Amazonite Stone: Meaning, Properties and Uses

The Amazonite stone is a mineral that belongs to the group of potassium feldspars and is actually a green or bluish-green variety of the microcline, that is, its chemical formula is KAlSi3O8, and its hardness on the Mohs scale is 6 to 6.5.

Its importance lies in the fact that this stone is widely used as a rare gem, that is to say that it is not easy to get it because it is not very abundant in the earth’s crust, which makes this mineral highly valued.

Properties and Characteristics of Amazonite

The amazonite stone it belongs to the class of silicates, group of tectosilicates, specifically to potassium feldspars, being a variety of microcline, but with a somewhat different origin.

Below is a summary table with the most important physical and chemical properties of this mineral.

amazoniteProperties and Characteristics
CLASS, GROUPSilicates – tectosilicates
TYPEmineral, potassium feldspar
COLORwhite, light yellow
CRYSTAL HABITshort binocular
FRACTUREConchoidal to uneven, brittle
EXFOLIATIONperfect, good
BRIGHTNESSVitreous, matte
TRANSPARENCYFrom transparent to translucent


It is interesting the color that the amazonite stone, in this case, is due to lead impurities in the crystalline structure in interaction with silica and aluminum.


Hardness is one of the characteristics and physical properties of amazonite that give it a commercial use apart from its color, the hardness measured on the Mohs scale is 6 to 6.5, this means that quartz could easily scratch this mineral..

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Brightness and transparency

Another characteristic and physical property that make this mineral attractive and valued is its shine. In order for an amazonite to be used as a gem or precious stone, it must comply with the fact that it has a matte, pearly and vitreous luster, which allows light to pass through.

Origin, formation or Genesis of the amazonite

Amazonite is a mineral of hydrothermal magmatic origin, that is, it is formed by the crystallization of magma under the crust or by crystallization from hydrothermal fluids associated with continental volcanism, it also usually occurs in pegmatites.

Because of this, it usually appears together with crystalline quartz and it is often common to find Amazonite with black quartz, amethyst quartz and smoky quartz.

In addition, because it is a potassium feldspar, it is common to find it forming part of granite, in what is known as green granite or Amazonian granite.

This granite is often widely used in the construction industry as a rock or ornamental stone.

Amazonite stone meaning

The name of the amazonite stone It is due in honor of the Amazon River, in fact originally this mineral was called Amazon stone, although jewelers and collectors of precious stones later decided to call it Amazonite as a more appropriate meaning for a rare gem.

In addition, it is quite famous because it is believed that it can function as a protective stone against electromagnetic radiation.

Esoteric and therapeutic meaning

Due to its rarity and its origin that represents the depths of the earth’s crust, Amazonite is considered to have great energetic power that many people use to manage the chakra, and to help alleviate some ailments.

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Regarding the chakra, it is associated with the 4th and 5th chakra.

Regarding the therapeutic properties, some people often use amazonite to improve ailments and discomfort in the heart and throat.

Spiritual, sentimental and emotional meaning

People who believe in its energetic power use this stone to release ties and blockages, they also believe that it helps to improve emotional balance and enhances security and self-esteem.

Amazonite deposits

Amazonite is a very rare mineral, so the deposits or deposits are very specific.

Small deposits include countries such as the United States, Australia, Afghanistan, Brazil, Canada, Madagascar, China, and Norway to name a few.

Let us remember that this mineral is associated with magmatic and hydrothermal activity associated with continental volcanism, for which reason it is found conforming to the granite “GRANITO VERDE” and also appears accompanied by the black quartz, smoky quartzand of the amethyst quartz.

Types of amazonite

Due to its color, many times some people who are dedicated to the commercialization of this gem or precious stone, try to confuse people who do not know about the subject by saying that the amazonite is an emerald, however, you have to learn to distinguish a real amazonite of an emerald.

The opposite is also often the case, many times they try to sell minerals such as green tourmaline saying that they are amazonites (false amazonite), however green tourmaline is a less rare mineral.

Amazonite uses

Uses as a gem or in jewelry

The Amazonite, due to its incredible bluish-green color, is highly valued to be used as a gem and jewel that can be sold at an excellent price.

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However, jewelers know of some disadvantages that this stone has, for example, it is mainly hardness and cleavage.

The hardness of the amazonite is from 6 to 6.5, this means that it can be scratched by some materials such as quartz or even by steel nails, which means that it is used mainly to create pendants and earrings that are accessories that are not going to suffer heavy blows or wear.

Sometimes it is used to create bracelets or rings, but with the risk of scratching.

As for the cleavage, this mineral has it in two directions, so if it suffers a blow it can easily break in those directions, so you have to be very careful.

Uses as ornamental stone

Because this mineral is a potassium feldspar that can occur in granite, it can be used as an ornamental stone.

It is known that granite is a rock widely used in the construction industry as a coating for floors, walls and counters in houses and buildings that are usually high quality coatings or finishes.

And now the amazonite gives the granite a very rare green color but highly valued in the construction industry, to create tiles and coatings.

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