Rose gold: Meaning, properties and uses

If you like precious and semi-precious stones, today we will introduce you to rose gold, one of the most attractive metals on the planet. However, it is little known by society, so we will let you know all its properties and uses. In this way, you will have a spectacular garment.

Rose gold, as its name implies, is a precious metal that carries a rosy hue throughout most of its structure. The hue can change depending on the composition and it is considered one of the most precious garments in the world.

Given its pink hue it has become one of the most sought after metals for jewelry. It blends greatly with other gemstones and achieves an attractive appearance.

Rose Gold Composition

For the ones pink colors are present in jewelry made of this material, the following composition must be met:

75% pure gold

There are few garments that exist made of pure gold, since it is too malleable a material. So that the jewels have longer duration and a stronger finish, you have to combine pure gold with other materials. In any case, 75% of this metal guarantees stainless characteristics.

20% copper

The copperIt is the material that gives gold its pink color, especially with salmon tones. Copper is readily found in the Earth crust and is known as red metal. In combination with the yellow of the gold, it creates that beautiful pink color that is so beautiful to look at.

5% silver

The silver, one of the precious metals most demanded, malleable and sold in the world. Its main feature is its intense white brilliance. This makes it possible to give this whitish pinkish hue to the gold.

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Origin of the rose gold metal

The rose gold traces its first uses to the Middle Ages, where it was used for alchemy. Later, especially in the 19th century, it began to be used in Russian jewelry that over time spread throughout the planet.

Currently, a piece of gold with pink nuances is highly sought after to manufacture rings, alliances, bracelets, necklaces, watches and practically all kinds of garments.

Be that as it may, its origins are still ambiguous, although it is assumed that this material is due to the chemical fusion of heavy metals with stellar iron. Due, not created naturally on earth. Scientists and alchemists have tried to produce it with inferior metals, but it is impossible.

Chemical properties of rose gold

Gold, regardless of its color, is represented on the periodic table with the initials Au. This is due to the name it received in Latin, aurum, whose meaning is bright. It is located in the group of transition metals, specifically in group 11, between mercury and platinum.

The atomic number of gold is 79, with an atomic weight of 196.267 and a specific weight of 19.3 gr/cm3.

Physical properties

Gold is known as more malleable and ductile metal seen by humanity. It reaches a melting point of 1064 degrees Celsius, which is low in contrast to other products, and it is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat.

Copper is one of the metals used to harden copper if a shade other than yellow is desired. It must not be forgotten that pure gold is too soft to be handled properly. industrial, commercial or decorative. On the other hand, it is a fairly resistant metal.

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Rose gold meaning

The rose gold ore It is linked to love due to its tonality, which is also related to the feelings of the heart. Many people view this rock as a pledge of love and it conveys the message of being in love. At the same time, it is a sample of good purposes and intentions for life.

Rose gold metal benefits

This variety of gold has many benefits, both in jewelry and in manufacturing material. It is true that its shades are more linked to the sex feminine, but it is also popular with men. These are some of the advantages of using a rose gold garment.

Combines with many clothes

Pink is a color that combines perfectly with many shades, whether they are lighter or darker. offers a balanced contrast with other nuances, which makes it offer a great versatility.

Gives a different touch

Find garments lovely pink not as common as silver or yellow. Consequently, a distinctive touch and a unique appearance is created that stands out from the majority.

It’s cheaper

By having less purity and using copper, which is cheap, it is possible to find garments highly accessible. In addition, there are many styles to choose from, depending on your tastes.

Which is better, rose gold or yellow gold?

The Yellow gold is purer, so it is also More expensive. Now, keep in mind that the most exquisite garments made of 90% gold are weaker than those made of alloys of other metals.

Speaking in terms of resistance, the pink gold it is a bit more robust. On the other hand the Yellow gold it is much more sophisticated and elegant.

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if you collect precious and semi-precious stones or metals, any of these options will be practical for you. Be sure to visit the nearest jewelry store and buy your own jewel.

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