The 10 Most Important Uses of Silicon in Human Evolution

If you do not know what the uses of silicon are, here you will know them instantly. This is one of the most important chemical elements on the planet and offers different applications to society. For this reason, we invite you to pay attention to all the benefits that this metalloid brings to humanity.

What is silicon for?

Before talking about the use of silicon, it is important to know its characteristics. In the first place, we indicate that it is a chemical element with metalloid characteristics. Its atomic number is 14 and it is represented on the periodic table with the symbol Si.

After oxygen, it is the element with the greatest abundance in the earth’s crust, presenting itself in the form crystallized and amorphous and is mainly extracted from the mineral quartz. Over time, thanks to advances in technology, this element has been used for different applications.

It is used as a refractory material, fertilizing, in metal alloys, manufacturing of construction materials, among others. Below we describe the silicon uses more frequent.

Uses of silicon as a refractory material

Silicon is an element that has the ability to withstand high temperatures. Therefore, it is very common to use it for the industrial manufacture of ceramics, glass and enamel. This is achieved since it does not decompose when subjected to intense heat.

Application in agriculture

Much of the fertilizers use silicon as the main ingredient for pest poisons. This chemical has harmful effects upon direct physical contact or ingestion. Once the insects reach the plants, they will die without harming the crops.

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Uses of silicon in cosmetic surgery

Silicone is a product derived from silicon and very common in repair surgery. For example, it is used in breast implants, buttocks and modification of different areas of the body. On some occasions, it is even used in the Rhinoplasty.

Uses of silicon in alloys

Being a metalloid, it has a structure very similar to that of the rest of the metals. For this reason, it is used as alloy element with other components of the periodic table. It is common to see silicon compounds with steel and aluminum. It is even a material that removes rust.

Silicon uses in construction

The clays and silica sands are derivatives of silicon that are widely used in construction. They are vital materials for the production of bricks, stones and concrete. At certain times, they are also combined with ceramics.

Silicon in solar panels and semiconductors

This element is a semiconductor, where its resistivity to electric current varies between insulators and metals. This makes it a very effective metalloid in the electrical industry.

In fact, this is one of the most important uses of silicon that is applied in the construction of solar panels and that improves the efficiency of this alternative and clean energy.

Electronic applications

When you combine the silicon with boron, gallium, arsenic, or phosphorus, it is possible to produce electronic components. For example, it is used to build rectifiers, transistors, and integrated circuits.

To produce fibers

The glass fibers silica-based are used to obtain optical fiber. Likewise, the use of this material for the manufacture of glass wool and thermal insulation is regular.

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Waterproofing treatments

Silicone often becomes an ideal silicon derivative for waterproofing surfaces. For example, be in floor cleaning products. In the same way, this element is used to obtain mechanical seals and high-temperature waxes.

Other uses of silicon

Being an excellent material to manufacture high quality glasses, is commonly used when building contact lenses. Likewise, it has explosive characteristics, which make this chemical very suitable for fireworks. Other of its compounds function as abrasives, acting on various materials.

In the same way, there is a compound of oxygen with silicon, which is called silica. From there originates a great variety of precious and semi-precious stones which are sold in the field of jewelry. In addition, silica is a mineral made up of silicon that can be used as feed additive.

The uses of silicon for society

Without a doubt, silicon is one of the most important chemical elements on the entire face of the earth. Unfortunately, sometimes it goes unnoticed, but the truth is that it is essential for life. For this reason, we invite you to continue learning more about each of the chemicals, metals and minerals of the planet.

Of course, it is not advisable to do home experiments if you do not have the proper knowledge. What you can do is continue taking care of the planet so that nature produces everything necessary for life on earth.

For more information on the uses and applications of chemical elements, visit this page. We are constantly updated to provide more scientific details.

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