Star Ruby: Meaning, Properties and Uses

The star ruby ​​is one of the most valuable specimens of nature on the market. It is one of the most attractive, peculiar and beautiful gems on the planet. So, if you collect precious and semi-precious stones, don’t miss this informative article.

What is star ruby?

The star ruby ​​stone is one of the most expensive gems, especially for its rarity. It is a variant of red corundum showing an asterism, that is, a star shining on its surface into six rays when the rock moves.

Red corundum, like other of its colors, is the second hardest stone in nature, after diamond, and was originally known as a ruby ​​stone. For this reason, star ruby ​​is a variant of ruby.

It has become an indispensable piece of jewelry, but also as an object of meditation and collection. Certain powers have even been attributed to the gem over the years.

Be that as it may, here we are going to describe all its characteristics, properties and uses on a day-to-day basis.

Mineralogical characteristics

star rubyProperties and characteristics
chemical classificationOxide, Corundum Type, Ruby Type
ColorA corundum gem with a dominant red color is a ruby. Any other color of corundum is a sapphire.
StripeColorless (harder than stripe plate)
GlossFrom adamantine to vitreous
diaphanousnesstransparent to translucent
cleavageNone. The corundum shows a separation perpendicular to the c axis.
Mohs hardness9
specific gravity3.9 to 4.1 (very high for a non-metallic mineral)
diagnostic propertiesHardness, high specific gravity, hexagonal crystals sometimes reduced to a pyramid, partitioning, luster, conchoidal fracture
Chemical compositionTo thetwoEITHER3
crystalline systemHexagonal

The color of this ruby ​​can vary between orange, red, purple, pink and brown. It all depends on the content present in its composition of iron and chromium. In any case, the most desired color is the one known as pigeon blood, which consists of a completely pure red with slight hints of blue.

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Its chemical composition is Al2O3, aluminum oxide, belonging to the trigonal crystalline system. Its prisms are hexagonal or tabular, just like rhombohedrons. It is characterized by having a hardness level of 9 on the Mohs scale, a white stripe and quite strong carmine red fluorescence.

Important deposits

The most important deposits of red corundum have been for centuries Myanmar. However, it is also possible to exploit this mineral in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Afghanistan, Vietnam and Madagascar. At the American level, it is found in the United States and Brazil.

Although it is very abundant, its great beauty and mineralogical characteristics make it a really expensive mineral.

Star Ruby Gemstone Meaning

For many years, this mineral has been considered as the king of precious stones. In addition, it is believed that it is a protection stone, which eliminates bad health and misfortune from the human being. Similarly, it is the birthstone for people who came into the world in the month of July, associated with the Zodiac sign Capricorn.

Since ancient times, people have believed that the cosmos is reflected in the precious and semi-precious stones, including ruby. In fact, the planets Pluto and Mars have been assigned to it.

Properties of starry red corundum

The properties at level physical, emotional and healing have been the subject of controversy for many years. Regardless of whether you believe in its powers or not, it is a stone that is related to healing. Relieve back and joint pain and improve skin quality.

Star Ruby Ore Uses

Firstly, it is a collector’s item, being sought after by lovers of precious and semi-precious stones. It is also used to celebrate 15th and 40th wedding anniversaries. On the other hand, healers, medicine men, shamans and the like resort to their supposed powers.

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In short, it is one of the most beautiful and impressive specimens of nature.

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