Green obsidian: Meaning, Properties and Uses

Green obsidian is a type of rock that was created from the cooling of volcanic magma and which owes its color to the amount of iron and magnesium impurities, being able to adopt light to dark tones similar to brown.

It can be said that it is a volcanic rock, although it is made up entirely of volcanic glass, so it can also be considered as a mineraloid belonging to the obsidian group.

This mineral can be found in different deposits located in Mexico, the United States and a large part of Asia. It can also be found in small areas of Europe and Central America.

Physical properties

TYPE OF ROCKFelsic, volcanic, igneous
MINERAL ACCESSORIESHematites, feldspar
COLOURBlack, brown, red

Green obsidian meaning

The green obsidian gemstone is a rock that, like the rest of its family, comes from the cooling of volcanic magma, which is why it is considered a very striking crystallized stone.

Thanks to its particular coloration, it has become a highly demanded stone and desired by many people to be used for different purposes. It is mainly used to make high-end pieces of jewelry, for magical rituals and to perform different therapies on the human body.

The green obsidian stone It has been attributed the meaning of reflection, being also sometimes known for being the stone of spirituality and truth, having great benefits in terms of the spiritual part of each person.

Green obsidian characteristics

  • In addition to being one of the main spiritual stones, the gemstone green obsidian It is characterized by its striking green color, which can vary from very dark to the point of being transparent and shiny.
  • This stone has a smooth surface and slightly sharp edges, which are usually filed for the different uses that this rock is put to.
  • Its weight is 2.6 and a hardness of 5.6.
  • It is a type of stone that has the additional presence of minerals such as feldspars and is considered an igneous rock of volcanic and felsic origin.
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Green obsidian properties

Being a stone that represents spirituality, it has multiple properties that turn out to be beneficial for anyone, which is why its use in everyday life increases. Among its main properties, we can highlight:

Spiritual properties

The green obsidian gemstone It allows each person to clearly see different situations in life, allowing them to be able to resolve any situation in the best possible way, generally those that provide them with positive energy.

She is of great help in problems of toxic relationships, addictions and any negative element. It also turns out to be a stone with protective properties against these negative aspects that can enter our lives.

Esoteric properties

The green obsidian It has properties for clairvoyance and fortune telling sensations, which is why it is of great help for those people who are dedicated to card reading and divination.

Health properties

The green obsidian ore It is of great help to relieve certain afflictions of the body such as headaches, sore throats and any pain that may occur in the jaw area.

In the same way, it is said that this rock, especially because of its color, is of great help to treat prostate problems, provides relief in terms of arthritis symptoms, reduces stress and stabilizes the tension of the body.

Finally, we can highlight that it is a stone that provides relief for sexual problems, being highly used in therapies for this purpose; she deals with releasing the chakras that maintain this sexual block.

Personal connection properties

Finally, among the properties provided by this green obsidian gemstone, we can highlight the connection that it allows to acquire with the earth, thus allowing each person to know their material needs to achieve happiness.

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For all this, it turns out to be a highly used stone and which, according to various testimonies from people, turns out to be one of the most effective for treating all the problems mentioned above.

Uses of green obsidian

In addition to being a stone that has multiple beneficial properties for any human being, it is possible to find different uses for it, which we can classify as follows:


As well as the different obsidian that can be found today, it is a type of volcanic rock that is used to decorate different jewels such as necklaces, rings and bracelets. In addition to granting an aura of protection, they are extremely beautiful to look at.


As we mentioned before, green obsidian is highly used by those people who are engaged in divination and card reading as an option to obtain clarity in reading it.


The green obsidian gemstone It is a kind of rock that releases all its benefits when touched on the skin, which is why this stone is used in many therapies, thus allowing a person relief in all their afflictions.

green obsidian benefits

This stone has multiple health benefits, whether mental, physical and spiritual. The green obsidian mineral has great power, which is used for healing purposes.

  • This stone helps to differentiate the bad from the good, so that you can know if something is true or not.
  • You will have more stability.
  • Protects from negative energies.
  • Helps in overcoming toxic thoughts and/or disturbing energies.
  • It helps us in concentration.
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How to clean it?

When you use the green obsidian ore As an amulet for the protection and exploitation of all its benefits, it is important to clean it from time to time, in order to maintain its operation.

For this, it must be taken into account that said stone must be submerged in salt water for 24 uninterrupted hours to clean it. In the event that you need to recharge it to continue taking advantage of its properties, you must do the following:

You must place it under the full moon for a couple of nights, or place it in the energizing points of a geode, or an amethyst, to acquire all the positive power of this to give each person all their energy.

We must emphasize that this volcanic rock, since it is not easy to find, has a relatively high acquisition cost; but it is in contrast it offers a set of benefits for the human body, which makes it extremely attractive.

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