyst quartz.

The purple quartz It is the stone or crystal that represents people who were born in the month of February, and more popularly it is also known as an amethyst stone.

In addition, this stone stands out because it is used for a lot of articles and accessories for jewelry and as an ornamental stone because it appears in geodes and as druses.

Purple quartz meaning

Purple quartz has always been highly prized throughout the centuries due to its sheer beauty and because it is believed to have legendary powers that serve to stimulate and calm the mind along with emotions.

It is also a precious and semi-precious stone that was formerly considered a “fire stone” even almost as important as theDiamond.

Purple quartz is also considered as the birthstone for february It is also the month that the Romans idolized Neptune as their god of water, which is why it is considered the traditional stone or glass for this month.

Because it is considered the stone for the month of February, it is also associated with love, fidelity and means ecclesiastical dignity and the bishop’s stone.

Finally, it carries within it the energy of fire, creativity, spirituality and creativity.

Why is it a purple colored stone?

The purple color in this quartz crystalIt is caused by traces of iron that are affected by gamma rays from radioactive minerals around the crystal.

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When the quartz stone begins to grow between the spaces of the rocks, it is enriched in iron ions, at the same time the gamma rays of the radioactive minerals irradiate those ions and give it that characteristic purple color.

The intensity of the purple color will depend on the amount of impurities in the crystal and the irradiation time of the gamma rays towards the mineral.

Thus, the color varies from light purple to dark purple, being almost reddish.

Physical properties and characteristics of purple quartz

Here are some properties and characteristics that will serve to identify this crystal.

purple quartzPhysical properties and characteristics
chemical classificationsilicate, tectosilicate
ColorLight purple, deep purple to reddish
luster or shineVitreous
diaphanousnesstransparent to translucent
cleavageNone – usually breaks with a conchoidal fracture
Mohs hardness7
specific gravity2.6 to 2.7 gr/cm3
Diagnostic propertiesConchoidal fracture, glassy luster, hardness, purple color
Chemical compositionSiO2
crystal systemHexagonal
usesPrecious stone, ornamental stone, jewelry

The purple quartz is a crystalline variety of quartzand practically presents all the characteristics and physical properties of this mineral, apart from the color.

For example, it has a hardness on the Mohs scale of 7 and a density or specific weight ranging from 2.6 to 2.7 gr/cm3.

Furthermore, it is in the group of silicates (tectosilicates), and finally has a transparent glassy luster.

Origin, Genesis and geological environment

Purple quartz is related to hydrothermal fluids that originate from volcanic and magmatic activity, however they are quite common on stable continental shelves.

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These hydrothermal fluids are acidic in composition and crystallize minerals of purple quartz In the spaces that exist in the rocks of the crust, the most common rocks related to this stone are the igneous ones.

Geologists and mineral explorers recognize that the purple quartz It forms in geological environments of active volcanism and hydrothermalism at temperatures that exceed 120°C.

Also, this crystal is associated with the occurrence of possible mineral deposits associated with gold, silver and zinc.

Purple quartz deposits

Although purple quartz can form both in volcanic arcs generated by plate subduction, in fact the largest mineral deposits of this crystal are on stable platforms.

Therefore, we can highlight countries like Bolivia, Brazil, Tanzania, Uruguay and Zambia as the main producers of purple quartz in the world.

The purple quartz deposits in these countries would be clearly associated with deep magmatic hydrothermal fluids.

Esoteric properties of purple quartz

Healing properties

In general, purple quartz is widely famous for various healing properties that it is believed to possess.

For example, it is used to help heal physical ailments, improve emotional problems and find the balance of energy and chakra.

It can be noted that purple quartz crystal therapies are mainly associated with some physical ailments of the nervous system, to calm nightmares and cure insomnia.

Currently, this crystal represents millions of dollars a year in the healing stone market, with esoteric and energetic powers.

Protective properties

Purple quartz is also widely used as a protective stone that attracts good energy and repels bad vibes.

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For this purpose, bracelets, pendants, earrings, pendulums and earrings are manufactured.

Buy your purple quartz now

As you have already noticed, this purple quartz has great benefits, and the best thing is that its price is quite accessible, so it will be difficult to get this crystal as soon as possible.

Purple quartz uses

  1. in the jewelry : The main use of purple quartz is to create various accessories such as bracelets, pendants, pendulums, earrings, chains and more in the area of ​​artisan jewelry, in fact it is considered a precious or semi-precious stone that can be purchased at an excellent price in the market.
  2. as ornamental stone : This mineral almost always appears in spaces between rocks in the form of drusen or geodes, which are very attractive to mineral collectors who use them to decorate their homes and museum spaces.
  3. As a healing and protective stone : Currently, a large part of the purple quartz mineral that is extracted from the deposits is sold to people who believe that this stone has healing and protective properties, it is believed that it helps with the nervous system, the mind, creativity, emotions, calming nightmares and insomnia.

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