Wulfenite: Meaning, Properties and Uses

Wulfenite is a mineral belonging to the group of molybdates, since it forms in lead deposits and oxidation zones. It is named in honor of Franz Xavier Von Wulfen (1728-1805), an Austrian-born mineralogist known for his monographic work on minerals, among which he described the discovery of wulfenite.

The wulfenite mineral is one of the most coveted by collectors worldwide due to its rarity, since this precious stone creates unique crystals and shades of colors that few minerals on our planet have. Do you want to know more about this precious stone? This article is for you.

Wulfenite stone properties

WulfenitePhysical and chemical properties
group, classSulfates, Molybdates
Class7.GA.05 (Strunz)
Chemical formulapbMoO4
ColorWax yellow, orange red, reddish brown, olive green
Stripeyellowish white
GlossAdamantine, resinous
TransparencyTransparent to semi-translucent
crystalline systemtetragonal
crystalline habitgranular, massive
Fractureconchoidal to unequal
Mohs hardness3
Density6.5 – 7.0 g/cm³

Wulfenite gemstone is found mainly in the form of crystals bright red, honey yellow, bright orange, or yellowish-orange in color, depending on the intensity of ultraviolet (UV) light to which it is exposed.

The gem is translucent or transparent, while its brilliance ranges from resinous to adamantine (similar to diamond).

This mineral occurs as tabular and fine glass, with an octagonal, square shape and a narrow midsection. Crystals of the wulfenite gem can be brittle and scaly in texture and so many times, contain laminated aggregates.

They can also be so thick that they are cube-shaped or contain pyramidal faces that cut the ends of the crystal. In some cases, it may present encrustations of cavernous aggregates due to the growth of crystalline plates.

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the wulfenite gem It is composed of molybdenum and oxygen ( PbMoO4), creating a particular class of mineral next to lead. It is a semi-hard stone, whose hardness is between 3 and 3.5 on the Mohs scale.

Meaning and metaphysical properties of the mineral wulfenite

According to esotericism, the wulfenite mineral serves to reject any spell and protect people from envy, as well as allows to attract happiness, love and accept the adverse situations of life.

The wulfenite gemstone is also believed to have the power to reduce uncontrolled anxiety, thereby balance emotions.

Wulfenite crystal is a resource used for the solar plexus chakra, also known as the “navel chakra”. The energy of this chakra contributes to achieve emotional maturity and take responsibility for our actions and relationships with others.

Popular culture considers that by focusing on this chakra, the wulfenite gem will attract new adventures in the love and sexual field, encouraging the wearer to express their emotions genuinely and overcome pessimism.

From the metaphysical point of view, it is said that the mineral wulfenite helps to eliminate prejudices on a personal level and professional. He also contributes to psychic development, especially to create connection with the elements and forces of nature. With this precious stone the creative power of the mind and inspiration will increase.

It is important to note that all of these statements are part of the beliefs of multiple cultures around the world, but there are no scientific studies that verify this information.

Origin, formation and deposits of the wulfenite gem

Wulfenite stone originates from lead deposits, specifically in oxidation zones of hydrothermal origin. It is formed during the weathering (oxidation) process of galena, a mineral belonging to the group of sulfides that represents the main mineral lead (lead sulfide).

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Furthermore, the formation of wulfenite associates with other primary lead minerals such as anglesite (lead sulfate) or cerussite (lead carbonate).

Most of the collection specimens of the wulfenite stone come from the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. However, there are other major locations worldwide where this mineral can be found, including Slovenia, Austria, China, Morocco, Iran, and Namibia.

Wulfenite Gemstone Uses

Although wulfenite crystals are generally soft, fine, and sensitive to jewelry cuts, there is a high level of appreciation by collectors due to the rarity of the mineral. Its value is of importance in the molybdenum extraction process.

In jewelry, the stone is usually worn in crystal designs or through healing grids to stimulate the solar plexus chakra, activate creativity and drive away fear. Obviously, these uses have not been approved by the scientific community, and belong to cultural beliefs of esotericism.

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