Larimar Stone: Meaning, Properties and Uses

If you like precious and semi-precious stones, without a doubt, larimar will be a very attractive specimen for you. Next, we will be talking about all its characteristics, properties, and uses. Therefore, we invite you to write down all the specific details that we will develop for you in this informative post.

What is larimar?

The mineral larimar is a blue silicate that belongs to the group of pectolites. It is characterized by its great physical attractiveness, which has made this stone an excellent piece of jewelry. In addition, over the years, certain very striking properties for society have been attributed to it.

It is a stone found in igneous and basaltic rock cavities, but it is not so common in nature. There are few deposits worldwide, which gives it much more economic value. On the other hand, it has been said that its name comes from one of the natives of the Caribbean Sea who discovered the stone on the coast in 1974.

By making a combination of the great waters with the name of his daughter Larisa, the name of this mineral was obtained. It is one of the most beautiful rocks on the planet, with different applications.

Mineralogical characteristics

The larimar It is a rock of the families of silicates and inosilicates with a chemical formula NaCa2(Si3O8)(OH). Its main color is blue, presenting light veins white and tan, depending on the specimen. Obviously, there are also certain stones that have a combination of all these shades.

Belongs to triclinic crystal system, with an acicular crystalline habit, brittle and uneven fracture, white streak and perfect cleavage. The gloss changes from vitreous to satin, with a translucent transparency. Finally, its hardness level on the Mohs scale is 4.5 to 5.

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Important deposits

As we have already mentioned, it is a stone with few deposits throughout the world. It can be mined in rock cavities that are only seen in Republic Dominican. There the sediments of blue pectolites They have been washed out to sea through the Bahoruco River.

It is only in this part of the planet where this mineral is seen with its characteristics of blue hue. The rest of pectolites They are appreciated in white or brown colors.

larimar gem meaning

Before talking about its meaning, it is important to make a clarification. All your supposed powerful and spiritual properties they lack scientific verification. In reality, they are just very popular empirical beliefs that have spread over the years.

Be that as it may, this specimen of nature is considered a spiritual stone. As a consequence, it would manage to infuse serenity, love and peace in each of its carriers. Especially, these claims have become popular in countries near the Caribbean coast.

Larimar stone properties

Considering its meaning, it is a highly sought after stone for harmonize the heart and mind. At the same time, it is said that he manages to bring strength, joy and clarity to each of the day-to-day decisions. In theory, it favors expression and ease of communication in humans.

Being a stone related to positivism, it is linked to the throat chakra. It is also used for treat various physical ailments, such as chest blockages and breathing problems. Women would also reap supposed benefits by being able to better connect with their femininity.

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Finally, its applications lie in any area of ​​the body to soften, refresh and soothe.

Uses of larimar stone

In view of its popular powers, more and more people are using the stone as an amulet. It is also used as a talisman in meditation and concentration in different activities. However, being one of the precious and semi-precious stones more striking, its main use is in jewelry.

Usually seen in rings and bracelets, although it is also very appropriate in pendants and necklaces as it is used to blue quartz. Likewise, there are ornamental pieces and decorative figures adorned with this mineral. Of course, it has been highly sought after as a collector’s item.

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