Cinnabar: Meaning, Properties and Uses

Cinnabar is a mineral that belongs to the group of sulfides, it is a mercury sulfide, with the chemical formula SHg, where 86.3% is mercury and 13.8% is sulfur, its origin occurs near recent volcanic activities, waters hot springs and fumaroles, its main use is for the extraction of mercury.

CinnabarCharacteristics and physical properties
group, classSulfides (mercury sulfide)
Chemical formulaSHg
Chemical compositionHg=86.2%, S=13.8%
Cleavage or exfoliationPerfect prismatic.
Mohs hardness2 to 2.5.
Density or specific weight8.10 g/cm3.
BrightnessAdamantine in its pure state, earthy matte when it is impure.
ColorPure vermilion red and impure chestnut red.
StripeScarlet or deep red.
crystalline systemHexagonal
Origin and geological environmentIt originates near recent volcanic activity, hot springs, and fumaroles.
associated rocksigneous.
Associated mineralsMarcasite, pyrite, stibnite, chalcedony, barite, quartz, fluorite, calcite, realgar, dolomite, and copper sulfides with an opal gangue.
ApplicationsMercury extraction, as a pigment, collectible gem, and ornamental carving material

The cinnabar It is considered a toxic mineral, which is why it is a dangerous material that cannot be handled by students.

The cinnabar when it is pure it has an adamantine shine, if it comes to present impurities its shine is earthy matte.

The color of the mineral is red, it is found in vermilion red when it is pure and when it is impure it is chestnut red.

The crystals are generally rhombohedral and are usually in interpenetrating twins.

Regarding some physical properties, it is characterized by having a high specific weight of 8.10 g/cm3, a relatively low hardness of 2 to 2.5 on the Mohs scale.

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An identifying characteristic is that the color of its stripe is scarlet or deep red.

Metacinnabar is a polymorph of cinnabar, that is, they have the same chemical composition but different crystalline structures. The crystal structure of metacinnabar is isometric unlike that of cinnabar which is trigonal

The metacinnabar has a metallic gray color whereas the cinnabar it is red.

Origin, formation and geological environment.

The cinnabar it forms around rocks found near recent volcanic activity, hot springs, and fumaroles.

This hydrothermal mineral is formed at a shallow depth where the temperature does not exceed 200°C, it precipitates from the hot waters and rising vapors as they move through the fractured rocks.

Therefore, this mineral fills the fractures. In some cases the cinnabar It is deposited in the spaces of porous sediments.

The cinnabar it is found in considerable quantities in certain places such as impregnations and fill veins that are close to recent volcanic rocks and hydrothermal vents and deposited near the surface probably by alkaline solutions.

Meaning and esoteric properties

In various Asian and Indian cultures, cinnabar was regarded as a gemstone that had special magical and healing properties, however its use was diminished when the mineral was found to be toxic.

These properties, despite the fact that they do not have scientific verification, have evolved at present, for example, it is said that the stone can help make an extreme change in life or help make decisions in difficult times.

It has also been used as a stone boost creativity of its user, it is said that it helps to achieve excellent artistic creations.

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Finally, over time, it has been used as an element that decreases the negative energies of the mind and body.

Cinnabar as a “philosopher’s stone”

The Philosopher’s Stone is well known in the Harry Potter saga, where it is famous for providing immortality. This has achieved that cinnabar is associated with this legend and in fact in many cultures today this stone is still used as medicine.

However, it is clear that this is false because today it is known that the cinnabar mineral is toxic.

How to identify cinnabar?

A prominent feature of the cinnabar It is its red color, it is a bright red which is easy to identify, it has two shades, vermilion red when it is pure and when it has impurities it has a chestnut red color.

The brightness also influences when the mineral has impurities, since it appears earthy to matte, unlike when it is pure, which has an adamantine shine.

Furthermore, it has a relatively high specific gravity of 8.10 g/cm3. Its hardness is an important characteristic in identification because it is low from 2 to 2.5 on the Mohs scale.

Mentioning other physical properties, it is characterized by having a scarlet or intense red stripe color, a generally massive habit and rarely found with well-formed crystals.

Mineral Cinnabar Uses

The uses associated with this mineral refer to the exploitation of mercury.

  1. Important mineral for the extraction of mercury, which drives mining activity.
  2. In the chemical industry for the production of chlorine and caustic soda through the electrolysis of brine.
  3. It was used in instruments such as thermometers, barometers, various scientific and electrical devices, such as the mercury battery, medicines, amalgamated with silver in dentistry, and silver mirrors are made together with tin.
  4. Because it flowed easily and conducted electricity it was used for gravity switches.
  5. It is used in light bulbs and some batteries.
  6. Mercury in mining was used to separate gold and silver
  7. It was used to make pigments.
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Because this mineral was considered toxic, production on some materials was discontinued, causing it to be replaced by other non-toxic or less toxic materials.

Cinnabar as an ornamental stone

Due to the striking way it is presented and its bright red colors, in addition to the fact that it has been a key mineral throughout the industrial evolution of mercury, it is valued as an ornamental stone and there are companies that seek it to sell to collectors of gems.

Interesting data

An important use of mercury occurs in the United States, where they replace water vapor with mercury vapor for the production of force. Military installations use mercury fulminate to detonate high explosives and paint for ship cases.

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