Moonstone: Meaning, Properties and Uses

Moonstone is one of the most beautiful and striking gems in the vast world of gemstones. This mineral is characterized by presenting the optical phenomenon of adularescence, which consists in the fact that the stone reflects light just as the moon does in the sky and in the water.

Gemologists and mineralogists have classified moonstone as a mineral that belongs to the group of feldspars, being mainly a variety of orthoclase that contains small layers of albite inside, due to this its chemical formula is KAlSi3O8.

Moonstone is also classified as a rather rare gemstone because it reflects light just as the moon does in water and in the cloudy night sky; this optical property is known as adularescence.

Why is moonstone so special?

The Moon Stone It is the only precious gem capable of reflecting light, just as moonlight is reflected in water or through clouds in the sky. This property is called adularescence and is basically a glow of light through the layers of albite and orthoclase present in the rock. moonstone ; it is as if the light floats just below the surface of the mineral.

Another property that makes the moonstone is the supposed benefits that it brings to women. For centuries stone has been used as a amulet that supposedly awakens and enhances the fertility of women In addition, it is believed that it helps the mental, emotional and hormonal balance of women, then it would help combat stress and anxiety problems.

Colors and types of moonstone with their meaning

It is true that the moonstone that has a blue color is the most sought after by gem collectors, however, you should know that this mineral can appear in various shades ranging from white, gray, blue, green, orange and rainbow.

Also remember that the moonstone has layers inside that alternate between orthoclase and albite, they have different refractive index which causes the mineral to reflect light in many ways, but always imitating the reflection of the moon in the water or through the clouds.

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Due to the colors and ways of reflecting light, gemologists have classified the moonstone in some groups that you will meet below.

Types of MoonstonesMeaning, properties
white moonstonePeace, positivity, purity, trust
blue moonstoneFertility, health, creativity, emotional balance
yellow moonstoneSuccess, joy, wisdom, warmth
gray moonstoneNeutrality, mental balance, intelligence
Orange or peach moonstoneCommitment, creativity, youth, vitality
rainbow moonstoneSpirituality, sensitivity, fertility, beauty
green moonstoneHealth, prosperity, good luck, harmony
cat’s eye moonstoneRoyalty, success, abundance

Properties and characteristics of moonstone

The moonstone is a mineral very interesting as it consists of a mixture of orthoclase and albite in a single structure, orthoclase being the dominant mineral, while albite appears in layers within the stone.

The moonstone is a mineral that is moderately resistant to wear, however, being a type of feldspar, it presents areas of weakness and can alter its structure when exposed to the environment for long periods of time.

The experts in crystals and energetic stones in their studies affirm that the moonstone works as an amulet for people with the sign Cancer, Libra and Scorpio, in addition, it supposedly has many benefits for women.

Moon StoneCharacteristics, properties
ore typeSilicate, Feldspar (orthoclase, albite)
Chemical formulaKAlSi3O8
ColorWhite, blue, gray, green, yellow, orange, rainbow, Colorless
Lustre/ClearnessPearlescent, subvitreous/Translucent
Mohs hardness6 to 6.5
Specific weight, density2.5 to 2.7 g/cm3, average 2.58
Cleavage or exfoliationPerfect in two directions, the cleavage planes typically intersect at approximately a 90 degree angle.
Meaning, benefitsFertility, feminine energy, spiritual rebirth, wisdom, love, empathy, good luck, mental and emotional balance.
Zodiac signCancer, Libra, Scorpio
chakrasThird eye and Throat
PriceFrom 20 to 700 USD a stone of 3 cm in length

Moonstone Spiritual Meaning

The Moon Stone centuries ago it has a very interesting history, but it stands out that it has always been related to the mysterious feminine energy, love, sensuality and above all it has been a valuable amulet to attract and awaken fertility.

In ancient cultures moonstone has been the subject of many legends and is said to be one of the most powerful magical stones that form in the crust. In India, for example, it has been used as a symbol of wisdom, clairvoyance and intuition. On the other hand, in Ancient Rome they believed that the stone was a fragment of the moon itself and that it functioned as a powerful amulet that attracted love and good fortune to its carrier.

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Its popularity has been increasing to such a degree that today the moonstone symbolizes spirituality, peace, emotional balance, rebirth, divine femininity and intuition In addition, it is widely used to combat anxiety, stress and related problems.

Benefits and properties of moonstone

Experts in energy crystals affirm that moonstone is capable of awakening in us empathy towards others This means that you will be able to understand people’s problems and perhaps you will be able to give good advice or solutions, from a new perspective of the problem or situation.

Something very important about moonstone is the property of awaken in people sensitivity and appreciation for feminine energy. If you are a man and want to connect better with the opposite sex, then this stone is ideal. Likewise, if you are a woman and want to get along with your female friends, the stone will help you perfectly.

In European cultures it is believed that the gem helps people to better connect and understand emotions, that is to say that will help you achieve an emotional and spiritual balance with the help of meditation. thanks to this too you will be a more creative and intelligent person and also you can control stress and anxiety.

If you want to improve your intuition then you should use moonstone. In several cultures, it is believed that this gem manages to improve how we see the situations of daily life, that is, you will be able to observe difficulties and opportunities more clearly, and thus face or take advantage of them.

Moonstone has been used as a fertility charm.. For centuries, healers and shamans have used the gem as an amulet to awaken fertility in women and also their maternal instinct. If you want to start a family with your partner, it is ideal that you try this mineral. What is done is to use the stone as a jewel or that is directly attached to your clothing.

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Finally, moonstone is directly related to spiritual rebirth, the third eye and throat chakra. Thanks to this, you will be able to make good decisions and better express your ideas, which will lead you to success in the future.

What is the moonstone used for?

Moonstone in jewelry

The moon stones Those that are most valued for the creation of jewelry are those that are mainly colorless and that have those blue tones when exposed to light, since they simulate the reflection of the moon in the water and in the clouds.

Blue-tinted moonstones are quite rare to find in the crust and can easily be worth as much as $700 (3cm long crystal). With these stones are made rings, necklaces, chains, earrings, pendants, earrings which are very striking and are also used as amulets.

Moonstone is highly sought after for collecting

Not only for its supposed energetic and metaphysical properties related to the divine energy of women, fertility or for calming benefits, but because this mineral is unique in nature. It’s like you have a little piece of the moon in your hands!

Mineral collectors know that this mineral is rare and unique. They are willing to pay even more than $1,000 for a colorless specimen that has those bluish tones that float inside the stone when exposed to light.

Moonstone is a symbol of fertility and balance.

In European and Asian cultures the moonstone has been famous because supposedly attracts positive energies that channeled correctly with meditation you can awaken fertility in women. Thanks to this the stone is used as amulet to form a new family and also as a protective stone of life.

Similarly, throughout history the gem has been used to achieve balance of body, mind and soul (spirituality). It is believed that, with the constant use of the stone, the person will be able to be reborn towards a more positive being, leaving behind their internal conflicts.

Where to find moonstone? deposits

Moonstone forms in hydrothermal magmatic environments where there is a presence of granitoids, granites, and granodiorites. The mineral crystallizes as large phenocrysts within the mentioned rocks. It can also appear together with pegmatite rocks of granitic composition.

Although the precious stone can be found all over the world, the truth is that the best specimens are obtained from Sri Lanka and South India. It can also be found in Madagascar, Australia, Brazil, Norway, Mexico, and the United States.

Currently, there is no evidence of colorless moonstone mines that have the much-desired bluish tones. The specimens found on the market are obtained by trading precious gems as speculation.

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