Spodumene: Meaning, Properties and Uses

Spodumene is a mineral that is very common in nature, but is rarely taken into account. In its most common forms it is not that flashy, even considered boring. However, it has two transparent variants of green and pink colors that are very aesthetic.

These types of varieties are considered precious stones and they are quite valued in the market. Especially, the green colored rock is much rarer than the pink one.

In general, it belongs to the group of pyroxenes, in addition, it is associated with other lithium minerals such as lepidolite, eucryptite and petalite.

Mineralogical characteristics

It consists of a gem composed of lithium aluminum silicate, presenting in different colors. For example, there are white, colorless, gray, violet, yellow and brown shades. However, as we have already mentioned, the variants with the highest valuation are the pinks and greens.

Its vein is white, with a hardness level of 6.5 to 7, belonging to the monoclinic crystal system. It goes from transparent to opaque, with a silky shine or vitreous, depending on the copy. The fracture is uneven, of brittle toughness and is usually found in lithium pegmatites.

spodumeneProperties and characteristics
chemical classificationSilicate
ColorWhite, gray, colorless, yellow, green, blue, lilac, pink, brown. Sometimes pleochroic
Stripewhite, colorless
GlossVitreous, pearly
diaphanousnesstransparent to translucent
cleavagePerfect in two directions with parting
Mohs hardness6.5 to 7
specific gravity3.1 to 3.3
diagnostic propertiesPrismatic crystals with strong striations parallel to their main axis. Perfect cleavage.
Chemical compositionLiAl(SiO3)two
crystal systemmonoclinic
ApplicationsPrecious stones (kunzite, hiddenite, tryphane). Once the most important source of metallic lithium.

Important deposits

The most beautiful and exceptional crystals, with a transparent and tall appearance, come from pegmatites from afghanistan. It is also a stone produced in the United States and Brazil. Now, as for the green gem, it is much more difficult to find.

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In fact, there is only one region in the world where it is possible to find this variant: North Carolina.

Uses and meaning

It is one of the most important minerals of the element lithium. Even the largest crystals are mined commercially for sale for industrial purposes. Likewise, the pink and green varieties are used as precious stones and semiprecious.

On the other hand, the stone is associated with calming properties, favoring patience and purity. It is also believed to have a calming power, promoting sympathy, forgiveness and a relaxed lifestyle. Finally, some people have used it to treat emotional disorders, such as bipolarity or lack of confidence.

Other facts about the Spodumene gem

This mineral is quite plechroic and is easily seen in transparent crystals. When viewed from different angles, the hues vary from yellow to violet. On the other hand, it grows in huge crystals, where the largest specimen discovered came to measure about 12.8 meters.

Likewise, it consists of a stone that easily alters other minerals, frequently to the mica and feldspar.

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