Aquamarine stone, properties, meaning and Uses

Within the extensive group of precious gems, the aquamarine stone is one of the stones that generates the most interest in people due to its great beauty, usefulness and because it is believed to have some unique energetic properties.

In mineralogy, those gem-quality minerals that are part of the beryl group and that occur in shades ranging from greenish blue to deep blue are called aquamarine stones. Its name comes from the combination of the Latin words “Aqua marina” which symbolizes the color of the oceans.

In a few words, the aquamarine stone is a mineral with a blue hue mainly and that belongs to the group of beryl minerals together with the emerald stone, morganite, and Heliodor.

It is the birthstone of March

Aquamarine is the precious stone that represents people who were born in the month of March.. It is said that this gem manages to attract good luck and prosperity Furthermore, it is a strong amulet that protects from envy. So, if you know someone who was born in this month, giving them an aquamarine crystal is an excellent idea.

aquamarine stoneProperties, meaning, characteristics
ore typeSilicate, cyclosilicate, blue variety of beryl
Chemical formulaBe3Al2Si6O18 (beryl ore)
ColorBluish green to deep blue (from trace iron)
Brightness/ClearnessVitreous, Translucent
Mohs hardness7.5 to 8 (scratch resistant mineral)
Meaning, benefitsHope, health, tranquility, creativity, communication, good luck, energy protection, prosperity, wealth, wisdom.
Zodiac signCancer, Libra, Aquarius and Pisces
birthstoneMarch Birthstone
chakrasthird eye and throat
Price$600 per carat (7mm stone)

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Properties and characteristics of the aquamarine mineral

The transparency, striking blue color and durability are the most important characteristics of the aquamarine mineral. The mineralogists have classified it within the group of silicates, cyclosilicates, being a very beautiful variety of beryl, that is to say that its homologous crystals are the Emerald Stone, the Heliodor and the Morganite.

It is said to have very interesting energy benefits for people of the zodiac sign. Cancer, Libra, Aquarius and Pisces. Among them is attracting good luck, spiritual protection, attracting true love, prosperity.

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Its hardness on the Mohs scale it is from 7.5 to 8, which means that it is harder than quartz, but less hard than sapphires, rubies, topazes and diamonds. However, keep in mind that a very strong blow could break the glass into several pieces.

Color and price of the aquamarine gem

Have you asked yourself why the aquamarine gem has that beautiful blue color very similar to the color of sea water ? Note that the mineral is chemically a combination of beryllium, silica, oxygen, and aluminum (Be3Al2Si6O18). Nevertheless, the blue color is due to traces of iron in its composition.

Ferrous iron (Fe2+) is responsible for the deep blue color in the gem, while ferric iron (Fe3+) causes a greenish blue.

It has also been discovered that heating the stone to a temperature above 500°C can transform a slightly bluish or greenish-blue aquamarine into a deep blue gem. In fact, currently most of the crystals sold are heat-treated.

This means that an inconspicuous and not very colorful aquamarine can be transformed with heat into a very beautiful deep blue color. In fact, currently most of the crystals sold are heat-treated.

If you are going to buy this gem, the seller must tell you if the mineral was heat-treated or if its color is natural, since the price per carat (that is, for a crystal of about 7 mm is around 600 dollars) and it would not be fair to pay ditto for an aquamarine that was embellished using heat.

Spiritual meaning of the aquamarine stone

The aquamarine is a precious stone which is believed to represent the eternity, loyalty and truth. It is also said to help expand awareness and compassion, and that it is very useful for meditation. This stone has a very strong spiritual vibration and is especially useful for treating anxiety. In addition, it symbolizes the purity of the water element, which is why it generates serenity and tranquility.

In many cultures of the world, the gem is associated with the hope and prosperity. Experts in energy stones affirm that it is a powerful amulet for attract abundance, good luck and to make good decisions in life. It is also said that it helps to enhance the creativity, communication and that it is useful to express emotions.

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Energetic properties of the aquamarine stone

Aquamarine stone is a very powerful protective stone. According to the tradition of several European cultures, this crystal helps to ward off negative energies and protects against the evil eye. Aquamarine is also said to be a healing stone, which can help relieve stress and anxiety.

Protective properties

It is said that the aquamarine crystal works like a amulet that protects the wearer against envy and malice, Y the evil eye. Aquamarine has also been used traditionally to help calm the nerves and reduce stress.

In ancient times the gem was highly coveted by travelers and merchants as they said it protected them from accidents during their journey. Navigators also claimed that they protected them from dangers in the oceans.

Supposed magical properties

In various cultures they believed that this precious stone contained within it the energy of the water of the oceans; Thanks to this, it was believed that he was able to transmit calm energy and that it served to reach a absolute state of spirituality.

Likewise, its high vibrations were used to supposedly spark creativity of people. Instead, in some European cultures they used it as amulet to strengthen and attract love.

What is the aquamarine stone used for?

Some benefits of using glass

Aquamarine is a precious gem from the beryl group. Its name comes from the Latin “aqua marina”, which means “sea water”. It is the birthstone for the month of March. It is believed to have calming properties that can help relieve stress and anxiety. It is also said that it can help improve memory and concentration.

Some of the benefits of using this stone are:

  • It is a universal symbol of hope, loyalty and true love.
  • It is believed to have calming vibrations that help relieve anxiety and stress.
  • It is a very beautiful and durable stone that is used to make beautiful jewelry.
  • It is recommended to practice meditation

For meditation and the chakras

Aquamarine is a blue-green gemstone that represents the purity and serenity of the sea. This stone is said to help calm the mind and body, and is especially useful for meditation.

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Aquamarine is also believed to be a healing stone that can help balance the chakras, especially the third eye chakra. Some people use it to connect with their spirit guides and to heal emotional wounds from the past.

In luxury jewelry and handmade jewelry

Perhaps the aquamarine stone is one of the most beautiful precious gems that exist in nature; being one of the most coveted stones for the manufacture of unique jewelry. It is common for fashion designers to use it for their luxury accessories. With this mineral are made rings, necklaces, earrings, pendants, cabochons, etc.

Also, remember that this stone represents people who were born in the month of March and that it is very popular among people of sign Cancer, Libra, Aquarius and Pisces. If you love blue tones you should buy this stone.

Protection against the evil eye and envy

For hundreds of years the aquamarine stone has been used as a powerful amulet to combat the negative energy effects that come from envy and the evil eye. For this purpose it is necessary that the crystal be worn as a necklace.

To attract good luck, prosperity and love

The aquamarine stone is a gem that represents the prosperity, good luck and love. According to tradition, aquamarine was the preferred mineral of Neptune, the god of the sea, and is believed to protect sailors from danger and bring them good luck.

Aquamarine crystal has also been used traditionally for attract love and friendship, and is believed to help those who wear it to be more compassionate and tolerant.

Where to find aquamarine stone? deposits

The mineral aquamarine is naturally related to hydrothermal processes that occur within the earth’s crust and that form pegmatites. Therefore, this mineral is usually found at the edges of granitic intrusions and vein-shaped bodies that sometimes contain precious metals.

In fact, the vast majority of gem-quality crystals of aquamarines have crystallized in cavities and spaces in the rocks of the earth’s crust, during stages of crystallization of a granitic magmatic body.

It also usually crystallizes in cavities of metamorphic rocks that have been affected or mineralized by hydrothermal fluids.

Regarding Deposits, the main source of these precious gems is in Brazil, in fact, from that country gem-quality aquamarines have been extracted for more than 100 years, the most common deposits are pegmatites and alluvial deposits.

Other countries include Afghanistan, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Nigeria, Pakistan, Russia, Tanzania, and Zambia. India and Syria are representatives of aquamarine deposits obtained from alluvial deposits.

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