Fracking: Intro, Characteristics, Consequences and Operation

On this occasion we present a complete guide on “fracking” or hydraulic fracturing, one of the most controversial practices to extract hydrocarbons that exist. Keep in mind that the oil industry has carried out this technique since the 1860s and today, Fracking is the most used technique in the extraction of gas and oil in the United States.

Fracking is also promoted as the best solution for the recovery of less accessible hydrocarbons, however, environmentalists are concerned about its impact on the environment that it can generate in the short and long term. They claim fracking affects water quality, generates high greenhouse gas emissions (including methane emissions), and even small earthquakes.

What is fracking or hydraulic fracturing?

In general, we can define fracking or hydraulic fracturing as the process of injecting liquid at high pressure into rocks and deep underground wells (vertical, inclined and horizontal wells) with the aim of fracturing them and extracting oil or gas.

How is hydraulic fracturing done?

The hydraulic fracturing It begins with a vertical or inclined well that can extend several kilometers deep until it reaches the rock that contains the hydrocarbons, that is, the reservoir. When the well reaches the reservoir, it is sometimes necessary to make a horizontal well to extract the hydrocarbons.

Steel casings are then inserted into the hole and cement is used to fully or partially fill the space between the outside of the casing and the surrounding rock. Subsequently, the fracking fluid it is pumped at high pressure into the space around the shell, either creating new fractures or expanding existing cracks in the surrounding rock. These new fractures in the rocks allow oil or natural gas to flow to the surface.

Basically what is done is to create new spaces and improve effective porosity of the deposit to be able to extract the hydrocarbons that previously could not be extracted, that is to say that the production of the deposit is improved.

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Once the process of fracking the well, the internal pressure of the rock formation begins to push the fluid through the wellbore toward the surface. The fluid, known as “flowback,” may contain the injected chemicals, as well as naturally occurring hydrocarbons, radionuclides (an atom or nucleus radioactive), brines and metals. Subsequently, this residual water is reinjected into the rock formation already free of hydrocarbons or is treated in special plants.

What does the fluid used to do Fracking contain?

Fracking fluid contains chemical additives and proppants (tiny particles that hold fractures open). According to a 2015 EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) report, fracking fluids hydraulic fracturing fluids contain 88% water (by mass), 10% quartz proppant and less than 1% additives.

Hydrochloric acid, methanol, and hydrotreated light petroleum distillates accounted for more than 65% of the additives reported and tested.

What is known about the chemical additives used in hydraulic fracturing?

There are several general types of additives in fracking fluid There are acids, which dissolve minerals and help to easily recover the flow of fossil fuels, they also contain corrosion inhibitors to protect the steel components of the well from damage.

In addition, biocides kill bacteria, and gelling agents push proppants into fractures in the bedrock (layers of rock below the surface). Commonly used chemical additives include methanol, propargyl alcohol, and ethylene glycol, all of which are considered hazardous to humans.

The controversy behind fracking or hydraulic fracturing

The controversy behind fracking responds that it is believed to generate groundwater pollution, air pollution and could even cause harmful effects to health since the chemicals used could be carcinogenic.

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People who live near operations hydraulic fracturing They affirm that there is pollution, earthquakes, excessive noise and they are even afraid of drinking contaminated water. Environmentalists even claim that fracking contributes excessively to climate change by emitting greenhouse gases.

In summary, frackin is believed to be bad for the following reasons:

  • The procedure requires large volumes of water that can affect the availability of the resource in nearby locations.
  • The fluids used in hydraulic fracturing They may contain some chemicals considered hazardous to health that can accidentally spill into the environment and even contaminate river water or groundwater.
  • The wastewater resulting from the procedure also contains a high percentage of metals and chemicals that are hazardous to health.
  • Fracking is said to alter rock conditions at depth and this can cause earthquakes.
  • The methane that is found at depth and that accompanies the hydrocarbons can eventually be released into the environment and pollute the atmosphere or cause serious accidents.
  • The construction of wells and platforms for fracking cause landscape impacts and a lot of noise.
  • Increase the carbon footprint of countries and of each person. Learn how to calculate your personal carbon footprint.

Benefits and advantages of Fracking or hydraulic fracturing

  1. Fracking can facilitate access to hydrocarbons and natural gas
  2. Increase in hydrocarbon reserves
  3. It can give us more time to transition to renewable energy
  4. Fracking helps make countries energy independent
  5. It can strengthen the economy of some countries.
  6. Fairly cheap process for exploiting fossil fuel deposits
  7. Helps control and lower oil and gas prices
  8. Using natural gas may be less damaging than coal
  9. Generates a large number of jobs
  10. Fracking technology can be further optimized
  11. Power production companies can also benefit
  12. Improves tax revenue for local municipalities and the state
  13. Most processes occur underground

Consequences and Disadvantages of Fracking or hydraulic fracturing

  1. Harmful chemicals are used that can affect health
  2. Generates noise pollution
  3. The hydraulic fracturing could eventually contaminate surface and groundwater sources
  4. Fracking can contribute to soil contamination
  5. Small earthquakes can be generated
  6. Microhabitats can be destroyed
  7. May affect endangered species
  8. Hydraulic fracturing can lead to ecological imbalance
  9. Large amounts of water are consumed and can affect local towns, flora and fauna
  10. Fracking can lead to local air pollution
  11. Large volumes of methane can eventually be released into the environment
  12. Workers are at higher risk of health problems
  13. It is not clear what the long-term effects and consequences are
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Is the application of fracking worth it today?

It is clear that the hydraulic fracture It has managed to significantly increase the production and reserves of hydrocarbons and become a technique that offers many economic advantages, especially to countries such as Russia, the United States and the United Arab Emirates.

Also, the fracking It has become an activity that generates many sources of employment and makes it possible to take advantage of hydrocarbons that were completely inaccessible before. However, it continues to contribute with the consumption of fossil fuels that in the long run continues to contribute with climate change.

At present, the world is still not energetically self-sustaining and needs fossil fuels to generate energy and therefore will continue to need fracking more and more, due to the fact that oil and gas reserves are increasingly difficult to extract and it is necessary the use of the hydraulic fracturing for its use.

The only solution to stop depending on fracking in the future is for countries to gradually migrate to types of clean renewable energy, that is, the solution is for countries to stop depending on hydrocarbons for power generation.

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