The 10 Most Important Uses of Calcium you should know

In this article you will learn what are the most frequent uses of calcium and how they benefit society. Despite the fact that at one time or another we have all heard about this mineral, due attention is not always paid to it. For this reason, we invite you to learn about all its applications in daily life.

What is calcium used for?

Before knowing what calcium is used for, it is important to know its characteristics. First, calcium is the mineral that is most abundant in the human body. In fact, it makes up approximately 2% of the total body weight.

On the other hand, it manages to form varied and very relevant chemical compounds, being a clear example the limestone. It is also used to obtain slaked lime, cast and other commercial products. These are largely used in the commercial field, without forgetting its use in industries.

The use of calcium is common in companies that produce glass, steel, dairy, paper, and energy industries, among others. In any case, here we describe the 10 uses of calcium most common.

As reducer

Calcium is largely used as a reducing material when extracting the metal. It has an important participation in the mining exploitation of steel, aluminum, iron and the like.

Metal production

Apart from being used in the extraction and mining of metals, it is also used in production. works like a alloying agent, so you can get high-quality metal specimens.

As calcium carbonate

The derived compound calcium carbonate It is used for the manufacture of cement. Likewise, it is one of the main components in the glass industry worldwide.

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This calcium carbonate is extracted from limestone and processed from calcite ore.


Teeth need a good supply of calcium to stay strong and secure. For this reason, certain amounts of calcium carbonate to dental supplements. All toothpastes contain calcium to strengthen teeth.

As calcium carbide

Calcium carbide is another of the derivatives of this mineral, and is used to a large extent for make plastics. Likewise, its use is common when making the gas from acetylene.

As calcium arsenate

Calcium arsenate is one of the most important compounds, especially in the manufacture of insecticides. Serves as a phosphide in fertilizers, eliminating pests from a plantation. In addition, said compound is also effective for the manufacture of Fireworks.

As calcium phosphate

Calcium phosphate is used in fertilizers, as already mentioned, but also in the animal feeding. Just as the human body needs calcium to strengthen bones, animals also require it. Therefore, it is used in feed processing.

Plaster manufacturing

The plaster of paris in its hemihydrate form it is achieved through the calcium hydroxide solution. In turn, this compound is essential for the manufacture of whiteboard slate.

Uses of calcium in food

Surely you have seen in the supermarket foods rich in calcium, which help strengthen bones. Well, most of these products contain considerable amounts of calcium gluconate.

Artificial painting

Both the wax crayons Like the cosmetics, without forgetting paints, have calcium in their composition. Calcium stearate is used for the manufacture of all these elements.

Uses of calcium in the body

Calcium is responsible for providing strength to the human skeleton so that it can stand firm. The structural rigidity of the bones is generated by calcium carbonate. Of course, this applies to any type of living being, both vertebrate and invertebrate, as well as humans and animals.

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The skeletal structure is provided by the formation of calcium phosphate crystals. These are found in collagen, where the calcium ions they interact with the compounds of bodily fluids.

In this way, a ion exchange, essential to maintain the balance of calcium between bones and blood.

Take advantage of the uses of calcium

You probably didn’t know all uses of calcium nor its applications in everyday life. This mineral is one of the most important, being essential for life. Therefore, it is of great importance that you give a correct supply of calcium to your body through a healthy nutrition.

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