Apatite: Meaning, Properties and uses

In the world of precious and semi-precious stones, apatite is one of the most well-known and used stones, because jewelers can easily carve it, however, due to its medium-low hardness, it can wear and scratch more easily than other precious stones. so you have to be very careful.

In addition, apatite is usually highly sought after by people who believe that this stone or crystal generates certain energetic and metaphysical benefits for its owners. In fact, due to its composition, they believe that it has a direct connection with the human body.

It is a mineral that belongs to the group of phosphates, like a calcium phosphate, it presents a complete isomorphic series, it is considered an index mineral on the Mohs scale due to its relatively constant hardness of five and its origin is due to hydrothermal alteration zones. and in phosphated rocks.

Types of apatite

basically the apatite It is a calcium phosphate mineral that can occur in various colors such as green, blue, yellow, brown, and even white or colorless.

The types or varieties will depend on the impurities that it presents and that gives it certain shades.

Physical, chemical and characteristic properties

apatiteApatiteCharacteristics and physical properties
Chemical formula(PO4)3AC5(F,Cl,OH)
Chemical compositionFluorapatite = Ca5(PO4)3F, Hydroxylapatite = Ca5(PO4)3(OH), Chlorapatite = Ca5(PO4)3Cl, Carbonate-rich apatite/francolite: Ca5(PO4, CO3)3(F,O)
Exfoliation or cleavagePoor
Density or specific weight3.15 – 3.20 g/cm3.
ColorGreenish or brown tones, blue, violet, yellow or colorless.
crystalline systemHexagonal.
Origin and geological environmentSedimentary deposits in marine and lacustrine environments and zones of hydrothermal alteration.
associated rocksIgneous, sedimentary and metamorphic.
Associated mineralsActinolite, biotite, diopside, hematite.
ApplicationsManufacture fertilizers, transparent varieties such as gems, phosphoric acid, elemental phosphorus, in the chemical industry the phosphate compound.

Many of us have already seen it read or heard before on the Mohs scale, this is an index mineral on that scale due to its relatively constant hardness of five.

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This mineral is generally green in color, but it can present a variety of colors such as yellow, blue, pink, purple, brown and even colorless.

Mentioning some of its physical properties, it has a density or specific weight of 3.15 to 3.20 g/cm3, a vitreous to sub-sinous luster, with an irregular fracture and is considered a brittle or fragile mineral.

In addition, it presents a columnar or tabular crystal form, although it can also be found in granular and massive forms.

Sometimes occurs with a botryoidal habit.

Due to their chemical composition, Fluorine, Chlorine and Hydroxide can be substituted for each other, originating a complete isomorphic series. Fluorapatite (Ca5(PO4)3F), Hydroxylapatite (Ca5(PO4)3(OH)), Chlorapatite (Ca5(PO4)3Cl).

Apatite stone meaning

In general, the apatite stone means personal growth, rebirth, wisdom and loyalty. They have also associated it with joy and optimism.

It also denotes creativity, communication and harmony: Depending on the color it will have various meanings and benefits.

According to the colors, apatite can mean the following.

  • Yellow – increases your concentration levels, helps with studies, overcomes lethargy.
  • Blue – Ideal for public speaking, therefore signifies self-confidence and empowerment
  • Green – Helps to attract money, that is, they associate it with good luck.

Finally, it is basically believed to be a motivational stone that will fill you with optimism and positivity.

Origin, formation and geological environment.

The apatite can form in sedimentary deposits of marine or lake environments, this is due to the accumulation of phosphatic organic remains such as bones, fecal material, scales, which later mineralized by the diagenesis process.

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The ore apatite It forms and usually presents well-developed hexagonal crystals in areas of hydrothermal alteration, either in veins or in pegmatite pockets.

It is considered to apatite a secondary mineral in high temperature hydrothermal alteration zones such as potassic alteration in porphyry systems, specifically associated with more mafic intrusions.

This mineral is also found in zonal alteration systems associated with silicic to intermediate intrusive rocks, particularly in continental arc settings.

It is an accessory constituent of all types of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks, but large crystals are commonly found in granitic pegmatites and in hydrothermal veins.

How to identify apatite crystal?

It is generally recognized by its tabular or columnar crystals that have pyramidal terminations, this is a way to differentiate it from beryllium.

Although the general color of the apatite It is green, this mineral usually has a variety of colors, which is not very useful for its identification.

It has a hardness of 5 in relation to the Mohs scale, so it is not scratched by a penknife or steel knife.

It has an irregular fracture and is often found badly fractured because it is a brittle mineral.

Mentioning other characteristics, it can be identified because it has a vitreous to subresinous luster, because of the color of the stripe, which is white, and because it presents poor cleavage.

As mentioned before that it can be confused with beryllium, it must be taken into account that beryllium has a hardness of 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale, it is much lighter (density 2.7 g/cm3), so we can notice differences between the two minerals.

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Uses of apatite stone

Uses of apatite in phosphate rock

  1. Phosphate rock, of great importance because it is the major source of phosphates, is used to produce enough fertilizer to meet world demand so that farmers can grow enough food.
  2. As elemental phosphorus.
  3. It is used for animal feed supplements.
  4. Phosphoric acid.
  5. In the chemical industry the phosphate compound is needed.

Apatite as a precious and ornamental stone

  1. As collectible gemstones, transparent apatite varieties that feature vivid colors (green, pink, yellow, blue) are used as gems. Because it is a soft mineral, it is not used in jewelry.
  2. Its greenish or brown, blue, violet, yellow or even colorless crystalline colors make it attractive to be used as an ornamental stone.
  3. Basically they are used to make pendants, rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings and more accessories.

Metaphysical and esoteric uses

To awaken your psychic abilities, increase your psychic strength, and get in touch with your spirit guides, then meditate with Apatite near the center of your forehead.

If you want to use your vibrations to purify and raise the energy of the environments, spread some apathy in the 4 corners of the room you want to energize.

To use its therapeutic effects, protect your energy field, increase your spiritual strength and strengthen your extrasensory perception, wear an apatite jewel.

How to clean apatite crystal?

To clear your energy, wash it in running water with sea salt for about 3 minutes.

To recharge your batteries, leave it under the sun for a maximum of 10 minutes, as it is sensitive to light and may lose its color if exposed for a long time.

Also leave it under the moonlight for about 4 hours to balance your spiritual strength.

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