Jade Stone: Meaning, Properties and Uses

buen día coleccionistas de minerales y piedras preciosas bienvenidos a otro post donde les voy a hablar sobre la piedra jade, uno de los materiales geológicos más utilizados a lo largo de la historia aquí conocerás cuáles son sus propiedades, sus características, de dónde proviene y para qué sirve.

What is jade stone?

The definition of jade stone is a bit complex, in general it is considered as a geological material composed of jadeite or nephrite, and it can even be considered as a high pressure metamorphic rock composed of the combination of jadeite and nephrite in a single mass.

Later we will understand why the term jade refers to both jadeite and nephrite. However, it can be said that both the nephrite mineral and the jadeite mineral are considered to be jade.

It must be taken into account that jade of the jadeite n general variety is usually more valued than jade of the nephrite variety, because jadeite is rarer to find in nature.

Properties and characteristics of jade

Now we know that the material called jade can be either jadeite or nephrite, and the combination of both minerals in a single mass, for this reason we show the chemical and physical properties of both minerals in the following table.

Jade stoneJadeiteNephrite
ChemistrySilicate – pyroxene.Silicate – amphibole.
ColorUsually various shades from white to dark green, sometimes gray, pink, lilac, red, blue, yellow, orange, black, colored by impurities.Usually, the color varies between white, cream and dark green.
GlossVitreous to sugary.Vitreous, fatty, silky, waxy.
diaphanousnessTranslucent to opaque. Rarely semitransparent.Translucent to opaque. Rarely semitransparent.
cleavageIt is usually not seen due to small grain size and splinter fracture.Prismatic, but not usually seen due to small grain size and splinter fracture.
Mohs hardness6.5 to 76 to 6.5
specific gravity3.3 to 3.53.0 to 3.3
Chemical formulaNaAlSi2O6o Na (Al, Fe3+) Si2O6Ca2(Mg, Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2
crystalline systemmonoclinic.monoclinic.
Refractive index1.66 to 1.68
(1.66 point)
1.60 to 1.63
(1.61 point)
ApplicationsJewelry, ornaments, tools, weapons, precious stones.Jewelry, ornaments, tools, weapons, precious stones

Types and varieties of jade stone

The jade stone It has been used by humans for more than 5,000 years, originally it was thought that all objects made with jade were made up of a single mineral or a single material, however, thanks to technological advances in mineral identification today It is known that the material called jade can be divided into two chemically different minerals called jadeite and nephrite.

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The jadeite It is a mineral belonging to the group of pyroxenes and the mineral nephrite belonging to the group of amphiboles.

Despite the fact that they are chemically different minerals, we can see in the photographs that in terms of their physical and visual properties they are quite similar and that is why in ancient times these two minerals could not be distinguished and they were called jade. however, nowadays since we can distinguish them the correct term should be jade of the jadeite variety and jade of the nephrite variety

Now, let’s keep something in mind, it is quite common for these two minerals to appear together or form in similar geological conditions, which is also why in most cases the term jade also corresponds to a metamorphic rock formed by the union of these two minerals.

Jadeite usually appears with a vitreous, pearly luster while nephrite has a vitreous, oily luster.

Regarding the Mohs hardness, jadeite is usually a slightly more resistant mineral, it usually even reaches the level of quartz while nephrite is a little less resistant, but in general both minerals are considered hard and resistant.

Regarding chemistry, it is observed that jadeite is a mineral rich in aluminum and sodium while nephrite is a mineral rich in magnesium and calcium.

Regarding the geological environment, I must clarify that these two minerals are formed in high-pressure and high-temperature environments, that is, in extreme geological environments that only occur during the clash of continents and the clash of litho-tectonic terrains and in subduction zones.

As a conclusion to this part we can mention that today what is called jade there are two mineralogical varieties: Jadeite and nephrite, but these minerals also usually appear together and usually form a metamorphic rock of greenish whitish brown and dark green tones that is also called as jade stone so we note that the term jade is a bit complex

Why is the jade stone so special?

Easy to carve and polish

First of all, this is an easy material to carve and polish, it is not a very hard material and it is not a very abrasive material with the tools, in addition, it does not have planes of weakness or cleavage, this makes it very suitable to give a lot of shapes i.e. it is easy to carve and polish

light dispersion

Secondly, its interaction with light is also very interesting, jade can scatter light in such a way that, for example, if we have jade with a whitish hue, when it is exposed to light it emits a very intense greenish hue.

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musical jade stone

It is also considered as a musical jade, that is to say that, for example, in ancient China, wind chimes were made only with the aim of listening to the musical tones that came from it. jade stone can emit in the clash of crystals that are unique in nature, no other material can emit these musical tones

Texture and structure soft to the touch

It also has a soft texture to the touch and does not damage the skin, all these characteristics make it highly appreciated, for example, to create sculptures or in jewelry.

Jade stone colors

Regarding the colors of the jade stone We observe that this can appear in various shades, yellow, whitish, orange, brown, red, purple, dark green and green in general.

Today we know that the most appreciated and valued are those that appear with a greenish hue.

Meaning, Properties and Benefits

The jade stone It has been one of the most valued materials throughout the history of humanity. In fact, in several cultures worldwide, it has been valued more than precious metals and diamonds.

It also contributed to the evolution of the abilities of the primitive human being, for example, they used it to create various tools such as knives, parts of axes, arrowheads, parts of armor and various cutting tools.

It also inspired the imagination of people, as it is an easy material to carve and polish, beautiful sculptures were created, it is worth mentioning that the jade stone It was quite popular in the Mayan culture, but it is in the Chinese culture where jade can never be missing in any family since it is a symbol of happiness, of power of abundance, among other things.

Jade stone meaning

Jade carries various beliefs and meanings, especially when given various forms, for example:

Bat Form=Happiness

When it is given the shape of a bat, that means that we want to attract happiness to our lives, to our family, or even when we give it away, it is because we want the other person to obtain happiness.

Butterfly shape=Longevity

When at jade stone It is given the shape of a butterfly because we want to symbolize long life for ourselves and long life for our loved ones.

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Dragon form = Power, prosperity and goodness

When it is given the shape of a dragon, it is that we want to symbolize power, prosperity and goodness. This was also very famous in ancient China where the emperors were the ones who made the jade stone take the shape of these dragons to symbolize power.

Peach form = immortality

It can also be shaped into a peach symbolizing immortality, this is given to families who lose a loved one to symbolize that that person will be fine in the afterlife.

The meaning Bi Chinese jade disc

One of the most important or most famous symbols created with jade stone It is the so-called Chinese bi disc. This disc symbolized the connection that exists between the earth and the sky.

It is also believed because it has been found in the tombs of very important people, it symbolizes the power or importance of certain families of Chinese culture or the most important emperors.

It was believed that by putting them in the graves of these people then they would be fine in their afterlife.

In general, the Chinese bi disc has a lot of meanings, it can also be combined, for example, with the carving of a dragon, let’s remember that the dragon symbolized prosperity and power, so this is the greatest symbol of culture to attract all the good towards our lives and also both in life and in death.

Jade in the Mayan culture, uses and meaning

The jade stone in the Mayan culture it was also very famous. Various sculptures were created with the material, here we can see a mask carved with jade. In addition, at that time the Mayan culture also used jade in accessories that were believed to have special powers, especially healing powers.

Many Mayan warriors wore jade in battle thinking that this precious stone could speed up the healing of wounds.

Uses of jade stone

Uses in jewelry and as a gemstone

Nowadays the jade stone It is widely used to create beautiful jewelry accessories, let’s remember that one of the most important properties was its soft texture, it is a material that does not damage the skin and above all it is easy to carve and polish.

These characteristics make it very suitable for creating various handmade jewelry and costume jewelery accessories such as necklaces, rings, bracelets, chains, pendants, etc. Even these accessories are easy to find with very peculiar shapes such as dragons or butterflies.

These jewelry accessories are used to attract prosperity, abundance, happiness among other properties mentioned above.

Uses in sculptures and crafts

At the beginning of the article it was mentioned that the jade stone it is easy to carve and polish, this great property was discovered more than 5000 years ago by Chinese artisans who used this material to create beautiful sculptures and handicrafts.

Jade can be given almost any shape such as: dragons, peaches, lions, snakes, pets, butterflies, even people.

Jade in tools

Thanks to its ease of carving and its resistance, very similar to that of obsidian stone, jade was used in the Stone Age to make various cutting tools such as: arrowheads, knives, parts of axes, etc. In addition, it was used as protection in the form of shields and armor.

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