Green Sapphire: Meaning, Properties and Uses

If you are looking for a new mineral to add to your collection, green sapphire will not disappoint. In addition, it becomes an exceptional gift for a loved one. In any case, here we will talk about one of the most attractive precious and semi-precious stones in the world.

The green sapphire gemstone consists of a variety of corundum, a mineral characteristically used as a gem due to its color and hardness in conjunction with blue sapphire and black sapphire. Obviously, the characteristic sapphire is blue in color, although depending on its composition it presents notorious varieties.

In this case, this variety of sapphire has inclusions of iron, titanium and chromium in its structure and chemical composition.

Its chemical formula is Al2O3, and it is one of the most quoted and valued of the planet. In addition, over the years it has been given powers, as well as being linked to numerous applications. Next, we will present all the details about the green color sapphire.

Mineralogical characteristics

As its name indicates, the main color of this variant of corundum is green. May be slightly nuanced green yellow, purple or blue, depending on the copy. Its luster is vitreous and adamantine, belonging to the hexagonal class trigonal crystalline system.

The crystalline habit is massive to granular, with a hardness level on the Mohs scale of rank 9. In fact, it is the hardest mineral after diamond.

green sapphireProperties and characteristics
chemical classificationOxides, type of corundum
ColorGreen, yellowish green bluish green
StripeColorless (harder than streak plate)
luster or shineVitreous
diaphanousnesstransparent to translucent
cleavageNone. The corundum shows the separation perpendicular to the C axis.
Mohs hardness9
specific gravity3.9 to 4.1 (very high for a non-metallic mineral)
Diagnostic propertiesHardness, high specific gravity, hexagonal crystals sometimes taper to a pyramid, separation, luster, conchoidal fracture
Chemical compositionAl2O3, with traces of Fe and Ti, Cr
crystal systemHexagonal
ApplicationsHistorically used as an abrasive. Specimens with pleasing colors have a long history of gemstone use.

Important deposits

The main sapphire producing areas, regardless of their color, are in Africa. There are also deposits in South America, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India, Australia Y state Joined. Previously, Antarctica was also a region of frequent exploitation, but it has been limited by its delicate ecological balance.

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Green Sapphire Gemstone Meaning

Firstly, your esoteric or spiritual meaning You do not have scientific certification. But this has not stopped many people from claiming to benefit from this most beautiful gem. Be that as it may, the green sapphire is considered a stone of fidelity, integrity and wisdom.

It is said to encourage loyalty, trust and stimulates the heart chakra. It favors the understanding of qualities, weaknesses and characteristic features of human beings. At the same time, it could generate respect and tolerance in a general way.

Properties of the green sapphire stone

This variety of sapphire is linked to calm and focused emotions. Release the mental tension, remove the negative thoughts Y promotes the intuition. Of course, like its meaning, these properties lack endorsement by science.

Still, it is linked to the conscience, discernment and good judgment. Physically, it relieves eye strain, regulates the glands, and becomes a popular treatment for blood disorders. Apparently, it improves elasticity and strengthens the veins.

Uses of the mineral green sapphire

Unlike other varieties of corundum, the green sapphire it’s not that popular. Only in recent years has its market value increased and it has become a very attractive piece. It is sought after by collectors of precious and semi-precious stones, just like as a jewel.

It’s seen in rings, bracelets, necklaces, ornamental pieces and all kinds of decorative objects. Of course, those who believe in its magical benefits turn to the stone as a talisman and amulet. In short, it is an attractive and inevitable specimen of nature for your collection showcase.

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