Blue tourmaline: Meaning, Properties and Uses

Among the precious and semi-precious stones, the blue Tourmaline mineral is one of the most outstanding. However, it is likely that you do not know all its characteristics, properties and modes of use. For this reason, we encourage you to pay great care and attention to this article in order to explain everything related to this gem.

What is the blue Tourmaline stone?

The blue tourmaline gem consists of a variety of tourmaline stone that presents shades with different intensities of said color. Likewise, it has a very attractive chromatic aspect, without forgetting that it belongs to the elbaite family.

On the other hand, it is a stone that is characterized by being somewhat scarcer than its main varieties. As a consequence, it has a tall value in jewelry when manufacturing pieces of decoration or garments.

They have also been attributed different esoteric and healing properties on a spiritual and physical level. However, each user has the freedom to decide whether or not to believe in said spiritual meanings. In fact, there is no scientific verification of its benefits, but rather they are beliefs spread by different cultures.

Characteristics of the blue tourmaline gem

One of the main qualities of the blue tourmaline is dichroism, although its variable composition also stands out. It is true that this mineral is made up of different elements, but it always has a similar crystalline structure.

In the same way, its crystals are prismatic and are found in pegmatites, hydrothermal veins and granites. This gem belongs to the trigonal crystalline system, with a hardness level of 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale. Its formation system is primary, having zero exfoliation and vitreous shine.

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All this gives it that nice crystal look highly valued in the jewelry industry.

blue tourmalineProperties and characteristics
chemical classificationboron silicate, cyclosilicate
ColorLight blue, dark blue and light blue
StripeWhite when softer than striped plate. Colorless when harder than stripe plate.
diaphanousnessTransparent to translucent to nearly opaque
Mohs Hardness7 to 7.5
specific gravity2.8 to 3.3 (varies with changes in chemical composition)
crystal systemHexagonal
ApplicationsA popular gemstone and mineral specimen

Important deposits

Being one of the varieties of Tourmaline less common, it is difficult to find a large number of specimens in the world. However, there are certain deposits with enough production spread over the extension of the land.

The most important mining areas are in Afghanistan, Canada, Brazil, India, Madagascar, Russia, Africa, Mexico and the United States. In view of its difficulty to find, its economic cost is higher than that of other precious and semi-precious stones.

Crystal meaning

This mineral is associated with peace, being the main symbol of this quality. Consequently, many people around the world seek this stone for peace of mind. It is even believed that it has a high impact emotional level and spiritual.

Blue tourmaline mineral properties

This kind of rock is considered a protection, purification and cleansing mineral, both physically and intellectually. It is also thought that it manages to transform emotions, replacing negative feelings with positive ones. So, it would be suitable to reduce anger, bitterness and grudges.

On the other hand, it is believed that it promotes generosity and conscientiousness, thinking more before acting. It promotes intuition, enlivens the senses, and removes anger and oppression, as well as harmful feelings. Lastly, it is used to reduce anxiety and nerves.

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Blue Tourmaline Gem Uses

The use as an amulet is quite common due to its supposed healing properties. On the other hand, in the medicinal field it is used in the aromatherapy to treat certain ailments of a physical nature. In any case, we must not forget that it is one of the copies of precious and semi-precious stones more elegant.

Therefore, your use in jewelry It is the most common, whether in necklaces, rings, bracelets or decorative objects. In this aspect the uses are very similar to blue quartz, blue topaz and blue sapphire, which are the gemstones that most closely resemble this crystal. In short, one of the most beautiful minerals on the planet that cannot be missing from your collection.

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