10 Characteristics of Solar Energy May Not Know

Solar energy is one that takes advantage of sunlight to generate electricity with the use of solar panels and cells and its importance lies in the fact that it has many advantages but also disadvantages. At present it is used for small activities such as heating swimming pools and it does not usually have industrial applications.

However, scientists know that its potential is enormous because solar energy is renewable, it is friendly to the environment and it is economically profitable to install. There is already talk of spaceships and electric cars that run on solar energy.

For this reason, we present you the 10 most important characteristics of solar energy that you should know Also, if you want to know the most important uses of solar energy, you can click here.

Solar Power Characteristics

It is a renewable and inexhaustible energy

Because this type of energy uses sunlight to generate electricity is considered to be renewable and inexhaustible thanks to the fact that the sun is always available to the planet. It is so that it can generate electricity 365 days a year.

It is natural to realize that sunlight is used during daylight hours and at night the electrical energy stored in batteries or conventional electrical energy is used.

In this aspect it can be said that it is the greatest advantage with non-renewable energies such as oil, coal and natural gas, since these are finite elements (that is, they can be used up), while the sun’s energy theoretically does not run out.

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It is a non-polluting clean energy

The Solar energy is considered as a clean and non-polluting energy, that is does not generate an environmental impact very large as if other types of energy such as the burning of hydrocarbons and coal do.

burning hydrocarbons and gasoline in cars or industries generate carbon dioxide (CO2) which in turn contribute to global warming and greenhouse gases. Likewise, these hydrocarbons and fossil fuels generate other types of toxic gases into the environment.

On the other hand, the production of electricity with solar energy does not generate this type of polluting gases.

Works with solar panels and cells

One of the main characteristics of solar energy is that to produce electricity it is necessary to use solar panels and cells. These devices are responsible for converting sunlight and photovoltaic energy into electrical energy that will be used in various activities.

It has a future in electric cars, satellites, spacecraft and autonomous robots

For renewable energy engineers it is not a secret that solar energy has a prosperous future. Currently this type of energy is widely used in small home applications such as charging cell phones or heating swimming pools.

However, scientists are using the sun’s energy to drive electric cars, power space satellites, and in the future it will be one of the main sources of electrical power for planes and spacecraft.

For this reason it is known that solar energy is important and will be essential for the future.

Can be installed in remote locations

Many times conventional electric power cannot reach places far away from cities, in rural areas or in desolate places, its high installation costs and the lack of cables or technology make them a problem.

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In this aspect, solar energy can provide electricity in these remote places since they are easy to install and maintain their infrastructure. At present it is applied in rural houses with great effectiveness.

Used to generate electricity in homes

Although this type of energy can take advantage of the sun’s energy to generate electricity and the sun is practically an inexhaustible source, the truth is that the electricity produced by solar energy cannot be used by various industries or the industrial sector.

In fact, its most important application is in homes because solar energy technology barely manages to sustain the basic needs of a house such as providing light, charging batteries and heating the environment.

It has multiple applications

Solar energy is very versatile and has multiple important applications, especially for homes. A few are named below.

  • It is used as a source to heat swimming pools, in fact in the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia, this is the most demanded application.
  • It is used to heat homes with the use of electric heaters.
  • Used for electric showers
  • It is used to charge some small and basic electronic devices such as cell phone batteries, radio batteries, watches, calculators, etc.
  • It is used to generate electricity in places far away and isolated from big cities
  • Reduces the consumption of conventional energy and the cost of the bill of electricity payments in homes.

Installs easily and has low maintenance costs

Unlike other technologies, in solar energy the infrastructure for its operation is easy to install because it works mainly with solar panels. Likewise, these panels are easy to manufacture and transport to the place of installation.

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Finally, it should be mentioned that its maintenance is easy to carry out and it is not very expensive as it is with other types of energy.

Does not generate noise pollution

Generally, the other types of energy need the movement of turbines or the operation of noisy motors to produce electricity. On the other hand, solar energy generates electricity with solar panels that are characterized by not generating noise. In fact they only convert sunlight into electricity.

Can be combined with more types of renewable energy

Solar energy by itself currently cannot supply all the needs in homes and industries, so it is advisable to use it in conjunction with other energies for electricity generation.

In fact, it is recommended to combine it with other types of renewable energy such as wind or geothermal and also with conventional electrical energy.

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