Kunzite: Meaning, Properties and Uses

The Kunzite stone consists of a pink variety that belongs to the spodumene family. It’s about a lithium aluminosilicate which is part of the pyroxenes, presenting very attractive colors. These originate thanks to the inclusion of manganese in its chemical composition.

It is quite a young stone, much younger compared to other types of gems. In fact, it was discovered just over 100 years ago by the scientist George Frederick Kunz in 1902, who was an expert in precious stones and semiprecious.

Since then, many properties and powers to this ore. Regardless of whether or not you are a believer in its particularities, we invite you to discover all its qualities.

Mineralogical characteristics of the crystal

KunziteProperties and characteristics
class, groupsilicate, inosilicate
Chemical formulaLiAl(SiO3)2
Colorpink or lilac
Transparencytransparent or translucent
crystalline systemmonoclinic
crystalline habitflattened prismatic crystals
Exfoliationperfect according to two directions at 87º
Mohs hardness6.5 to 7
Specific weight3.03 to 3.23
Refractive indexnα= 1,648–1,661 nβ= 1,655–1,670 nγ= 1,662–1,679
Birefringenceδ = 0.014 to 0.018
pleochroismvery intense, α-lilac, γ-colorless
optical propertiesbiaxial (+)
Other featuresgem variety of pink or lilac spodumene

It is a mineral with composition LiAl ( Si2O6 ) which is part of the family of silicates and inosilicates. Despite the fact that its main and most common color is rose, there are also varieties in Gray, White green and colorless. It belongs to the monoclinic crystal system and the prismatic crystal habit.

It has a hardness of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale, subconchoidal to splintery fracture, vitreous luster Y perfect exfoliation. Finally, the stripe is white and the transparency becomes translucent.

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Important deposits

His first discovery was made in USA, specifically in the region of San Diego. However, it has since been exploited in other parts of the world, such as Brazil, Pakistan, Australia, Afghanistan, Madagascar, Myanmar Y Canada.

Kunzite stone meaning

This variety of spodumene It has been associated with different powers for many years. However, none of them have full certification in the scientific world. The truth is that they consist of empirical claims Y beliefs that have spread over time.

Either way, it’s one of the precious and semi-precious stones which is linked to the heart chakra. Therefore, it would be able to heal this organ of the body, on both a sentimental and physical level. It also represents the balance of human emotions.

Kunzite stone properties

It is a merely spiritual stone, which apparently favors the development of positive qualities. So, it is highly sought after in meditation, either individually or as a couple. It is a gem that theoretically enhances creativity and communication.

As with other similar specimens, this mineral is used as symbol of protection and purity.

Kunzite Mineral Uses

As we already mentioned, its application in meditation is very common, so it is seen as a talisman and amulet. However, the most important use of the gem is intended to be a characteristic piece of jewelry. It is used to make all kinds of clothing and ornaments of great beauty.

Therefore, if you want to expand your collection, you already know what to do. The Kunzite is one of the precious and semi-precious stones most impressive on the planet. Of course, it can also serve as a nice gift.

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