10 Uses of Hydrogen as Fuel You may not know

Hydrogen is considered the most abundant chemical element in the universe, and on our planet it is found forming various chemical compounds such as water (H2O), methane (CH4) and various hydrocarbons. Geoscientists have discovered that this element when extracted from its chemical compounds can be used as a highly efficient fuel.

Therefore, hydrogen is considerer as a renewable and alternative energy source capable of replacing fossil fuels in the not too distant future. It has several advantages and applications, for example, it is the future of electric and autonomous cars, of spacecraft and satellites.

Here are some of the most important uses of hydrogen as a fuel.

Main uses of hydrogen as fuel

In hydrogen fuel cells

The entire process of producing energy from hydrogen is carried out through the fuel cell or fuel cell, which is an electrochemical device that promotes energy generation.

This apparatus transforms a chemical reaction into electricity and a fuel agent that is hydrogen and an oxidizing agent that is oxygen intervene.

The energy use process is efficient and has minimal environmental impact, as it involves the combustion of reagents that can generate water.

The energy efficiency of this process is between 40-60% and can reach up to 85% -90% under the cogeneration process and if the residual heat generated in the process is used.

Fuel in light vehicles

Hydrogen is called to be the fuel of the future for the vehicle fleet worldwide due to its different special characteristics, among which its minimal environmental impact.

In this sense, at present, vehicles powered by hydrogen as fuel are being developed, which is the ecological competition for gasoline.

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The energy generation is through the fuel cell that is completely clean and has no impact on the environment.

On this point, this technology still has a long way to go to develop and there are certain implications that do not allow its expansion worldwide.

Spacecraft fuel

Hydrogen as a fuel has an important participation in the propulsion of spacecraft, as it is a input to activate the takeoff process.

The space rocket engine is a reaction engine that produces a large thrust through the expulsion of gases from the combustion chamber.

The fuel is mostly liquid hydrogen that chemically unites with liquid oxygen to generate combustion.

In this particular case, the hydrogen has to be in a liquid state to use a smaller tank.

Also, the spacecraft It is supplied with energy through hydrogen for its internal activities.

Fuel for trains

The use of hydrogen as fuel is also used in the railway industry, since passenger and cargo trains can use this technology.

The hydrogen trains have fuel cells that generate electricity.

The excess energy that exists in the system is stored in the lithium batteries to be released during the braking process.

In heavy machinery

Heavy machinery also uses fuel cell technology, in this case a forklift model known as lift truck fuel cell.

The advantages of this machinery is that they do not produce carbon dioxide emissions, they can also work about eight hours continuously on a single charge.

The time available for recharging is three minutes and they have a useful life of 8 to 10 years.

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Uses in portable power systems

This combustion cell-based technology is ideal for supplying electricity to portable energy systems, due to its practicality and its rapid energetic action.

The fuel cell can be operated anywhere, since it only needs an energy source, in addition to hydrogen and oxygen as inputs to establish the electrochemical reaction.

Uses in submarines

The technology that allows the use of hydrogen as fuel is also used in non-nuclear submarines.

The use of energy allows submarines to maintain themselves submerged for several weeks under water without having contact with the surface.

Another advantage of this system is that it is extremely quiet, preventing them from being detected by other submarines.

Uses in the military sector

The military have a great interest in applying this technology in their aircraft due to its characteristics related to being very quiet, the little heat generated and its ability to achieve high altitude.

At this point, there have been several tests with hydrogen-powered drones that have had success in terms of distance covered in trial periods.

Uses in commercial aviation

The commercial air transport industry has carried out tests to adapt this energy system, highlighting a test performed on a 23 hour and 17 minute flight using a hydrogen fuel cell

In addition to being used as fuel, it can be supplied as additional energy in aircraft for actions such as starting engines and providing electricity on board.

Aircraft with this technology will contribute to reducing polluting emissions and noise.

Uses in the industrial sector

This technology has multiple applications in the industrial sector, specifically in the remote places that need uninterrupted power supply for their production processes.

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In that sense it is ideal for feeding gas or oil wells, communication and security towers, weather stations, among others.

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